
Castiel x Reader

You had decided to go on a hunt by yourself, stupid idea. All signs were pointing to it to just be a revengeful soul, but it turns out that it was demos, a lot of them. You had tried to protect yourself, but you didn't bring Rubies knife thinking you wouldn't need it. The demons had captured you and tortured you for information about your brothers, the Winchesters.

They did everything they could think of, but you still wouldn't crack. They cut every surface of your body, and you were left in a shredded tank top and sliced skinny jeans. You coughed up some blood and had one eye swollen shut. You had almost gotten the ropes tying you to the chair broken with your fingernails, which had gone raw from the effort.

The demon torturing you finally left the room, leaving you going in and out of consciousness and nearly free from the ropes. At last the ropes around you loosened and you pulled your hands back with bloody fingertips. You climbed out of a basement window, revealing you were at the same house you were before, and luckily your old Cadillac was still parked out there. You pulled yourself out through the window, as you drifted out of consciousness.

You were checking each room carefully, making sure not to make too much noise. Each room was empty and full of dust, but the remains had to be there. Finally in one of the last rooms, you noticed a small line in the wall. You pulled out you safari knife and preyed the line open, revealing a secret door. Through the door was a staircase leading to the basement. That had to be where the remains are.

You slowly walked down each step of the staircase, careful not to miss anything. When you were halfway down, you thought you heard something behind you, causing you to spin around and falling backwards, rolling down the stairs. You held your hand to your bleeding nose from the fall, and groaned. The spirit will surely notice you were there now, you really should have brought at least one of your brothers with you on this hunt.

As if right on cue, a spirit appeared in front of you and grabbed your collar, it was a young teenage girl, who had killed herself after being bullied so much. Apparently she just wanted to lock herself up in her room and not ever leave, and when her parents didn't allow that, well, she killed herself.

"All i want is to be left alone! Is it really to much to ask?"

The spirit held up a knife to your throat, and you quickly pulled out your gun and shot a salt round. The spirit disintegrated, for now. You ran into the nearest room, finding a chest, and when you opened it, it was a old book, almost like a diary, sitting at the bottom. You knew that this was it, you covered the book in gasoline and salt, and lit a match. You set the book on fire, and the spirit sneaking up behind you burst into flames. You sighed in relief and got ready to head back to your car, and head home before Sam and Dean got back from their own hunt, when someone grabbed you and knocked you out.

You woke up to yelling, the demons. They had found out you escaped, and could find you any second. You slowly got up and limped over to your car, hopping in and starting it up. You immediately pulled out and drove away, out of the town, out of the state, and back to the bunker.

You turned on Eye of the Tiger and started driving up the driveway to the bunker. Several times you had to stop and rest, or get aids for yourself, but you still had managed to get to the bunker. You parked, probably crookedly, and limped to the door. You knew your brothers were home, for the Impala was parked right outside. You opened the door to the bunker and started to walk down the stairs.

Half way down you had to sit down and rest, you got up and started walking again. When you reached the bottom a sharp pain reached you stomach, and you looked down to see several streams of blood running down your already bloody and bruised legs, your hands were almost pure white, you knew you didn't have much time left.

"Dean...Sam..." you said weakly and then choked on the words as more blood started to creep up your throat.

"y/n? Is that you? Where the hell have you been?"

Suddenly Dean stormed into the room, not noticing you yet.

"We were worried sick about you, what if you got-holy shit y/n!"

Dean rushed over to you, and you collapsed into his arms, glad to not have to use strength to stand anymore. You were hoarsely breathing, and had double vision. Suddenly everything went mute, and you could only hear your own thoughts. Sam appeared in the picture, and they both slowly carried you to your room. You felt a small pain as they dabbed your wounds with whiskey and started to sow it up with dental floss, you looked down to see that even though they were stitched up, your wounds still were bleeding heavily, and the color was draining from your body quick.

Suddenly you saw something out of the corner of your eye and looked up to see Cas, his eyes covered in a glossy layer, he ran up to you and kissed your cheek, you guys had been together ever since you had met, his mouth moved but you didn't understand what he was saying. Then after a while you could tell he was saying something like when he realized you went deaf. He put two fingers to your head, but nothing happened. cad turned to Sam and Dean and started to explain something, and they all started to get tears rolling down their cheeks. You knew what was wrong, Cas didn't have enough grace to heal you. You were gonna die, here and now, because you didn't listen to your brothers. It was getting harder to breath by the second, and suddenly you shot up coughing, blood spilling out all over your blue bed sheets. Dean ran over to you and wiped your chin with a rag. You felt drifty, and you knew your were short on time.

You leaned back and all three boys leaned over you and you felt their tears on your cheeks like rain drops. You tried to take another breath but gagged on blood. That was it, you saw a flash of light, and then forever darkness.

He watched as the light in y/n eyes disappear, and a long steam of blood exited her mouth. He should have kept watch on her, he should have made sure she was safe. She had even told him that she was going on a hunt two weeks earlier, yet he thought she would be fine. Cas closed her eyes with his hands, and immediately zapped out of the room. He couldn't bear to see her like that again, he would get revenge, he would find the demon that did this, and kill him and everyone else that had ever hurt y/n.

