


You really just wanted to stand up and punch lucifer in the face, but you couldnt, because then Sam and Dean would know you were seeing him. It was about 5 in the morning, and you hadnt slept in about 3 days, and pretended to eat for the past week.

    You decided to take a shower, after hearing chat in the library you knew Sam and Dean were up, so they wouldnt suspect much. Apparently when Lucifer put a sombrero on your head and started to sing mexican songs, Sam and Dean could see the Sombrero.

"Uh y/n, why are you wearing a sombrero?"

You looked up and felt heat rising inside of you, suddenly you heard a faint singing of Eye of the Tiger, for exactly the 378th time. That was it, you broke. For Sam and Dean it looked like you were yellig at nothing, but for you, you were yelling at Lucifer.

"Would you stop singing that fucking song! I would really appreciate it if you would stop keeping me up and making it look like my food is full or maggots! Oh, but noooo, you have to do all this because your the great fucking Lucifer, right? Well do it to someone else because im freaking tired of it!"

You then felt slightly dizzy, and looked over to see Lucifer with his arms crossed.

"You dont want to make me mad y/n, you should know better."

Then it was black.

"Hey y/n... y/nnnn, you know I wouldnt let you sleep that long!"

You groaned and threw a pillow over your ears, when it was pryed off by none other than Sam. He of course had concern spread all over his face.

"Y/n, what was that all about?"

"What was what all about?"

"The yelling at Lucifer who wasnt even there."

"Oh yeah, I see him."

"What do you mean you see him?"

"I see him as in I him. I also hear him."

"Is he here right now?"

"Yeah, he may or may not be trying to get me to play twister."

"How long have you been seeing him?"

"Couple months, it didnt really get thag bad until a week ago, I havent really eaten or slept in a week."

"Well... lets try and get some food in you."

Sam led you to the kitchen and made you a simple bowl of cereal. You started eating it when you suddenly froze, the milk in the bowl had turned red, and you spit out what you thought was cereal, but eventually became teeth, bones, and even an eyeball. You pushed away the bowl and reached for the glass to wash out you mouth, only to see it full of urine.

"You ok y/n?"

"Yeah, uh, just lost my appetite..."

"Why? I would thinm your starving..."

"The... uh... the cereal is full of body parts..."


"There's a eyeball in my cereal at the moment."

"I dont see an eyeball..."

"I know, but I do."

You sat staring at your cereal, before something moved in it making you wince. Sam stood up and embraced you.

"Its ok y/n, its your mind playing tricks on you, nothing will happen, we will make it through this together..."

You smiled as Sam kissed the top of your head. For once in a while you got a little hope, and thought maybe you could make it through this.