
Castiel x Reader Part 2

It had been a year. You had gotten a angel warding tattoo on you stomach, and had somehow gotten a job at the local library. You were now living a fully normal and human life, just like in all the books you read.

    You were pushing a cart around the library and were putting books back into the history section. You felt a presence approach you, and you turned around to see Olive, your vest and only friend, she worked at the library too.

"Hey y/n?"

"Yes? Do you need help finding the realistic fiction section again?"

"No, I need whichever section would have something about... uh... I think it was the history of this very town...?"

"Oh well that would be in the histiry section, which is right here..."

You searched the bookshelves and found a old log book on the town you now lived in. You pulled it out and several others and handed them to Olive, who thanked you and headed out. Who would want to know anything about the history of this town? Hunters?? No it was probably some kids doing a project.

     You headed back to your desk, and had your back to the front when you were looking through some files. You heard a small ding and you started to quicken your pace to get to the customer.

"Hey, do you guys have any books on Angels?"

"Angels? Well we have lots of books on angels, what kind of angel are you looking for? Cupids? Archa-"

You froze when you saw who was standing at the desk, and they froze when they saw you too. It was Sam, of course how did you not notice?

"Well... I was trying to find ways to track angels... but I guess I dont need it now that ive found them..."

"Sam! Leave immediately! I do not wish to be found! Please dont tell Cas and please dont tell anyone else!!!"

"Y/n... Cas has been going insane! He found your grace and keeps sit on a necklace around his neck, and even if Dean or I were to try and touch it, he would wound us pretty badly!"

"Look, im sorry, you can tell him im ok, just dont tell him where I am..."

"Y/n you need to come back..."

"And stay in the same room and read a bunch of books for the nect 100 years? No thank you! I am living a normal human life and im enjoying it!"

Sam gulped and then he looked to the ceiling, and when you realized what he was doing it was too late. You heard a flapping of wings behind you and froze. You then turned around to see Cas standing there, he had tears forming in his eyes.


"Hey Cas..."

"Its been so long..."

You hugged Cas and when you were about to let go, you felt a gush of wind, and found yourself standing in a old dirty motel room.

"Y/n? Holy crap is that you?"

"Hey Dean..."

You were then ebraced several times by everyone, and then Cas took out his necklace.

"I found your grace y/n..."

He opened it up, and before you could do anything, you felt your entire body warm up, and your wings remolded, and you felt whole again. Even though you liked beig a human, you felt whole again.

"Im so sorry Cas..."

"No, im sorry, I should have allowed you to explore earth more often, but instead this happened, and you had to hide from me..."

"I missed you Cas..."

:I missed you too y/n."