
—King of Ghosts—

Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades and the King of Ghosts with many other titles. The person who's known to have more secrets than anybody else in both camps found out his friends and boyfriend's secret that had been kept for 3 months. As he left Camp Half-blood with the strong emotions of heartbreak and betrayal, he travelled through the shadows with one thought in mind: family. Arriving at the most crime-ridden city in the World, the broken King of Ghosts encountered with the infamous duo, Batman and Robin. With this encounter, Nico will experience challenges for the world and his life. Come and Find out, what our favourite King of Ghosts will face...

Yoo_Aera · Book&Literature
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16 Chs


XXX Building, Gotham City.

In an abandoned building, shadows started to gather in one place. The shadows forming a silhouette of a small person. As the person emerged, he screamed out. All of the emotions he hid, coming out.

As he screamed, a blast of raw magical energy/power was felt by almost every person in Gotham. It sent everyone who felt the power, a sudden burst of emotion: sorrow.

All of them felt sorrow. It almost seem like, Nico wanted to let them know what he feel at that moment. The strongest emotion he felt at that moment. At the moment everyone betrayed him. Again.

After the sudden burst of power/magic, the said small person that came from the shadows fainted. His body limp, and his mind unconscious.

Before the boy hit his head on the hard concrete floor and cause a serious concussion and blood splatter. A man clad in a black bat-themed costume that also came from the shadows caught him.

" Robin. " the man called. Suddenly, a boy in colorful clothes appeared from the shadows.

" On it, Batman. " Robin said, calling their rides to their location.

The infamous superhero Batman and his sidekick, the 'Boy wonder' Robin, was just doing their nightly patrol and they didn't expect to see anything that just happened a while ago.

The duo saw the scene where the boy in front of them came out of the shadows bursting out a heartbreaking scream and raw power. They felt the sudden rise of sorrow and remembered memories of their parents tragic end and both didn't want to admit, that tears fell off their eyes.

With silence, the famous duo started going back to their rumored batcave or hideout in their own vehicle or transportation. Batman laying the metahuman(he guessed) on the shotgun seat of his Batmobile.

( After they entered the Batcave with no one following them. )

As they entered the Batcave, a man who looked old enough to be a grandfather stepped into said cave.

He looked at the body his employer and son-figure brought in his arms for a moment then looked at them with a nod.

" Welcome back, Master Bruce. Master Richard. It seems like you brought a guest. If I may ask, who's this guest you're carrying? "

Batman handed the boy to Robin as he is not that heavy. He faced the British Butler, taking off the cowl covering his face and secret identity, which is him being the richest person in Gotham. Bruce Wayne. The known playboy of Gotham.

" We don't know yet, but he's a meta-human. He seemed to have fainted after using his powers. " Bruce said, his demeanor changing form serious to 10% less serious. Alfred, the butler of the Wayne Mansion and the father-figure and grandfather-figure to both Batman and Robin nodded.

" I'll go prepare a room for the guest. " with that, the favorite butler to all left and did what he said.

Bruce walked towards Richard or Dick, who already pulled the mask on his face off. He was standing beside the concluded meta-human that layed on a metal table.

" Does he have anything on him? " Dick nodded, his finger tracing the faint scars on the still unconscious Nico di Angelo's wrist. His eyebrows furrowing as he traced the exposed scars.

" He have a wallet on his pocket, but there's no name on it. Only a picture of him and some blonde guy and tons of cash and a black card, but that's no problem, we can still identify him by face recognition. And... " Dick looked at Bruce, eyes asking for permission to continue which was granted with a small nod. " He looked like he was crying. His eyes are red. His face has dried tears on it. Although he has no injuries, his body is full of scars. Some looks like from fights and some looks like...self-harm. "

Bruce's blue eyes narrowed at the boy's figure. He doesn't seem to be starved. He doesn't look fat but also not that thin. He also looked like at the age of 14.

Overall he looks Healthy except for his unnatural pale skin. It didn't look like he was an abused kid at first or second sight, but if you look really close. You could see that there are scars blending on his pale skin littered all over the exposed area on his body. His arms, neck and some on his face.

" Bring him upstairs and watch over him, Dick. " The young superhero nodded at his mentor's words and took the boy in his arms in bridal style to atleast let the sleeping boy be comfortable. He took off without any words with a last glance at his Adoptive Father.

Bruce or Batman walked towards the big screen or computer that was light up. He took the picture that his ward discovered that has the meta-human and a tanned blonde in it, both smiling at each other with blushes adoring on their faces.

" Scan. " A holographic copy of the picture appeared in front of Bruce. He zoomed the smiling gothy boy and left the blonde out. He'll reminded his self that he'll check on him later.

He let the bat computer searched for facial recognition as he waits for a few seconds until it pulled on a file.

A picture of an obviously Italian woman carrying a small version of the Gothic boy and a small girl who had the same feature as the three of them.

It surprise and took Bruce and his alter ego off guard to see that the photo dated way back to the 1930's. The picture older than him. He read the boy's file, not comprehending how the boy is still alive in the 2000's with a teenager body. He didn't need to check the information for his database is the greatest in Gotham and possibly the World.


Name: Nico Alexander  di Angelo

Birthdate: January 28, 1932

Father: Unknown (unknown)

Mother: Maria di Angelo (deceased)

Siblings: Bianca di Angelo (deceased)

Hazel Levesque (deceased)

Last seen in: Delphi Strawberry Service: Dionysus


" It seems like the guest doesn't have any home to go, Master Bruce. " Even though, Bruce is already used to his friend/butler, to appear every now and then, he is still startled by it. " What will Master Bruce do? "

Bruce sighed at the hint, the old British man is hinting at him. He looked at the man in they eye and saw determination in it. Bruce didn't need to ask him, if he saw the boy's scar as the old man has a much more keen eyes than him.

" It is dangerous for the boy to go around without his powers trained, especially in Gotham and I need to know how the boy is still alive and young... " He saw his father-figure twitch a smile as he stared right back at him. He sighed again. " Call Gordon and prepare the adoption papers for the kid, but I need to know if the kid is okay with adoption first. "

Alfred smiled at his employer with a melancholic look in his eyes. He grew up well.