
—King of Ghosts—

Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades and the King of Ghosts with many other titles. The person who's known to have more secrets than anybody else in both camps found out his friends and boyfriend's secret that had been kept for 3 months. As he left Camp Half-blood with the strong emotions of heartbreak and betrayal, he travelled through the shadows with one thought in mind: family. Arriving at the most crime-ridden city in the World, the broken King of Ghosts encountered with the infamous duo, Batman and Robin. With this encounter, Nico will experience challenges for the world and his life. Come and Find out, what our favourite King of Ghosts will face...

Yoo_Aera · Book&Literature
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16 Chs


Camp Half-blood, Long Island.

I walked towards the beach. My cousin, Percy's favorite place to go.

Said cousin and Roman cousin(Jason) are currently in a quest/task given by their Dad's, leaving me here in Camp Half-blood along with their busy and quite worried girlfriends.

As I got near me and my cousin's spot, i heard some scandalous moans coming from a bush.

I didn't want to see what activity the owners of the moans are doing, so I turned around. It's nauseating to know that some people are having sex near our spot.

Seriously, why can't people have sex in their cabins?!

I was about to go back to my cabin when I suddenly heard a female voice moan my boyfriend's name.

I know for a fact that there are other demigods who have the same name as my boyfriend but when I heard the male one's voice, I knew it was my boyfriend and soon to be ex-boyfriend in there. Having sex with someone and cheating on me.

I didn't want to see Will and the whore he's fucking doing it so I ran to camp as fast as I can. Although, it was kind of stupid because I could've just shadow travelled my way in.

Tears started to roll from my eyes and I didn't stop it. I didn't force myself to stop it. I just let it be, because I know even I , a son of Hades have every right to cry when you see/hear your boyfriend for 2 years fucking someone shamelessly in the woods. Near your fucking favorite place!

I can't help and hear the mended heart of mine to break into pieces as questions started arising in me.

Why is he cheating on me?

Is because I'm a son of Hades?

Am I not good enough?

I thought he loves me?

Was It all a lie?

How long did he even cheated on me?

How long is he doing this?

I didn't even bother acknowledging the stares that other camper are giving on my way as I ran towards the pink Aphrodite cabin.

I walked in the cabin, walking my way towards Piper's part where she and Annabeth are currently at. Whispering quietly.

They didn't even notice me as the cabin is already loud enough for them to not hear me call their names. My voice already cracking. The other Aphrodite campers though, noticed me and avoided eye contact with me, some going back to chatting. I don't know if they're scared of me or guilty of something with their actions.

I crept behind my whispering friends when I suddenly heard them say my name. I want to know what they're talking about behind my back so I didn't made my presence known to them.

" -beth! I told you! My mother told me that an expected heartbreak will come tomorrow and that tomorrow is now! "

" But Pipes, just because your mother visited you in your dreams, doesn't mean it is necessary implied to Nico. "

Suddenly, a flash of worry came to my head. What are they talking about?

" Why would the goddess of love warn me that ' heartbreak will come to one near you tomorrow, my daughter. ', if it isn't Nico? " Piper whisper-yelled. Panic evident on her voice and kaleidoscopic eyes. The one my bestfriend and her boyfriend really loves.

" Piper, calm down. I know you're starting to feel guilty about this, most of you are, but we saw Nico this morning, and he didn't seem like someone who knew Will is cheating on him- "

Before I could even hear more of what Annabeth is talking about, I already cracked up:

" W-what? "


Both of the known heroines of Olympus turned their heads towards the scarily familiar voice cracking up behind them.

They saw the son of Hades, the one they're talking about, break down. Big tears falling from his already red rimmed eyes. His pale skin, glowing red from crying, and his dark brown eyes dimming. Sadness, heartbreak and betrayal evident on his face.

Everyone in the cabin was quiet. Even almost everyone outside the said cabin was quiet.

" D-did you know he's been cheating on m-me? Did you know? P-pipes? A-annie? " The broken son of Hades didn't even bother how his voice cracked up. How his face look like, because he wants answers.

" N-nico...I'm sorry. " the kaleidoscopic eyed daughter of Aphrodite, said. Tears already falling from his eyes. She was guilty. She felt awful. Her sisters even turned their head down, also guilty for awful reasons.

" W-who knew? " Piper didn't know how to answer without her voice cracking so Annabeth answered instead.

" Almost everyone knew, except for Percy, Jason, Clarisse, Reyna and the new campers. Both of the camps knew. " at this said, Nico's whole world broke down. He still hoped that they were lying. That this was all a nightmare. A terrible nightmare.

" Even Hazel?... "

" Even Hazel. "

Anger started to rose inside Nico. He couldn't help it. How could he? When almost everyone he trusted betrayed him.


Nico started putting the pieces together. The stares. The silence. The whispers. The sympathy he thought that was an illusion. All of them knew. Is that why they started treating me nicely this past few months? Did this started for months?

With their silence as confirmation to his questions. The ravenhead beauty's anger rose. He closed his dark brown eyes and opened it to see it turned into shining gold with specks of blood red in it.

All of Camp Half-blood rumbled. The earth shaking as he trembled with anger. The shadows started to crawl out. The air turned cold, frosts starting to appear in every corner. All of it showing how Nico di Angelo is angry.

All of Camp Half-blood were afraid. The son of Hades was known to be very powerful. He's the son of one of the Big three for gods sake. Yet they didn't know he was powerful enough to cause such destruction or show of power.

Before he could leave. He gave the quaking eyes of the demigods watching him with the message:

" This betrayal will be remembered. All your please will be discarded. Don't find me. Even the Gods won't help you. So remember this very well, my dear betrayers. When you'll need my help, I won't come and any destruction or life taken will be all of your fault! "

With that, the feelings of sadness, anger and betrayal. He left with one thought: family.

I want a family...

Please, give me a family...

Just, please...