
—King of Ghosts—

Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades and the King of Ghosts with many other titles. The person who's known to have more secrets than anybody else in both camps found out his friends and boyfriend's secret that had been kept for 3 months. As he left Camp Half-blood with the strong emotions of heartbreak and betrayal, he travelled through the shadows with one thought in mind: family. Arriving at the most crime-ridden city in the World, the broken King of Ghosts encountered with the infamous duo, Batman and Robin. With this encounter, Nico will experience challenges for the world and his life. Come and Find out, what our favourite King of Ghosts will face...

Yoo_Aera · Book&Literature
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16 Chs


Wayne Manor, Gotham City.

It took 12 hours for Nico to wake up, and in those hours, I was assigned by Bruce to watch over the boy. He told me about his name, and some of the information he found about him. He voiced out to me that he was definitely suspicious and live through almost a century without getting old. Like an old Grandpa.

Bruce also handed me the files about the ones Nico affiliated with, and apparently the blonde dude who definitely looks like his boyfriend he's with in the picture is called Will Solace.

He was seen with some blonde girl for the last 6 months, even though he was also seen with Nico in those past months. Both in an intimate. Dude looks like he's cheating.

I look at Nico di Angelo and stared at his face. He's handsome and definitely prettier than the blonde girl.

Nico has shoulder length black hair. It look and feels soft to touch. He also have unnatural pale skin that most girls would definitely die for. He's in shape too. He's a bit short with a skinny but not so skinny build, with six packs abs and all. His features are definitely of Italian descent. He looks like a model who could cross dress between men and women without anyone realising. Overall he's a beauty.

" Nggghhh~ "

I shook my thoughts away and moved closer to the groaning and obviously awakening boy. I put on his shoulder in order to assist him of sitting up or moving but instead I got flipped off.

" Who are you?! "

I stood up from myself being flipped and touch my back. Ouch!

I moved my eyes to the glaring Nico di Angelo and glared back, barely suppressing a shudder under his very familiar glare . Shit! It's like Bruce's bat glare.

" Can you not punch someone who's just trying to help you? " The boy have some skills. I didn't even sense him going to flip me. I can't move fast enough to dodge the attack.

" How can I, when your a literal stranger? " He said.

" Fair enough. " Even I would punch someone if they're face is the first one I see after I wake up. Especially when it's someone I don't know or even worse, a villain.

" Answer me. Who are you? " He asked, the temperature in the bedroom dropping astonishingly.

" I'm Richard Grayson, but I prefer Dick. "

" Who prefers Dick over an already good name? " The temperature from earlier cane back to normal which I was thankful and suspicious for. He appeared out of the shadows, so there's a 100% chance that he can control the shadows. It also seems like the temperature drop was his doing so he have multiple powers or magic.

" I do. " I said, furrowing my brows showing my frustrations at the Italian in front of me. I really want to punch that pretty face of his!

" Huh!... " He stared at me for a second before rambling some nonsense questions that I imagined Wally would have been asking me if he knew my identity. " Why do you prefer Dick? Are you a Dick? Or do you like Dick? Are you gay?! "

" Seriously? I prefer it just cause! And no, not that I know of, and no I don't know yet. I didn't question my sexuality yet, so I'm not sure! And rude! " This kid is making me irritated.

" Oh... Sorry. I just sometimes ramble some stuffs and all. Sorry for... jumping into conclusions. " I nodded at his apology. I see his sincerity in his eyes and voice. Now, I kind of sound like Wonder Woman! " ...I'm Nico di Angelo. "

I looked into his dark brown eyes that almost looked like black if it weren't for the light reflecting his eyes. Shaking his outstretched hand, I introduced myself again to the suspected meta-human.

" You can call me Richard if you want to, but i prefer Dick. " He nodded at my words and looked around the large guest room. His eyes analyzing the place like how a trained or experienced fighter or spy would do.

" Btw, where am I? and why am I here? "

" You're in Gotham City, specifically the Wayne Manor. Batman told me to watch over you for the time being cause he needs to do some superhero stuffs to do first. He saw your unconscious body in some abandoned building near crime alley. " I explained.

" Batman? Who's that? " The confusion in his eyes were so clear and so unfeigned that I stare at him in utter shock and amusement.

" How could you not know him? He's a superhero. You know, the Dark Knight? The one who protects this High crime rate City. " I gave him hints yet he still looked at me with confusion coupled with dazzling curiosity. " You seriously don't know him? "

" Yes, I don't. "

" Wow... Did you live under a rock or something? " I asked, concerned.

" Of course I don't. I just happen to have no cellphones or close encounters with the internet for reasons. Can you tell me more about him? " I was about to ask him about what reasons does he have to not own any kind of thing related to the internet but decided to ask later. I couldn't deny the request because of his damned puppy face. He looks so curious, like a kid who wants to know when will Santa come in Christmas. I don't need to ask permission to Bruce with this kind of public informations, right?

" Batman is the vigilante and protector of this City. He fights criminals and notorious villains who mostly have powers which he doesn't have. Even though he doesn't have powers, he can still defeat tons of Villains and Criminals only with his wits, skills and gadgets that was rumoured he made. He is also a member of the Superhero team that protects the whole planet called Justice League. "  Nico doesn't know Batman, so it's possible that he doesn't know the Justice League either, might as well tell him.

" ...Justice League? So there's more vigilantes like Batman? " Jesus! This kid needs proper education!

I proceeded on telling him all about the Justice League, Batman, me and the dangers of Gotham City, but I only told him informations that the public knows, of course. I don't want to get scolded by Bats again.

" There's an Amazonian who actually teamed up with men? " It kind of shock me that the most shocking thing he didn't comprehend completely is Diana's peoples hate towards men.

" Yeah. " I said, nodding my head to show that I am indeed talking truthfully.

" Wow. " I smiled at his awed face.

" Btw, Nico. Where do you live? " I saw how his curious and amazed dark brown eyes go crestfallen. He looked so heartbroken. I felt my smile slipping off my face seeing his dejected face.

" M-my... " his cracked voice, made the frown on my face deepened. I was about to stop and apologize but he continued. His voice still cracking. " I-i ran away. My f-family and ex-boyfriend kept a secret from me and lied right at my f-face. "

I moved my body from the chair I sat for hours and sat beside him. Embracing him by my side, his head on my shoulders, and my hands on his back. A gesture of comfort.

" Shhhhh... Do you have any place to stay? " He looked at me and shook his head down.

" I have some small cash in my wallet but I don't know if I can some place quickly and by the things you told me about Gotham. I'm not sure If I can a place before night, I can stay in a hotel or maybe some secluded alley. I know how to fight so I can protect myself... " His stomach rumbled making me smile again at his cuteness. He's certainly older than me but he's definitely a cinnamon roll that have a little brother vibe around him. " Sorry bout that. I should get going and find some place to stay and e– "

" You can stay with us! Bruce wouldn't mind and Batman told us to not let you off the streets alone and the Manor is big. We have tons of room available and there's Alfred who can cook delicious food especially cookies. Come on! Let's eat some food. " I didn't let him ramble any longer so I decided to cut in. I know. Rude. But so what? We still need to have answers for our questions and I'm sure Bruce won't let him leave.

I dragged him out the guest room and helped him walk. He still looks drained.

" ...Thank you.  " He smiled at me genuinely, making me smile back with similar smile. I ruffled his soft hair. He's smaller than me, which was quite satisfying. He's like a small baby brother. Oh how I wish I can have a smaller brothers. How I wish~


I looked in front of me and saw my ward, happily playing along with the meta-human we saw.

" C'mon Dick! Give me back my sketchbook! " Nico shouted with an irritated tone, although his smiling said otherwise.

" Aww! C'mon Neeks! I just want to see what you drew! " Dick replied, running around the spacious garden behind the Wayne Manor.

Both teen ran around the garden for quite a while, laughing and giggling at each other whenever one of them tripped.

After a while, Dick slumped back at the green grass, Nico following his lead. Laying on the grass beside my ward.

" I love this. " Nico said.

" I love this too. " Dick tilted his body towards the Italian descent meta-human. A big smile on his face.

" Your the best brother I could ask for. " Nico said, facing Dick with a smile.

" You know you can call me big brother, Neeks~ " Dick teased, his brows moving suggestively on the smaller boy.

" Ughh! I'm older than you Dick. "

" But I certainly am the tallest! " Nico sighed dramatically at Dick's remark before giggling.

" I hate you! "

" I love you too~ "

" I love you too, big bro. "

I watched the warm hearted scene in front of me fade as two figures appeared in front of me. Both clad with ancient dressings, and both have no face.

" Give our nephew the family he needs. He deserves it more than anyone. " The one clad with the white and gold ancient dress said. Her voice laced with genuine care.

" Give our nephew, a home he can come to. No matter the situations he'll go through. " The other one with Orange and Gold dress said. Her voice just like the other one. Laced with care but more, love.

" Protect and Love our nephew, Bruce Wayne. Protect and love him like family, and I assure you you'll never regret it. Ever. "

With that, the darkness surrounded me and I heard my loyal butler's voice.