
Chapter 5 [vol 1]: Planterium Momentum

Both of them went inside the planetarium. Toby already prepared the place where to sit with a blanket with foods and books for references. They both sat down and Toby handed out a cola. "Catch this!" he said. The thing is, he actually invited Toby not to inspire him about his dream. But to rather EXPERIENCE his dream. Toby knew there would be a meteor shower today so it was the perfect timing. As Dale finished drinking, they both lie down as they look above the sky. "So why are we here?" he asked. Toby just smirked. "It's a surprise, just look at the stars. Then later on, let's give our wishes." Toby said. Few moments later on, meteors started to fall. Dale was surprised and was amazed by it. His eyes sparkled along with the stars as if he has no flaws. Toby was looking at him. He knew he made a friend of his happy. And he knew, he wanted him to be REALLY happy.

Toby remembered, "Our wish?" he asked. Dale looked back with a smile and nodded, 'Oh yeah!" Dale wished first. "All I wish is happiness and positivity for everyone." he said. Toby smiled at him, "My wish is, we could both stay like this, forever." Dale blushed as he heard what Toby just wished for. They were both happy— "Friends?" he said. Dale frowned. He knew he was just assuming things and that Toby would NEVER look back at him the way he does to Toby. Dale felt a tear on his eyes and as it nearly fall, he looked back. He wasn't happy at all. He was just assuming things from the start. He stood up. Toby was wondering why. "Is there any problem Dale?" he asked. "I— I gotta do something I forgot. Sorry about this all of sudden, I had fun though, see ya!" Dale ran. He ran away from Toby, or as how he described it, he ran away from his emotions. He ran away from it all.

[Monday Morning]

As friday passed, Dale still could not forget about what happened. He knew he couldn't him ignore forever, specially when he knew Toby is just sitting near the door and will always walk through him before leaving the classroom. Monday was also the day Dale realizes why Zach was absent. Zach was chosen as the repesentative of the school on the quiz bee in other country so he was gone for around one week until now. As the bell rang, Toby must've forgot what happened. Or he probably, misunderstood the occasions. As Dale walks out, he noticed Dale didn't look at him or neither smiled. He grabbed him by his wrists and Dale was shock. "Please let go, I have stuffs to do." Dale said while not looking at Toby. "Look at me. What's wrong? Why were you ignoring me all of a sudden?" he asked. "There is nothing." Toby felt the annoyance inside him. "If there is nothing then look at me!" Dale was shocked. He pulled out his hands, seeing the anger through his eyes. Dale didn't hesitate to slow down. He didn't expect nor think that Toby will go after him and this time he was right. He sat down on the school cafeteria and Rose sat with him.

"You like Toby don't you?" Rose said. Dale was shocked hearing this from Rose. "H— how did you know?" Rose smirked after hearing this. "It was obvious. Well let me tell you one thing. I've already thought you two fit together from the start. That's why I sat between you two to observe things but then you ran away." Rose said while laughing gently. "I was jealous okay? I think he likes you." Rose smirked again. She knew that Toby doesn't. "Toby likes another girl. He always fetch her by the gate of the Engineering Facility." It was all a shock. Dale couldn't bear hearing those words but he knew he should hold back. "I'm gonna move on." he said. Rose was worried. It's because she knew, somewhere in Toby's heart, he likes Dale. But he kept it hidden to make sure that nothing could possibly go wrong. Toby wil soon have a good reputation. He'd be famous. From his appeal, it's impossible for him not to be known. That goes for Dale too. Someone who's caucasian who actually has a soft and moisturized skin. "Loving someone doesn't mean not sacrificing. Everything just to be honest takes time." Rose explained. "Let fate do its part." Somewhere deep in Dale's heart was inspired. He knew, things could possibly go well if fate plays well. If not, then acceptance is a must. "I'll still ignore him though." Dale said. "It's your choice. But here is a thing, the rules of how fate plays depends on you. If you make a rule that made fate be disqualified, then fate has no more trumpcards." Rose said. It was deep. It will always be.