
Chapter 6 [vol 1]: The Confession

After Zach's quiz bee, he returned back from Thailand. He also brought chocolates as prizes or rewards for him, winning the quiz bee. At the dismissal time of XiaYan University, Dale silently walked through the crowd knowing he should also escape from Toby. When he is almost out, he saw Zach running towards him and when he reached Dale, he hugged him. "I really missed you!" Zach said. Dale was shocked that Zach had finally return. He was also blushing because he knew the person he likes is hugging him. "Here, have some chocolates! These were actually for you. I won in the quiz bee and I dedicate it to you." Dale was shocked after hearing this. "Congratulations!" Dale said so happily. He gave him a handshake. "But why dedicate it to me though?" when Dale asked that, Zach grabbed his wrists and dragged him to a more private place. "Well... you've been my inspirition all along. You were the reason I want to succeed after all." Dale still didn't understand what Zach said. "It's because I like you. You silly!" Zach said while blushing. Dale was shocked. He knew he liked Zach too but he thought of Zach's confession as a joke. "O great, after being gone for 1 week you're gonna joke with me like this." Zach smirked. "Except I wasn't." he said. "If I was joking, would I do this?" Zach grabbed Dale's chin and he kissed him on the lips. Dale was surprised and was blushing. Dale couldn't stop. He knew he likes Zach. Just when Zach stopped. "I— I like you too you jerk!" Zach was happy after hearing from Dale. He couldn't stop himself to kiss Dale so he did it again. This time, Dale opened his mouth, they both touched tongues as they felt each other's affection. After that moment, Zach held Dale's hands, "I promise to look out at you and take care of you and most of all, make you happy. Everyday." Zach said those blushing words. Zach held his hands harder, "I'll never let you go." Zach said. Dale got this smile on his face. He knew he loved the perfect guy. He knew he was perfect, because he just is.

When the momentum ended, Zach delivered Dale to his house. He went up and immediately hide under the blanket on his bed. "Dangit! I just got myself a boyfriend! What should I do?! I don't know how to act." He said those thoughts to himself. When he thought of calling Jonah.

"Yes?" Jonah answered. Dale was nervous, he knew that Jonah is somehow bad at giving advices, but he also knew that he is the only person he can talk to right now. "Zach and I... w— we are a thing now." Dale said nervously. "Not surprised. I knew from the start Zach would ask you about this. It's because he asked me things about you." Jonah said. Dale blushed. For the long time he liked Zach, he never knew that Zach would like him too.