
Chapter 4 [vol 1]: School Fame Star

"Is it for real?"

"From the rumors occurring, yes!"

"So every facility will have a representative for the Fame Star?'

"It is what's heard everywhere."

In the whole academy of XiaYan school, rumors have been heard about the latest school event: School Fame Star. Each facilities are tasked to choose two male representatives and two female representatives and is required to undergo training by each facility's Seniors. For example, Dale's facility (science), will be trained by the Senior Science facility. The seniors have already chosen Toby and Dale as their male representative. He was shocked by this though, but he knew he should just accept it. However on the engineering side...

[Engineer's Facility]

"Well if I was the one the seniors chose me as the representative. It'll be a great experience too. I mean... it's my first time joining this kind of event." Thomas said to his friend Keith. "It's only because of your charisma my friend." Keith said sarcastically. They both laughed lightly as their professor enter the room.

[Science Facility]

Dale fixed his things as the bell rang. Zach didn't attend the class today, he was wondering why. He immediately went down and he found Toby. However, he did not bother talking to him as he was busy reading. He walked in a straight line until Toby notices him. "Hey there Dale!" Toby shouted while waving at him. When he looked back he smiled and then went back to walking. He felt Toby running towards him but didn't hesitate looking back because he might just be over reacting things but no... he wasn't. Toby grabbed his wrists, "Hey I was calling you." he said. "I sniled back at you." I reasoned. "Well I ain't buying that. If I call you, you must come to me. That!'s how things works." Dale then realizes his mistake. He knew should've just ignored him. Toby dragged him, "Come with me imma show you something." Dale didn't hesitate pulling back. He went with Toby to somewhere he didn't know.

As they walked further, he realizes they were walking behind the school. A far distance from it was an abandoned planetarium. Dale was shocked after seeing that. "They might find us here." he was worried, he knew it's abandoned place. "Class already ended so we have no problem." Toby however, on the other side, were jolly. He dragged Dale again and went inside the plantetarium. The place was no easy to open though, Toby used his strength and was trampled after stepping into a sharp object beneath the door. "Are you okay?" Dale asked. He could not help, of course, seeing the person he likes the most getting hurt in front of him. Toby just nodded and enterred the room, however, this time, due to uncautious moments, Toby was already holding Dale's hands. They both went on the middle and said, "Later on, 6pm, let's go here. It'd be the best place you'll see at night. As Toby talks, Dale was just staring at him realizing how charming he really looks. He didn't wonder why was he chosen as the School Fame Star. How did we get in here? I was just trying to ignore him before, but now look at us, here we are both alonr at an abandoned planetarium. Dale looked at their hands. He blushed as he saw Toby holding his hands. "Uhmm.. Toby?" he pointed Toby. As he look towards Dale, he realizes the thing. "Oh sorry! I was too happy I torgot about this." he said. After agreeing, they both went home and prepared theirselves.

[6 PM, Abandoned Planetarium]

As Toby waits for Dale, he tried calling him but he got no answer. He has no other way to reach him out and the only way he have is actually not working. However, a few minutes later he saw Dale and smile embarked on his face.Dale too was smiling, Toby knew Dale wanted to be an Astronomer. They both went inside the planetarium.

Heyyyy!! Chapter 4 has been released!!. I'm also acceoting reviews if you guys want me to change something. Please do give this a rating, ;-; I wanna know if I'm either good or bad at writing stories. Xie Xie!

ElegancedBlackcreators' thoughts