
Chapter 3 [vol 1]: Let The Game Begin

As the moon rises, I admiringly glanced at the evening stars. It was as if paradise is already there. As I were recording stars, my phone vibrated and received a text message. "Let's meet up tomorrow at the park. 10 am. -Zach". Well, it's been awhile ever since I actually spent time with him, we were kids back then. If there are thing I like about him though, is that he's really kind, he's cute and thoughtful. He never let me down, instead, he is always right here by my side. I'll admit I have feelings for him but... I don't know! Everything is just so confusing.

I closed my phone and went inside my room. I closed the door outside and carried myself to the bed and prepared it out. Then I took my sleep.


As the teal sky shone along with the sun, the windows reflected the sunlight directly at my bed and I felt the blinding light. I did my daily routines and wore my kero keroppi sleeveless hoodie. I decided to jog before meeting uo with Zach. With the heat, damn my sweat is falling drastically on my face. I sat at a bench as I take my rest and later on I felt someone's hands covering my eyes. "Tired?" it was Zach. "Here I brought you a toy." He brought a kero keroppi plushy which I love so much. I'd love kero keroppi ever since we were kids. "I knew you love him so I gave you a plushy" Zach ssid. We both laughed and I saw his smile, it's so charming and seductive. As I stand up, he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the nearest sweet shop. "I know you also like sweets that's why I took you here." he said. "Yes I know but what's going on?" he laughed. "You look cute when you're curious" he said which made me blush. "Are you okay? You look pale. But anyways, it's been awhile since we've get together like this. I missed you, ALOT, and I want to make it up to you from the days that we've seperated." He— he's just way too kind. I missed him too and I never expect that things will go out this way. When his orders arrived, he quickly grabbed the strawberry cake and took a slice. Instead of eating it, he stretched his arms towards my mouth and said "Ah!". He wanted to feed me.

Like seriously?! I wish this would never end. Damn this guy, too cute and too charming to be mine. After eating, he grabbed my arms again and he took me to an arcade.

"Do you remember this place? This is where we first met." Indeed. I still remember when I was alone wanting to play air hockey, he was the one who played with me and we both made the arcade our meeting place. "I remember something too, it.. was... our first kiss." I was shocked. Like literally shocked! I remember we both accidentally kissed each other! I was too pale back then. I felt his tounge inside ny lips and I couldn't resist. I snapped out of my imagination. "We were kids back then." he said. When we were laugh8ng so hard, he slowly walked towards near me and he touched my lips. "Can't believe you wanted that strawberry cake to be a souvenir." he was teasing me. "Shut up!!! I didn't know I have that in my lips!" instead of throwing rhe small piece of cake away, he licked it instead. Accidentally,.someone bumped into his back and his face accidentally went super close to mine. He looked at me, he was blushing, and while the scene was happening, I felt his face slowly getting near mine and our lips touching each other's. But he didn't kiss me He snapped back to his senses. "Sorry, someone bumped me." he said. I just nodded and knew I couldn't look directly at him. "Oh! It's already 12. Perhaps I gotta go. I must check the fanily business." he said as he farewelled. His is a rich one. Their business is actually related to neklaces, pendants and designing more jewelries. He is a heirer of their company. He knew he must focus.

I was left alone while holding his plushy. I ran back towards the park. As I sat towards the bench, I saw a green-dyed shih tzu, I was amazed by its adorableness and touched its fur. Later on, a person walked towards me and when I looked up, my heart pounded heavily. My heart started skipping a beat. It... it was Toby. He was wearing a black sando and white shorts. He was so handsome that my eyes couldn't let him get out of my sight. His musculous arms fillied with sweat, which seducts me every second I stare at it. "Looks out I found a treasure." he blinked. I knew he was teasing me. Later on he laughed. "Just kidding haha. What are you doing here keroppi?" he was teasing me again and later on he pinched my cheeks gently. "Stop teasing me! I went for a jog." I said. He stopped pinching me then he glanced at the sun. "Let's go for lunch. My treat." he said. I couldn't resist him, he was cute and charming. He took me to a restaurant and asked me what I want to eat. "I'm fine with anything." I said. He gave the orders and he glanced back at me. "So..." he said. I was wondering what's in his mind when he suddenly laughed. "Mr Keroppi, I'm Toby nice to meet you." he was teasing me again. I hate it and I like it at the same time. "Dang you." then I heard his dog barked. "Ooh, looks like Keith likes you." he said. When our orders came, he sat beside me and smirked. "Let's fill up." he said. I ate too. I was so busy eating when I didn't realize that he was looking at me. "What?!" I was shy. I don't like people watching me eat. Slowly, I felt his face getting near mine. When close enough, he held my chin with his hands. He slowly put his face closer, and later on he licked the side of my lips. "You know, you could eat a little slower. You might waste up food." he said and smirked. Then I knew... I like him.

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