
Chapter 2 [vol 1]: Irregular Regular Day

Another regular day has risen didn't it. I've done my daily routines and have prepared for school. I get my phone up and saw a text from Jonah. "You go eat lunch by yourself today pal, must be with me Audrey." he said. Could do nothing atleast, but be happy for him. I stood up and went to school.

For our first class, I saw Jonah having some time with Audrey. Well, if he's happy then do what he wants. "Have you read my text?" he said. "No problem, feel like just roaming around later on." I said. He smiled and knew I was going to be fine. The professor suddenly came in. For two hours he discussed, lunch break had finally started. I stood up and saw Toby but I didn't mind him and from that, I felt someone grabbed my wrist as I get out of the room and saw it was Toby. He was smiling. "Wanna have lunch together?" he said. I smiled and probably nodded. Again, I was stucked. Stucked between his precious smile and charming eyes. We both went to the cafeteria and ate lunch together. Well, things were awkward as it is too quiet on our side. He started talking to remove the awkwardness. "So how've you been?" he asked. "Perfectly fine. Except this day is so irregular." I said. His eyes were filled with confusion. "You can't probably say it's regular at the second day of school. After all, every day's a new experience." he said while smiling. That's how my day even started to be irregular. We both continued talking and knew each other more. I thought, this is gonna be regular isn't it? Well perhaps, it must be. At least.. it should be.

This isn't one of those cute fairy tale stories. This is one of those, irregular senseless stories wherein I knew I have no chance. I have confirmed it to myself. I have feelings for Toby and will probably be gone soon I thought. Or at least, I hope not.

Whild the both of us were laughing and talking, someone walked towards us and smiled. "Is that seat taken?" she said. "Feel free to sit. After all it's just the two of us." I replied. She sat besides Toby and started blushing. This is weird, at all. "I.. I'm Rose." she introduced herself probably in cute but shy way. "You're one of our classmates right? Toby." he said as he reaches his hands towards Rose. "You're cute. You should probably smile often." he said to Rose. Things were gettings more awkward as Rose blushes luckily the bell rang. "Perhaps it's time already." I rushed away from the table knowing I don't want to find myself jealous in front of them. The thing is, I like Toby. But he's someone for me to like. He's gonna build up a good reputation one day, I thought. After getting inside the room. I suddenly felt nervous. As I get in, I saw someone talking in front. It's someone. I know him. At least, I recognize him. He was introducing his self, except I wasn't able to hear what he said. He saw me and walked towards me while smiling. "Dale right? It's been awhile isn't it?" from the tone of his voice I realize it was one of the childhood friends I've had. "Zach?!" I was shocked. We both shook hands and smiled. "That's right. How are you?" he said. "Contented with my irregular life." I said. "You can't say it's regular at the second day of school you silly." he laughed but he realized something. I've heard that before. It was from Toby, it is what Toby had exactly said. I didn't mind it at all. I was having much fun when I realize, Toby came in and has been staring at me for some time. I ignored him and continued talking to Zach.

Another interesting character had entered Dale's life. LITERALLY HOW WILL FATE PLAY HIS LIFE?! (≥﹏≤)

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