
[Multiverse] Beyond Fate

Short Version: "A 'guy' (not reincarnated) with the Spiral Power from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann travels through the Multiverse, knowing absolutely nothing, with 'just' a (not so conscious) System to help him minimally." Long Version: Born from the Concepts of [Spiral] and [Destiny] after the End of the [Void] itself, a new life form journeys through the Multiverse in search of growth and maturity to fully embrace its existence. Unaware of the future dangers it will face and the peculiar individuals it will encounter, the being seeks to navigate the unknown. Worlds: [Frieren: Beyond Journey's End](1st) ----- The first chapters ("Bite" to "Tests(1-8)") use a specific writing style, and starting from "A Sudden Meteor," the writing style changes as it enters the first World (Frieren). I'm trying to improve my writing with each chapter, so if you didn't like the writing in the "Tests," perhaps you'll enjoy the new writing style from the beginning of the First World. ----- Ps: I'll be trying to respond to questions/revisions to the best of my ability, so don't hesitate to ask if you have any doubts~ Ps2(YEAH): I don't take any credit for the Cover Art of this work; it's just the appearance of the Protagonist that I found after searching for a good while. If the Image Owner wishes for me to remove it, I'll gladly do so~

Cosmic_Yellow · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

[Serie: I just became the Master of a God?]

A Chapter of pure conversation, I'm trying to improve with this kind of thing ≽ܫ≼ But when I say 'conversation', it's literally a question and answer show, so it's not the most natural thing in the world ⚫█▀█▄▄

[Word Count: 2.900 ]


[Mythical Era]

Several minutes had passed since Vesper learned the 'language of this world.'

The extreme tension that once filled the guest room had completely vanished when both Vesper and Serien decided to move to a more comfortable location for conversation, leading them to meet in the Living Room sitting at a table while silently staring at each other.

Both sides lacked any Social Skills and didn't know how to start a conversation properly, with Serien's side gaining a serious advantage in this social incapacity. After all, the 'thing' in front of her made her seriously scared just by looking at it.

Due to this, the conversation that should have been almost over was still in its early stages.


'What should I do? Is this kind of situation normal?' Vesper was seriously confused as to why both sides were just staring at each other in silence.

Having no experience conversing with anything other than the System and 'Mr.G.', Vesper decided to let Serien lead the conversation so things wouldn't become more awkward and tense than they already were, but so far, nothing had been said by either party, making Vesper slightly uncomfortable.

[The Elf in front of you feels a great pressure on her shoulders; she considers Veserithorn a 'monster' and not a living being due to the results of the Analysis she performed as they moved to this room.]

[Due to this, it is advisable for Veserithorn to start the conversation; otherwise, both sides will remain in this place for the next few hours just staring at each other.]

'What did her Analysis show for her to start thinking I'm a monster?' Vesper was quite curious about this, finally understanding why the atmosphere was strange.

[Veserithorn's body is completely different from any other type of 'living being,' so the Analysis ended up showing some frightening results from the Elf's perspective.]

'Probably something involving Spiral Energy.' Vesper quickly deduced after hearing the System's simple explanation; he knew very well how strange Spiral Energy was.

A notification appeared in the corner of his Vision, probably involving the [Spiral] that would have responded to this line of thought he just had, but Vesper wisely decided to ignore it for now. He needed to focus on what was in front of him.

''Thank you for saving me.'' He started the conversation with a simple thank you while simulating a small smile.

Vesper's voice seemed to bring the Elf back to this conversation as her eyes widened slightly; it seemed she hadn't realized how distracted she was in her thoughts.

''I-it's not necessary to thank me; I just did what I should have done.'' Serien replied nervously, quite intimidated by something.

It didn't take a master in body language to know that Serien was just paying lip service.

The Elf definitely wasn't the type of person to go out of her way to help someone who didn't interest her, and that was something Vesper easily noticed. His attributes were helping him in some way.

'What was the word again?' Vesper asked the System how to express what he was feeling right now.


'Thank you.' He gave a slight nod that was misinterpreted by the Elf.

''There's no need for that false modesty; I believe it would be more comfortable for both sides if we spoke about everything that is intriguing us at this moment.'' Vesper tried to take a more direct approach while speaking but stumbled a bit, causing a slight blush of embarrassment to appear on his cheeks.

'Darn it..! I've become unaccustomed to speaking these more 'normal' languages because of the time I spent speaking in Wingdings...!' He scolded his past self for spending several years speaking Wingdings without even trying to speak normally.

This slip-up was easily noticed by the Elf, who seemed to visibly relax a bit when he showed embarrassment due to the mistake he had while speaking.

A small glimmer of understanding seemed to pass through Serie's eyes, something Vesper definitely noticed.

''So let me lead the conversation from now on.'' Serie declared as Vesper nodded slightly; he had no problem with that.

''I'm quite curious to know how you got here, how you work, and what exactly you are. I'm willing to provide equally valuable information in exchange for these answers.'' The Elf stated without any visible tact, seeming not to realize that it was a terrible idea to ask someone she just met about their past.

Fortunately, the person she was talking to was Vesper, someone with as much tact as her if not less. He didn't seem to notice anything wrong with it or feel any discomfort.

'It's just a bit unlikely that she would have information as valuable as the reason I'm here.' This was the only part that made him feel at a disadvantage; he didn't think she would have information equivalent to inter-world travel.

[Veserithron can ask for Information about the World and even ask to be taught by her on the path of Magic.]

[In a total comparison ignoring needs, this exchange would definitely be unfavorable for Veserithorn. But currently, Veserithorn needs as much information as possible about this World as well as learning how to use Mana.]

[And there's no need to go into detail about the [Little World] or its evolution; Veserithorn can provide basic information and start working from there.]

'You...' Vesper's eyes widened ''mentally.''

'Since when are you so smart?!' He questioned the System, surprised.


'Alright, sorry. I was a bit insensitive.' Vesper seemed to feel the System's unhappiness when he talked about it and quickly apologized.

''I have no problem in answering every little thing for you. But keep in mind that my requests will be extremely demanding because my answers are extremely expensive.'' Vesper declared quite confidently, even though he used the wrong set of words and a different tone than planned when responding.

''...'' Serie remained silent for a while as if wondering if she could indeed compensate with equally valuable things before a determination resonated in her eyes as she nodded in confirmation.

''Great. First about how I got here.'' When he saw that she had completely agreed, all hesitation in answering disappeared completely from Vesper.

''I come from another World, starting my journey and ended up in this place as my First World. I arrived here through my world-travel technique.'' He gave an answer, inventing some parts; something inside him was not comfortable with disclosing the existence of the System.

He somehow felt possessive about the existence of the System, as if he wanted only him to know about the System and no one else.


The platinum-tinted window seemed to have changed slightly in color, turning faintly red before returning to its normal hue.

"Hmmmmm," Serie made a long noise as if pondering something with her eyes closed, before opening them and gazing at Vesper.

"What is a 'World'? And what would this 'Worldly Travel' be? Something akin to Flight Magic?" She asked, puzzled.

'How does she not know what a World is?' Vesper questioned incredulously.

[Just as Veserithorn was born at the beginning of everything, his Worldly travels will mostly send him to the beginnings of the worlds he visits. Thus, the people of this time are equivalent to 'Cave Men'.]

[Of course, the people of this World are vastly more developed than 'Cave Men', but this is due to the existence of a Deity that inhabited this world until not too long ago and the existence of Mana, which accelerated the development of things.]

With this new discovery, Vesper was pleasantly surprised to learn about such things before he decided to explore more about this 'deity' in the future.

'This world seems very interesting..!' His eyes gleamed with excitement.

"I cannot explain it to you," Vesper replied to Serie's question honestly. "It's like I come from where the Stars reside." A simpler and more direct answer was the solution he found to satisfy Serie's curiosity.

And it seemed to work very well as her eyes widened in surprise at the response, appearing fascinated.

"From where the stars reside?!" The Elf exclaimed marvelously, her body squirming with curiosity.

"Is it possible to live there?!" Confirmation of an existence coming from a place that seemed so impossible to reach sparked absolute curiosity in the Elf.

"If I came from there, then yes, it's possible to live there," Vesper responded amused by the burst of emotions from the Elf.

So far in the conversation, she had not shown any strong emotion and seemed quite contained in various ways. Seeing the Elf suddenly becoming excited and demonstrating so much emotion in her speech and expression somehow amused Vesper.

'Then she's not restricted to not feeling anything, just hard to feel any truly strong emotion,' Vesper arrived at a simple conclusion as he watched the Elf murmuring some things to herself, marveling.

"As for how I function... well, your Analysis should have given you an answer, right?"

Vesper saw the previously excited elf suddenly freeze as she looked at him slightly horrified, as if she had been caught committing the greatest crime in the world.


"I don't care about that, relax," Vesper dismissed the apologies Serie was about to give; he wasn't bothered at all by it.

"Uwa~..." She let out a cute noise of relief as her ears moved slightly; apparently, he underestimated how nervous she had become.

"My Analysis Magic couldn't completely figure out how you function. I couldn't detect any organs in your body, and if that were the case, it would mean that you are either purely made of Mana or that you would be completely deficient. And it doesn't seem to be either of these cases, because you can interact with the physical world and can see and hear." Serie quickly responded after her fear disappeared.

"And that's exactly why I say you already know everything," he replied as Serie looked at him confused.

"My body indeed has no organs. I don't function the same way as you mortals." Vesper explained patiently before seeming a little disoriented.

'I seemed too arrogant saying 'mortals' at the end, as if I were demeaning her and the people of this world.'

'Do I take back what I said? Hm...'

[No need, Veserithorn is indeed a superior existence to mortals.]

[And in a way, superior to entities known as 'Gods'.]

[As previously explained, Veserithorn will exist perpetually regardless of what happens to existence. If Fate and Time are erased, they will reappear again at some point because that's how the 'Cycle of Destruction and Creation' works, and as the perfect representation of the Cycle/Spiral, Veserithorn will always be there to witness all ends and all beginnings.]

'I honestly forgot about that,' he simply replied to the System's explanation, which was trying to appear grandiose while explaining how great his existence was. But apparently, this failed, entering one ear and out the other.

It was as if an adult were explaining to a child how to manage a company, which wasn't too far considering Vesper's age.

Vesper snapped out of his thoughts and focused his eyes on Serie, who was looking at him with wide eyes. He had lost count of how many times Serie's eyes had widened during this conversation.

'Well, it seems she's not as brave to talk to me anymore. She probably must have reached some eccentric conclusion while trying to connect his answers so far.'

"And about what I am... well, you can consider me a kind of deity." And thus Serie's train of thought seemed to solidify due to Vesper's final answer, making her understand that she was indeed in front of a deity.

Both sides fell into a strange silence. Vesper was waiting for Serie to finish her eccentric thoughts while he surveyed the surroundings.

'Very well done, and it seems there's this 'Mana' in the materials of this construction. It was probably her who did this.' In a way, this train of thought made everything stranger when seen from the outside.

An Elf who was revising her concepts while realizing she was talking to a literal God, solving a series of crises that began to arise one after the other, while this 'literal God' was observing the arrangements of the Elf's house and appreciating the local craftsmanship.

And so, seconds turned into minutes, which turned into hours. These hours passed in pure silence as both parties lost themselves in their own thoughts.

"I believe it's my turn?" Vesper, who was running out of things to think about and distract himself with, decided to try to bring back the subject.

Serie seemed to realize she was still in Vesper's presence, causing her to snap out of her thoughts, again.

"A-ah, y-yes! It's your turn, Lord God," she replied nervously.

"You don't have to call me 'Lord God,' I'm a god-like existence but not a literal one," he decided to address Serie's way of speaking to him, feeling a bit uncomfortable being called that way.

'Apparently superior to a God, but that's a detail.'

"Call me Vesper, that's my name. And for the first question: could you teach me Magic?" He spoke with a serious face, ignoring what his words implied and the situation Serie had just been placed in due to the question he asked.

For someone who was a God, asking a 275-year-old Elf to teach him Magic was extremely strange, to say the least.

"E-eh?!" The Elf seemed incredulous at this request.

"As I said, this is my first World. You could say I'm extremely new, even though I'm an existence of such 'high' level. In Human terms, I'm considered a child...?" He replied before seeming a little confused at the end.

The Elf stared at him as if trying to process what he had just said.

Her brain seemed to want to doubt everything that had been said so far, but she couldn't. She had reasons to believe him. The Meteor, the lake, the results of the analyses, the pressure Vesper unconsciously released.

There were too many reasons for her to believe every little thing he said, not daring to doubt anything.

"W-well, I'm still quite new to Magic, and I may not be able to provide you with good enough teaching-" Serie began to explain, feeling quite insecure about the subject of teaching a God.

Serie's addiction to new things and especially Magic were telling her to accept this offer. But Serie herself was rational enough not to let herself be consumed by her desires, especially as an Elf: a species that hardly felt any strong emotion.

"I have no problem with that. Although I'm not experienced, I can feel that you are quite strong by this world's standards, so you are a great person to try to teach me something." Vesper quickly dispelled Serie's concerns.

He obviously couldn't feel Serie's strength because he didn't know how to use Mana for that, but the System had called her a 'Great Mage' and that was enough for him to deduce some basic things.

"I insist, become my mentor." He looked the small-statured Elf in the eyes as he declared this, making her nervous.

"A-alright..." She replied nervously and ended up letting out a sigh of relief when she saw that Vesper had stopped staring at her.

"Great! Now the rest of the questions before we finally finish this. They are more basic questions involving this World, the Magic, the situation of the forces of this world like Humans, Elves, and maybe some other species if there are any."

"I will answer everything within the scope of my knowledge," she replied with a nod.

"Let's begin then."

And so, the two individuals with an absurdly strange sense of time spent the next few hours discussing the general situation of this World.



A chapter exclusively made of pure conversation. I honestly had to burn my neurons to write this conversation.

It's hard to write about two characters with these types of personalities while considering their characteristics, experiences, and general descriptions.

From the next chapter onwards, the chapter format will return to resemble the format of Chapter [Sudden Meteor]. A quick passage of time with several details to write the development, choices, and various other things about this World.

There will be many chapters that return to the normal writing format seen in this chapter and the Test chapters, so that I can write parts of these years more detailed while developing the characters more impactfully and showing the evolutions they had.

It would take more than 500 chapters to finish the world of Frieren if I didn't adopt this type of format, there are more than 1,500 years of History before reaching the main Story.

Within a few chapters, I will return with Mr.G. and {Chat}.

Have a good morning/good afternoon/good evening!