
[Multiverse] Beyond Fate

Short Version: "A 'guy' (not reincarnated) with the Spiral Power from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann travels through the Multiverse, knowing absolutely nothing, with 'just' a (not so conscious) System to help him minimally." Long Version: Born from the Concepts of [Spiral] and [Destiny] after the End of the [Void] itself, a new life form journeys through the Multiverse in search of growth and maturity to fully embrace its existence. Unaware of the future dangers it will face and the peculiar individuals it will encounter, the being seeks to navigate the unknown. Worlds: [Frieren: Beyond Journey's End](1st) ----- The first chapters ("Bite" to "Tests(1-8)") use a specific writing style, and starting from "A Sudden Meteor," the writing style changes as it enters the first World (Frieren). I'm trying to improve my writing with each chapter, so if you didn't like the writing in the "Tests," perhaps you'll enjoy the new writing style from the beginning of the First World. ----- Ps: I'll be trying to respond to questions/revisions to the best of my ability, so don't hesitate to ask if you have any doubts~ Ps2(YEAH): I don't take any credit for the Cover Art of this work; it's just the appearance of the Protagonist that I found after searching for a good while. If the Image Owner wishes for me to remove it, I'll gladly do so~

Cosmic_Yellow · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

[Human? This is more like a Monster!]

[Words: 3.000]

[Mythical Era] - [255th Year]

[5th Year]

Serie stared at the Lake with an anxious expression while tightening her grip on her Wooden Staff, ready to cast some kind of Magic in case something unexpected happened.

"The light began to diminish at a high speed; in a few minutes, it will have completely disappeared." The Elf's brain was working at its maximum speed so that she could engrave in her mind any minimally important event that would occur involving the Crystallized Mana at the bottom of the lake.

When the third minute passed, a cracking sound could be heard throughout the lake region.

The noise alerted Serie for a moment, causing a magic circle to appear at the tip of her staff, ready to cast it at any sign of danger.

A few seconds after the initial crack, several other cracking sounds came consecutively, without intervals this time.

"The Crystallized Mana is cracking! Whatever is inside is trying to force its way out..." Serie quickly realized what was happening; her instincts were warning her to move away from the lake with an intensity never before seen by her.

The Elf tried to resist for a while but was unable to maintain this brave act, taking several steps back as she moved away from the lake's surface.

The last cracking noise echoed across the lake much louder than the previous ones, before an explosion occurred at the bottom of the lake.

The magic circle at the tip of Serie's staff acted and quickly activated, conjuring four layers of barriers around her, protecting her from the large amount of water that was expelled from the lake with this strange explosion.

"I didn't feel any mana coming from that explosion!" Serie thought with a slightly widened gaze as she tried to see through the falling water to find something.

Unfortunately for her, due to the large amount of Mana concentrated in the water, the Elf was unable to see anything until the water finished falling, which took about five whole seconds.

When Serie's vision was no longer obstructed, she could finally see the lake clearly again.

"That..." She thought, astounded, as she watched something floating on the lake's surface, which had returned to normal as the water fell.

"A Human?!" The Elf observed a figure that looked Human floating in the water as if dead.

Serie's mind was unable to comprehend what this should mean; it was impossible for a Human to have such an absurd amount of Mana.

While pondering the possible answer to this, Serie cast a new spell, causing a magic circle to appear and conjure a Levitation spell on the Human floating in the lake; he showed no signs of movement, and his face was turned towards the lake bottom.

The spell was successfully cast, and quickly, the Human's body began to float, moving out of the lake and approaching her.

"He seems to be unconscious." The Elf analyzed the floating body in front of her with her own eyes for the time being, realizing that the Human seemed to be breathing normally, which meant he wasn't dead.

"Now, what do I do with this?" Serie entered a rather complicated dilemma.

On one hand, she wanted to study this Human who appeared suddenly to understand how he was able to perform these ridiculous events, like the Mana Meteor, crystallizing Mana, and imbuing an absurd amount of Mana into a lake.

But on the other hand, she didn't want to offend someone who seemed capable of doing such things. She wasn't sure how strong this Human was and knew that he would become aggressive if he suddenly woke up while someone was experimenting on him without his permission. Anyone would be furious about this.

Serie's mind came up with several possible solutions to this before finding the most 'viable' and 'normal' answer, which was the last option for the Elf. She would act as if she were taking care of the Human until he woke up, to have a greater chance of avoiding his enmity.

"And maybe this way, I can ask for a chance to study him," Serie thought proudly as she began to move to her home, which was not far from the lake, dragging the Human with her using the levitation spell.


The elf arrived home and quickly created a Wooden Bed with her Magic in one of the empty rooms, due to the ridiculous size of her house. On this same bed, she used Magic to provide minimal comfort and placed the Human's body there, deactivating her Levitation Magic.

Serie stood in front of the bed, silently observing the Human for a while. As much as his appearance seemed Human, her brain refused to believe that what she supposedly saved was indeed Human.

And there were several reasons for this.

"His appearance is superior to that of most elves." She observed while staring at the sleeping 'Human,' who understandably wore no clothes. She couldn't care less about this fact.

"His body is perfectly built; no Human should be able to do this. At least not without the help of Magic, and they consider Magic a kind of Taboo currently." She considered the possibility of this 'Human' being a Human who doesn't care about this supposed 'Taboo,' but it was highly unlikely.

"His body seems to emit some strange Aura; it's as if he's interacting more with the World than anyone else." She realized that simply lying asleep on the Wooden Bed seemed much more intense and enlightening than anyone else lying asleep; it was as if his actions were being reinforced and highly highlighted, no matter how simple they were.

"Lastly..." She looked at the Wooden Staff before casting an Analysis Magic, wanting to check if she could detect anything strange. Hopefully, she could get away with any supposed accusation with some excuse of 'good intentions' if the 'Human' woke up in the middle of the process.

The Analysis Magic was cast and quickly superficially enveloped the body of the 'Human' in front of her. The analysis lasted for some strange minutes as if the Magic itself tried to understand what it was trying to verify before the circle dissipated and provided the information to Serie.

'...' The Elf didn't know what to think when she received the information from the analysis. This confirmed that whatever was in front of her was not a Human; it looked more like a Monster.

To start with, this 'thing' didn't seem to contain any organs within itself. He didn't seem to have literal heartbeats, lungs, or any other nonsense like that, but his body still acted as if he had such things.

The Mana inside this 'thing' didn't flow normally as it would normally work for the vast majority of mages, which would be through their veins and general organs to enhance their Vitality, Health, and allow the use of Magic more efficiently.

This 'thing' had a completely different Mana behavior; his entire Body was filled with Mana to the brim. And the Mana didn't stay 'stagnant' as it normally would if it didn't have anywhere to go; it moved in a spiral format that led the Mana to an endless cycle, theoretically generating an infinite production of Mana through this strange movement.

If the Mana Behavior wasn't strange enough, the Body of this 'thing' was an abnormal conductor of Magic. The Mana seemed to flow in such a natural way that Serie had no doubt that if Magic hit this 'Thing,' the Magic would be at least 50% less effective than it would normally be on other people.

"This is a monster." It was the only thought the Elf could have as she observed the sleeping 'beautiful body,' reaching the absolute conclusion that whatever she had 'saved' was potentially dangerous.

"Should I try to finish him off?" Dangerous thoughts began to flow through the Elf's mind due to the growing nervousness within her; it was completely new for an Elf to feel any slightly strong emotion.

"No, due to the Magic resistance of this, I won't be able to finish him off in a single Magic. This thing might wake up and attack me in response to my offensive Action, and I'll definitely die." The Elf quickly brushed aside these dangerous thoughts with more rational thoughts, knowing that it wouldn't be safe to try anything stupid for now.

"This thing doesn't seem to show any signs of waking up according to the Analysis Magic, at least not for now. It would be a waste of time to stay here doing nothing." The Elf conjured some magic circles on her staff before using some strange Magic in the Room.

She had set up some Magic to detect and alert her if the 'thing' in bed woke up, as well as some almost transparent barriers around the Room that would hopefully defend against at least a single blow if the 'thing' woke up aggressive.

This way, she could step back and go study the Lake to see if it had changed with that creature escaping from the Crystallized Mana. After all, according to her Analysis Magic, it would take at least a few months for that 'thing' to wake up naturally, without interruptions.

"And it's better to stay that way; I don't know what could happen if I interrupt this natural process. Perhaps his body is undergoing some change or adaptation." Serie thought as she turned around and left the room, closing the door.

She had done everything she could currently, and now it was time to focus on something else for now. It would be pointless to be stuck on a single subject that had no certainty or guarantee, or even the possibility of studying to acquire new answers.



[6 Months Later] - [Mid 5th Year]

Serie had a new routine during these six months. A simple routine that was created to ensure her survival.

She would wake up and check the status of the 'thing' in her guest room. She would use an Analysis Magic to observe if anything had changed in this 'thing,' and after getting her answers, she would simply leave, leaving the 'thing' alone.

The Elf didn't try to dress the figure lying on the bed or even touch it physically; after all, it might have some instinctive reaction and end up striking her. She was being as cautious as possible with whatever it was.

After checking everything she could, she would go out to study the changes in the environment generated by the Lake, which seemed to contain four times more Mana than before, possibly due to the Crystallized Mana dissolving after it was completely shattered by that 'thing.'

Due to the strengthening of the Lake, the difficulties Serie faced at the beginning in using Magic returned, so she spent these short six months getting used to the change and improving her Mana control.

This simple self-improvement action was enough to make the Elf grow in strength during these Six Months; she was almost 60% stronger than before. It was progress that surprised even the Elf herself because she was used to an increase of at most 10% every 20 to 30 years, which was already a ridiculous increase from her point of view.

Being able to evolve so rapidly left Serie quite... excited, in her own way. She intensified her studies and somehow developed a certain gratitude for the 'thing' that was sleeping in her guest room; she was starting to understand how certain special Humans achieved high levels of strength in their short lives.

And personally, she couldn't deny that she loved this strange feeling.

The 'joyful' Serie found herself inside the living room of her house, making some extra notes on yet another page of her 'small' book, which at this point was ridiculously large due to more than 1,000 pages.

Her ink pen moved cheerfully as she used Magic to control the pen, something she believed would be quite effective for her training and getting more accustomed to her own Magic.

Everything was a bed of roses until her pen froze in the air, while Serie's eyes widened.

The alarm in the guest room had been activated.

That 'thing' had awakened.

Serie quickly moved, stood up, conjuring her staff and headed towards the guest room; she needed to be there as soon as possible to avoid any possible frustration, anger, or any harmful emotion coming from that 'thing.'




[Interdimensional Travel was a Success.]

[A new Energy Source has been detected.]

[The New Energy Source is called 'Mana' by the inhabitants of this World.]

['Mana' appears to be extremely beneficial to the Veserithorn.]

[A [Spiral] has begun infusing Mana into the Host's Body.]

[Due to countless characteristics of the Veserithorn, Mana is being absorbed at an extremely high rate.]

[To prevent any disaster and enhance the effects of Mana absorption, the Veserithorn will enter a dormant state for an unknown period of time.]

[Mana has been fully assimilated into the Veserithorn's Body.]

[A new Mastery has been created.]

[The Veserithorn has awakened.]

A series of notifications appeared in front of Vesper's newly opened eyes, causing his eyebrows to furrow slightly as he sat up.

'Where-' He quickly placed his hand on his head, feeling a great amount of pain for raising the upper part of his body too quickly. He theoretically had been completely lying down for over 5 years.

Vesper's eyes scanned the surroundings, seeing that he was inside a strange wooden structure before his eyes returned to the tabs appearing one after the other.

'A new Energy and a New Mastery. Great, now I need answers.' He dismissed all the tabs after understanding each notification, not feeling bothered by what the [Spiral] had done; he would have requested it himself if the [Spiral] hadn't done it.

'Where am I?'

[The Veserithorn is inside the House of the Great Mage Serie; she rescued him after finding his unconscious body.]

[Unfortunately, this is all the System knows so far because, just like the Veserithorn, the System also fell asleep minutes after the Veserithorn fell asleep.]

'Great.' He rolled his eyes slightly before releasing a sigh, feeling a bit frustrated for not receiving a detailed explanation.

He would have to get used to it; he knew that his System was quite limited to him. It just didn't appear in the [Little World] because the [Little World] had been created by the System.

As Vesper lost himself in thought, the door of the room was opened forcefully, causing a loud noise to echo, pulling Vesper out of his thoughts.

He moved his eyes towards the door of this Room and found a relatively small figure, with long golden hair and pointed ears.

'Is this the so-called 'Serie'?'


Vesper gave a slight nod to the System before fully focusing on the silent figure of the Girl; he didn't know why she had such large ears or why she seemed so nervous.

''Thank you.'' He spoke a bit hesitantly but quickly realized that his pronunciation was completely different from when he spoke the other two languages ​​he knew, making him feel more confident.

The Girl seemed surprised by him suddenly speaking the World Language, but sighed with relief seconds later.

''Hello.'' She commented somewhat 'dryly,' unintentionally.

'...' / '...'

Both sides didn't know how they would communicate.


{NEW} [Mana(1): Provides the Veserithorn with the ability to generate, control, and manipulate Mana.]

{NEW} [World Language(1): Allows the Veserithorn to understand at least one Language from any world he visits.] [Exceptions: The First world the Veserithorn went to, as he learned all the languages of this World as a 'bonus'.]

{NEW} [Mana: 300/500] [Description: The Quality, purity, quantity, and intensity of the Veserithorn's Mana. Extends and connects between all the Manas of all Worlds, not limited purely to one form of Mana.]


And finally, Vesper appears.

I'm having many ideas on how to develop every little thing in this First world; I quite like Frieren's World. I have some ideas on what to do involving Vesper's Mana learning and how I'll make him learn about what he truly likes and start crafting his own combat style.

Probably, the combat style I intend to create for Vesper won't be seen very positively, but I hardly ever see the Style I have in mind in most works/fanfics, so I can live with that. I'll enjoy writing his combat style quite a bit.

Serie spent 270+ years almost without communicating with People, and in most cases, they weren't 'big shots'; she's completely different from the Serie that appeared in the Anime/Manga, who is over 1,000 years old and extremely experienced and dangerous, so don't be surprised by her lack of social interaction. 90% of the 'younger' Elves that have appeared so far are like this; Frerien herself is a huge example of this.

I'll avoid doing many things involving the System right now at the Beginning because it would disrupt the entire development of the Story. I thought about having Vesper contact 'Mr.G.' right after waking up, new people being released in the {Chat}, and several other things, but that would interfere with the current development and make the story's order entirely confusing.

So after finally realizing this, I made a simple decision; I will develop one thing at a time. In other words, if Vesper forgets to do something involving the System, doesn't contact Mr.G. for a while, and other things like that, treat it as a 'Script' or Vesper getting so fixated on something that he ended up forgetting the rest (since he's done this once in the [Little World], he read Mr.G.'s Book so much that he forgot he had a System).

Well, that's all~

Have a good day/good afternoon/good night!