
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Book&Literature
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134 Chs

Chapter 8: Koneko Toujou 1

The Situation with Shirone didn't change over the course of the next few weeks, every attempt of communication would be ignored. It became so troubling that she would go off to hide somewhere and only come out when there was food.

She was pretty much acting like an abused cat, mistrustful of people. Harry remembered a little cat, that was hurt by Dudley and his friends, and began to always hide from other Humans. Back then he felt sad for the small animal, and often secretly fed it some sausages he secretly stole from the Dursleys. They ate that much that a missing Sausage from time to time wouldn't even be noticed. After a while, the Cat even began to trust him and it even let him pet it, until it got captured by animal services and brought to a shelter for strays.

Harry already knew that Shirone was often hiding on the roof of the Mansion. He spotted her often while he was enjoying his favorite Perk as a Devil, his Wings. Often he would head out and practice his abilities to fly, just to enjoy the freedom in the sky, and since she arrived he often saw her sitting on the Roof watching the sky.

"I have a plan to get Shirone to trust us." He said to Rias one day.

"Really? What do you need? What's your plan?" asked the Crimson-haired girl who often wore a troubled face since the small white-haired girl arrived.

"All you need to do for now is to tell the Kitchen staff that they should let me use the Kitchen." Said Harry a bit annoyed since he was thrown every time out when he wanted to use the Kitchen.

"That's easy. But will this really work? She is eating with us every day and it doesn't affect her?" asked Rias confused.

"Don't worry! I have years of experience in the Kitchen and I believe with tasty desserts I will be able to get her to open us to us. She strikes me as someone with a sweet tooth." Explained Harry with a smile.

From that day Harry would spend some time after his training and lessons in the Kitchen, to prepare some nice sweets. Before he goes for his daily flight he approaches the little white-haired Girl sitting on the Roof of the Mansion.

"Hey, Shirone!" greeted Harry carefully before the girl even registered his Presence.

Shirone's ears instantly twitched as she turned around eyeing Harry suspiciously, her tail standing on attention as she was ready to flee instantly, "What do you want?" she asked confused as she kept her distance.

"I made some Pudding. There is also some for you." Explained Harry with a warm smile as he watched her with his emerald green eyes, before putting the glasses with Pudding on the floor, "I will leave it here. If you want it it's yours."

Once he said his piece he flew off the roof and began to enjoy the Sky while keeping secretly an eye on the small cat girl. Who was eyeing the glasses of Puddi<ng with a longing expression for a few minutes, as her two white tails were excitedly swinging around? After sniffing the Pudding and looking around that nobody was watching her, she snatched the Pudding and began to eat it with much gusto and a happy smile.

From then on Harry would make every day some nice sweets like cakes, Pudding, Crepes, and more, and share some with everyone before bringing some to Shirone, who would already wait for him.

After a while, she began to thank him and talk with him from time to time. After a few weeks, Harry could even sit down beside her and they would enjoy their sweet snack in silence together while watching the unique purple sky of the Underworld.

Today was the day Harry decided to take the straightforward approach, to find out what happened to the white-haired girl. As they were sitting together on the Roof enjoying a nice Vanilla Muffin he asked, "Do you want to talk about who hurt you?"

As the words left his mouth Shirone's body froze and she looked away from him while she remained silent. This Situation stayed that way for a small while before Harry spoke again, "I take that as a no. Then I guess I have to guess what your problem is."

Having seen the pain in Shirone's eyes multiple times during his life, every time he tried to learn more about his parents from his Aunt. Especially about his Mother, for some strange reason, his Aunt believed his Mother had betrayed her, leaving her behind in the Human World as she went off to the Wizarding World. His Aunt was so hurt that she developed a deep hatred, for Magic, his Mother, and even him.

He learned that as Serafall investigated his family, and some old Neighbours of his Grandparents from his mother's side remembered how the relationship between his Mom and his Aunt began to sour and turn bitter after she became eleven. Not wanting this little Girl to become a bitter and hateful person like his Aunt he was determined to help her overcome her Issues.

"Someone you trusted and loved betrayed you and now you feel sad, right?" Harry asked and Shirone flinched with her eyes widening a little. "I take that as a yes. Now if I were to guess who this person was, I would say either a parent or a sibling." Harry noticed the small girl flinching again at the mention of the word sibling. "Sibling then, I see."

"… A-Are you the same?" Shirone muttered as she gazed at Harry slightly with big sad eyes.

"Not really, but I experienced the Outcome of such a broken relationship, even if it was never caused with bad intentions." Said Harry thoughtfully, "Do you want me to tell you the Story of what happened between my Mother and her Sister?"

She said nothing but was now focused on Harry, "From what I learned, once my Mother turned eleven, she learned that she was special and could go to a place to study magic. While my Aunt was a completely normal Human, that was when the rift between the both of them began to form, my Aunt become jealous of my mother and their relationship become colder and colder. While they still kept contact my Aunt felt like the Wizarding World, that is the magic Community my Parents were part of, was taking my Mom away from her." Retold Harry with a hint of sadness in his voice, "The final break happened after my mother graduated from the Magic School. The Wizarding World was in the midst of a terrible civil war, my Parents just gave birth to me, and for some reason, the leader of the dark side who started the Civil War, the so-called dark lord, decided he needed to kill me. So my parents decided they had to go into hiding. In order to protect my Aunt my Mother had to cut off any contact with her since she and her family were completely normal humans. From my mother's letters I learned that she and my Aunt had a big Fallout, my Aunt felt like my Mom was betraying her for the Wizarding World."

Shirone was trembling a bit as she was thinking about something herself.

"In the end even if it happened to protect her, my Aunt began to hate anything related to magic including my Mother. The Evil Wizard still found my Parents and killed them, but through something my Parents did I survived and was brought to live with my Aunt." Said Harry with a bit of pain in his voice, "From then on my Aunt would let her resentment out on me, which led to my eventual death and reincarnation as a Devil." Finished Harry as he wanted to spare her from the details of his hurtful childhood. Meanwhile, Shirone had tears in her eyes and began to hug him, while he calmed the little girl down.

"My onee-sama…" Shirone uttered trying to hold back her tears as she felt she also needed to share her story. "S-She killed our former master because she was drunk with power… That's what I heard… And now she's, she's…"

"A wanted criminal." Harry finished and Shirone couldn't hold back her tears and cried into the boy's chest. "What is your older sisters name?"

"Sniff… Kuroka…" Shirone replied.

"I see." Harry gently stroked the girl's head. "We should go back inside now, Everyone has been worried sick about how they could help you."

"Why? Why do they care?" Shirone questioned.

"Because you are like family to me now." Rias climbed up onto the tower with them and looked at Shirone with a warm loving smile, she knew that Harry would try today to talk to the small girl and decided to listen to them with Akeno.

"Family?" Shirone questioned as Akeno also climbed up.

"That's right, you're a part of our family now, Shirone," Akeno replied with a warm loving smile.

"We love you and care for you, we eat together, we laugh together, we have fun together, and that makes us family," Rias said and embraced the little nekomata in a hug and Shirone started crying even more and Akeno even joined in on the hug. "Hey, since you seem so uncomfortable with your name, how about I give you a new one?" Rias suggested which piqued the petite nekomata's interest. "Oh, I know. how about Koneko, you look so much like a kitten after all."

"Koneko… I like it…" Shirone uttered with a little happy smile on her lips.

"Thanks, Harry. I didn't know how to help her." Muttered Rias to her Pawn.

"No Problem." Replied Harry with a warm smile, "We are family after all."

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AN: And here is another extra Chapter for you guys. I hope you enjoy it. If you do please leave your Power Stones, your support is much appreciated. Thank you~

— DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD —

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