
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Book&Literature
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134 Chs

Chapter 6: A New Chapter of His Life

Harry learned that the creation of life inside Innovate Clear was still beyond him, the only reason he succeeded in creating the ginger cat, that Rias named Tora which is supposed to mean Tiger in Japanese, is because he has a high level of familiarity with it since he dreamed of Tora regularly.

They theorized that Harry may have had such a cat before the attack on his home in 1991 happened. Whether the original cat was still alive after the attack none of them was sure, since there was a not-so-small chance it survived the Attack of Voldemort.

It's been a few days since he lost consciousness after exhausting himself while testing his Sacred Gear, currently, Harry was dragged by Rias to another Part of the massive Mansion as she wanted to show him something amazing.

"Happy Birthday!" shouted multiple Voices as they entered one of the many large living Rooms. It was filled with people that were watching them with amusement, as they saw the shocked expression of Harry, who himself completely forgot that today was his Birthday.

There were Lord and Lady Gremory, Sirzechs and his Wife Grayfia who was still wearing her Maid outfit, but wore a small smile on her face, Akeno. But also three unknown People, two girls of the same age as Harry and one slightly older around Sirzechs age, who could be in her 20s or a few centuries old, since Devil could become 10000 years old. A fact that still baffled Harry.

Both of the young Girls were dark-haired and had glasses, one of them had long hair the other had short ones and was currently glaring at the older girl who was excited jumping up and down. The excited older girl was short of Stature and had long black hair tied into twin tails and blue eyes.

"Surprise! We decided to throw you a Surprise Birthday Party!" said Rias proudly with a large smile as she watched him with her large blue eyes.

"I never told you my Birthday." Whispered Harry in shock, as he never celebrated his birthday before.

"Big Brother obviously began to investigate as much about you as possible. Now come on Harry, I want to introduce you to my friends." Rias said as she pulled him impatiently towards the two unfamiliar Girls.

"This is my friend, Sona the Heiress of House Sitri, and my first friend." Introduced Rias the Girl with a short bob cut, before pointing at the other long-haired Girl, "And her Queen Tsubaki Shinra."

"Hello, it's nice to meet the both of you. I am Harry Potter the Pawn of Rias." Greeted Harry the both of them slightly awkwardly with all the attention on him.

"Greetings, Mr.Potter. It's good to meet you too. I wish you Happy Birthday." Greeted Sona followed by Tsubaki.

"Eh, just call me Harry. Thank you for coming to my Birthday." Replied Harry.

"You also may call me Sona." Answered Sona with a slight smile.

"And me Tsubaki." Added her Queen, just as the Third unfamiliar Person injected herself into the Conversation.

"Oh~ You really look like a male version of So-tan. So cute especially with the British accent!" Cooed the older Girl, "Happy Birthday to you, Male So-tan!"

"So… tan?" muttered Harry confused as he stared at the hyperactive girl in front of him.

"Nee-san Please stop. I am really sorry Harry-san, this is my older Sister Serafall Leviathan. Even she doesn't look and act like it, she is one of the four Satans like Sirzechs-sama, the leaders of the Underworld." Interjected Sona with a blush as she pulled Serafall away from the confused boy.

"Really. She seems to have a unique personality like Mr.Sirzechs. It's nice to meet you Ms.Leviathan." Nodded Harry as he already met Sirzech a few times over the last few days and became more familiar with his quirks, especially his Siscon personality, "Is there a Japanese or Asian area in the Underworld? You use the honorifics like in one of Rias' Animes." Asked Harry interested to learn more about the Underworld.

"Oh, Rias didn't tell you yet? The Culture of the Underworld is generally more based on Europe, but my Sister is responsible for Foreign Affairs and has a lot to communicate with different Factions, and picked up some of their habits. Especially since the Relationship with the Shinot faction is currently strained." Explained the bespectacled girl, "As for me, Rias and I are planning to go to Japan for our High-School and University education. I am already practicing proper Japanese etiquette to blend in."

"I was planning to tell Harry about it once he got more comfortable, and ask him whether he wants to join us too." Explained Rias.

"It sounds interesting, I would love to see more of the world." Agreed Harry interested, "But how will I visit School? I am technically dead in the Human World and have no formal education!"

"Don't worry about that! From next week on you will join me and Akeno in our lessons. From time to time we will even have Lessons with Sona and her Peerage. Homeschooling in the Underworld is off a higher quality than in the Human World. Not only do we have Personal Lessonplans fit for every Person, but we also study subjects beyond any Human School, like Ettiquete, Politics, and even Magic." She explained excited that Harry would join them from now on.

"Ettiquette and Politics? Why would I need that? Am I not technically a servant?" questioned Harry with confusion.

This time Lord Zeoticus Gremory replied with a proud smile, "Although House Gremory as does House Sitri treat our Peerage and Servants like Family, you are technically right. You still are a member of the Peerage of the future Head of House Gremory and will have to know how to act on Official occasions and in Public. But also with your Longinus, don't worry everyone present is already aware of it and won't share it, we want you to make some friends without having to lie to them," he added as he saw Harry's look about revealing his Sacred Gear, "with your Longinus, you will have a high Status in our Society, because in the end what matters most is Power. Additionally, you yourself are of Noble Birth and have an image to preserve in the Wizarding World."

"I am?" asked Harry as he got handed a nicely packed package by Lady Venelana. Which he opened after she nodded supportively. Inside was an old Book with the title, 'Chronic of the most ancient and most noble House of Potter' written in Golden Letters on the leather binding.

"This is the History of your Family, unfortunately, it's not an actual Version, since we were only able to acquire it from the possessions of a distantly related Family. Such Chronics are usually kept in family possession, we believe the most actual Version may be in your Family Vault." Explained Venelana.

"I have a Vault? There are still things of my Family left?" asked Harry as he looked up from the book.

This time it was Serafall who responded since as Satan responsible for Foreign Affairs, she was responsible for the Investigation of Harry's Background in the Wizarding World and also communicated with the Goblins, one of the Races aware of the bigger Supernatural World inside the Wizarding world. "Right now you have access to a trust Vault, which refreshes every year with up to 2000 Galleons from the Family Vault. Galleons are Gold Coins used in the Wizarding World and are more than enough for your School things and to live comfortably for one year. But the Main Vault is only Accessible by the Head of House Potter, which you can only become once you are an Adult which normally happens at 17 in the Wizarding World."

"Your parents have gone into hiding since they somehow were aware that Voldemort was targetting them. But they hid most of their Valuable belongings and Family Artifacts in the Family Vault with the Goblins before they magically hid themselves in a smaller house. Your Family once had a Mansion, but only the property remained, the building got destroyed during the war." Added Sirzechs.

"That's Fine. I am happy that not everything of my Parents and Ancestors is gone and I one day will learn more about them." Said Harry with a content smile.

"You won't have to wait that long." Said Serafall proudly as she pulled another wrapped gift out, as Harry undid the wrapping another Book was revealed, this one much newer, "My Contacts in the Wizarding World were able to collect Pictures of your Parents mostly from their School Time."

As Harry opened up the Album, he saw a couple standing in front of a Lake with a massive Castle behind them winking at the Camera. "It's moving!" he said with wonder.

"Yes, the Wizarding World advanced in a different way, instead of adapting their own Versions of Technology. They enhanced existing ones with magic, and now moving Pictures are the standard there." Explained Serafall.

Harry still receives more Gifts today like a Collection of Anime Series, the collected works of Shakespeare, a chess set, and more, but his Family Chronic and the Album of his Parents were his highlights. After having a wonderful Birthday Party for the first time in his whole life, Harry fell at night asleep contently.

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AN: The second Chapter for you Guys today. Will there be more. We will see. Enjoy~

It seems Harry will also be influenced by Rias love for anything from Japan, like Anime and Manga.

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