
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Book&Literature
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Chapter 19: Returning Home

Since Harry still had over an hour until he needed to meet up with Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Lord Gremory, he decided to look around the different stores for interesting things and inspirations. One of the most interesting things he found was a trunk shop.

They didn't sell normal Trunks, but enchanted ones with many features like anti-theft enchantments, indestructibility, weight manipulation, and similar. But the most interesting ones were the ones with extension Charms, Wizards found their own ways to manipulate Space, to such an extent that they were able to create completely portable homes. Space manipulation beyond teleportation was a really rare form of magic like time manipulation, even in the Supernatural world.

Unfortunately, he found out that this kind of magic was strictly regulated by the Ministry of Magic. Harry had the feeling that the Ministry was hiding all the good stuff. Although it is understandable, to regulate magic that bends the laws of reality, and almost enters the domain of gods. For being not a powerful faction, the Wizarding World had some cool stuff.

A House Trunk is also really expensive and required one to register with the Ministry. Although he wished to study such a trunk, it didn't justify borrowing such a large amount of money from Lord Gremory especially since his Sacred Gear served a similar role and did everything better than a House Trunk. So Harry had to be satisfied with the fact that they would be able to learn the lesser version of the Charm during his later years in Hogwarts. But who knows, if the Ministry was really as incompetent as they sounded, who could stop one from going on a little Shopping Tour through it, after all, Harry was a Devil now how could his Pride and Greed allow the Ministry to keep amazing Knowledge from him?

For the rest of the time, Harry explored other artifact stores, and even bought some smaller Trinkets, until it was time to meet up at the Ice cream parlor. When he arrived he already spotted the girls waiting, with large bowls of different Ice cream.

"Harry, there you are! Did you get everything you needed?" asked Rias from behind her Bowl.

"Almost, I will have to pick up my Wand after we are finished here. It had to be custom-made since none of the others would fit." Replied Harry as he sat down at the table winking for a waiter to come over.

"Is that normal?" wondered Rias, as she thought that it may have something to do with him being a Devil.

"Not really, apparently I am the first that ever happened to me. But I am really excited about my new wand. It's made with the Heartstring of an unknown Dragon, but most importantly the Wood Mr. Ollivander will use comes from the Tree that was inside my Sacred Gear." Explained Harry after ordering Ice cream for himself, "Who knows what kind of effect that will have."

"Well, it's fine as long you have one." Agreed Akeno, after listening to the Story.

"Yes, that's true. We should have enough time to pick it up before we need to return." Nodded Rias, as she had to agree that since he had a wand that it should be all right.

"And I also got this beautiful Girl here." Harry summoned Hedwig from his Sacred Gear, showing the young snow white Owl to the Girls who instantly began to pet it.

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Lord Gremory joined the Group also soon after, having completed his business. He spent the afternoon purchasing property in Diagon Alley, to start some Stores and a Hotel there. Good for Harry was that he also enlisted the services of a Solicitor in the Wizarding World, Lord Gremory agreed to let him also check out the exact Circumstances of the Harry Potter Story Books.

Once all of them finished their Ice, and Koneko bought some for home, they headed down the Alley back to Ollivander's Wand Store. "Ah, there you are Mr. Potter." Greeted the Old Wizard from his Workshop, "Is that your Guardian?"

"Indeed, I am Lord Gremory. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ollivander." Replied Zeoticus.

"It's nice to meet you too. It's good to see that young Mr. Potter is in capable hands, after the Business with his previous Guardians." Smiled Mr. Ollivander before pulling a long box out of his Workshop, "It's finished, Mr. Potter. And I have to say this is without a doubt the best Wand I ever created. It rivals the Work of my ancestors who created Wands even for the Hogwarts founder."

"May I?" asked Harry as he took the box from the aged Wandmaker after he nodded and opened it. Inside lay an 11-inch long wand, it was straight and the wood looked polished black but in the light had a rainbow shimmer. Only while looking at it, it already emanated a warm feeling.

The moment Harry held it in his hand, the warmth spread all over his body and a green glow emanated from his chest as the wand disappeared in his palm and a tattoo of a tree appeared.

"Truly my best work." Muttered Mr. Ollivander as he watched that spectacle, "A wand completely bonded to his owner, that it even became another part of him. Can you make it appear again Mr. Potter?"

"I think so?" Once he thought about it the Wand appeared again in his Hand.

"Magnificient. I will expect great things from you, Mr. Potter." Said the Old Man excited before adding, "But I would try to carry the Wand normally around if I were you. Many Wizards would be envious of such a Wand. There are precedences of how far they would go." Mused Mr. Ollivander with a distant look.

"I will. Is there something like a Holster for Wands?" asked Harry.

"Yes, of course the Wand is 17 Galleons and the Holster another 2 making it 19 overall." Answered Mr. Ollivander.

After paying for his new wand and testing his new Holster, he let the Wand vanish and appear in the Holster, then in his Hand and back in the Holster again, before they got ready to leave.

"And Mr. Potter I would try to keep the fact that you possess a Sacred Gear a secret. They are very rare amongst Wizards, and if I say rare, I mean every few Centuries one appears. Very few know of them, and that could earn you that kind of attention that you don't really Wand." Said the Wandmaker before Harry and the others exited through the Door.

"You know about Sacred Gears Mr. Ollivander?" wondered Harry curiously.

"Yes, many members of my Family tried to study them. Even I myself wandered the World when I was young to learn more about the Mysteries of the World amongst them Sacred Gear. Have a good day Mr. Potter." Said the Wandmaker at last.

"You too Mr. Ollivander. And thank you for everything."

As the Door closed behind them Rias said, "What a mysterious old man."

"That's true that man isn't Simple." Agreed Lord Gremory, "We have everything, let's head back the Car is already waiting for us."

Meanwhile, Mr. Ollivander finished penning a Letter in his Workshop and send it off with an old grey Owl.

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They returned to the Underworld in the Evening, and Harry couldn't wait to test his new Wand out and try some of the Wizarding Spells from his new Books. He knew that underage Wizards and Witches weren't allowed to use Magic outside of School, but he was in the Underworld and the Ministry had no way to track his magic. Their monitoring magic only worked inside of Britain.

He tested some of the simple charms like Lumos, and its counterpart Nox. He had no problem in figuring out how they worked, next, he tried the same spells with magic circles to figure out the difference between using a foci like a Wand and using magic without one. What he learned was that he had a much easier time casting a Spell with the wand as it required less focus, but the power output was lower since he only could channel a limited amount of demonic Power through it.

Using a wand would be useful for precise and controlled spellcasting, but less effective when he needed to focus on fast destructive power or large-scale spells. Another disadvantage was that he could only cast one Spell at the same time with a Wand, making combination Spells impossible. He felt that it should be possible to combine Wand casting with Magic Circle casting, but he didn't manage it yet.

So no matter what he won't rely on his Wand, he will do his Schoolwork with it, but practice every Spell without one. Harry felt that this was the best route to take, since he wouldn't limit himself to one specific method that way, and kept himself flexible.

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AN: Thank you Everyone for reading. Enjoyed it? Leave some Power Stones!

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