
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Book&Literature
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Chapter 17: Shopping in Diagon Alley

The Group got split up at this point, Gornuk guided Lord Gremory to a private Office, while Rias, Akeno, and Koneko waited in a waiting Room. Meanwhile, Harry was guided by another Goblin called Griphook to another Office where he had to put a drop of his blood into a small bowl, filled with different runic Symbols forming a magical circle. Harry did his best to memorize the Magic circle so he could study it in the future.

After a short moment, the circle began to glow, and a Key began to form and absorbed the drop of blood. "Yes, this is the Key to the Potter Trust Vault, everything seems to be in order, Mr.Potter." Confirmed Griphook after the Circle stopped its work and the Goblin observed the Key. Harry could feel the Goblin use some kind of spell to inspect the Key.

"Any other Key will no longer work. Please Keep this one save Mr. Potter." Explained the Goblin before guiding the Boy further into a stony tunnel with Torches on the Wall, leading to a Rail tracks into the depts.

After driving with a small cart through a maze of twisting passages, taking a route impossible to remember. Harry even spotted a Dragon at the end of a Corridor as they were passing by, if he were just a Human he wouldn't be able to have spotted it at such a fast speed, but with his superior Devil Sight and fast reactions he was able to see it clearly even in the Darkness.

He was saddened by what he saw, it was a green Dragon, chained to a wall, and blind. Harry vowed that he would one day free it, no creature should have to live such a life. Soon after passing an underground lake, they stopped beside a small door in the passage wall and stepped out of the Cart. After opening the Vault and seeing the hills of Golden, Silver, and Copper Coins, he requested some Privacy.

Harry remembered that Serafall said, his Trust Vault would refill every year to up to 2000 Galleons from the Main Vault. Reasoning that there must be enough Money in the Main Vault, he put all of the Coins inside the Vault into his Sacred Gear, which he also uses as his personal Inventory.

After finishing he closed the Vault door and signaled Griphook that they could head back. Once he learned how Wizarding Currency works, he asked Griphook about statements for the Main Family Vault.

"Unfortunately a Witch or Wizard with no Wand rights only has access to a trust Vault. Even if he is the Heir, and or last of his Family." Replied the Goblin while driving the Cart back.

"How do I get Wand rights?" asked Harry unfamiliar with the term.

"Well that's simple you need to get your O.W.L's in the Basic Wand Subjects, DADA, Charms, and Transfiguration. These are the internationally recognized exams in your fifth year." Explained Griphook before adding, "Alternative if you manage to get emancipated, you would automatically gain access to your Vaults until your O.W.Ls. Although this will be hard to complete before your O.W.L's with the current Ministry if you don't bribe them with a considerable amount of Money."

After thanking the Goblin for the Information, and learning a bit of what kind of Institution the Ministry truly was, they soon arrived back at Surface. The others were already waiting for him.

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After stepping out of the Bank Harry asked, "What should we get first?"

"How about we split up, I will order your School Clothes. I already made sure to take your Measurements from Lina (Random Gremory Maid responsible for clothes), Rias, Akeno, and Koneko, can pick up a telescope, and Writing Tools for you I already gave them some money, while also doing some shopping. While you get the rest and whatever else you need. We could meet in four Hours at the Ice Cream Parlor." Offered Lord Gremory, since he wanted to investigate possible Business Ventures in Diagon Alley and that wouldn't leave them enough time for much Shopping.

"Sounds Good, are you okay with heading off by yourself, Harry?" asked Rias, as she much rather wants to explore the different artifacts, and the beauty Store in Diagon Alley, than hang around a Book Store or an Apothecary.

"No Problem, since you getting me the other Stuff will save me some time." Nodded Harry, since this was optimal as he knew neither of them was interested in studying Magic as much as him and would enjoy a casual trip more.

Once they Split up the first stop Harry took was an Apothecary, "Hello, I need the standard Hogwarts Ingredients Package, and I would also like some of these." Approached Harry the Shop Owner after collecting some samples of all Ingredients he was unfamiliar with currently on Stock.

"That would be 12 Galleons and 3 Sickles, Young Man." Replied the old Owner of the Apothecary.

After handing the Money over Harry had a question, "Do you also sell Seeds for the different Plants?"

"Ah, an Herbology enthusiast. Unfortunately, I only have preserved Ingredients in Stock. For Seeds and other Herbology Materials, you should visit four stores down the Street. They carry what you are looking for." Replied the Old Shopkeeper with a smile.

"Thank you very much, Sir."

On his way to the Herbology Shop, he still got a Pewter Cauldron and the other Potion equipment. Inside the Herbology store, he got as many different Seeds as possible, but also some magical fertilizer, different enchanted tools, pots, and similar recommended equipment to start one's own Greenhouse. He almost left 100 Galleons in that Store but gained a lot of new Plants for the Universe inside of his Sacred Gear. He will have to be careful, of what he let his Gardening Squirrels and Monkeys let handle since many of the plants needed special treatment, which were tasks too complex for the minds of these Animals.

The next stop he decided on, was a second Handbook Store filled with many different old books. He picked up every book that he sounded interesting, he choose the older Version in the hope to gain Access to some Knowledge that was edited out in newer Versions.

Next, he stopped at a Store called Flourish and Blotts, getting the School Books for all seven years, as he predicted that he would be reading ahead since he was now accustomed to a much faster learning speed, than average Children. He also picked here any book that got his interest.

But the most shocking thing he discovered was, "Why is there a whole section with Harry Potter Storybooks? They are making money with my name, by writing such ridiculous Stories." He complained as he watched the rows of Books about him with things that never happened.

After paying he left the store a bit disgruntled. At least he now had many books he could look forward to, after all, he almost spends 500 Galleons on books. Now the only thing left for him to get was his Wand, but on his way, he was distracted by a Store called, Eeylops Owl Emporium where he spotted the most beautiful Owl in the window of the Store.

A beautiful white Snow Owl, after hesitating for a moment, he reasoned because his gut was telling him he should get the Owl, "Even though she won't be able to travel from the Human World to the Underworld, I will still make friends in the Human World and probably will have to order things per Owl since they have an Owl Order service. And there won't be any harm, since she can enjoy the vast Space of my Sacred Gear if there is nothing else."

Once he bought the beautiful Owl he named Hedwig, some equipment, food and snacks, a cage, and everything he needed to take care of her, he continued to the Wand Store. The shop was narrow and shabby. Peeling gold letters over the door read Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382b.c. A single wand lay on a faded purple cushion in the dusty window.

Since he didn't see any other Wand Stores while shopping, he decided a look inside wouldn't hurt. A tinkling bell rang somewhere in the depths of the shop as they stepped inside. The Store was tiny, filled with thousands of narrow Boxes piled up to the Ceiling. The wooden Counter of the Store was empty, as Harry walked deeper into the empty Store.

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AN: Thank you for reading everyone. Leave your Power Stones it helps a lot!

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