
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Book&Literature
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134 Chs

Chapter 10: Familiars under the full moon 1

After having learned the truth behind Koneko's and Kuroka's circumstances, Harry realized he needed to be stronger. Having people he considered Family made him very happy, this was what he wished for all his life. This motivated him to work extra hard, every morning before his lessons he would work on his physical fitness and work hard on his hand-to-hand combat capabilities with a servant of the Gremory family.

During his lesson he works hard on learning as much as possible, since they all had teachers focusing on their individual learning speed, there was no need to hold back. Not being held back by general class speed because of other students or being punished for being better than others like with the Dursleys, Harry tried to learn as much as possible and reached a far faster than he did in School even when he tried. He always was intelligent, and being able to control his magic from young age proved that, but since becoming a devil he was able to think much clearer. For some reason, even his famous lightning shaped scar had become less visible.

But all his other progress aside, he worked the hardest on his magic. Having learned that he was a Wizard by birth, made him focus on magic the hardest. He felt that was what brought him closest to his family. Of course, Physical fighters could also be powerful and fast, but by the time they reached him, he already teleported away and shot some destructive spell at them. Not that he would forget his physical training, but it wasn't his main focus.

After having learned the basics of elemental magic, some basic barrier magic, the standard teleportation, and summoning magic every devil needed to know to reach their contracts, and also learned how to form standard magic circles to enhance his spells, he began to focus on a far more advanced topic, Elemental Combination Spells.

Although it was considered an advanced topic of magic, far harder to learn than more powerful variants of single elemental spells, his teacher MacGregor Mathers was of the opinion that it was much easier to master, if his head wasn't filled with a lot of magical knowledge already.

Learning to combine more powerful elemental spells, isn't hard once a magic user mastered combining the basic ones, since the principles are the same it's just scaled up. But someone who has already learned High-Class Magic or even Ultimate-Class magic will have a hard time to learn combining even the simplest elemental spells, since he is already familiar enough with casting them, that they would have to work against their own instincts, making them relearn every spell they already learned. For them, it was much easier to just learn to combine advanced spells, which is much harder than just scaling up later on.

And so Harry worked hard on combining basic elemental spells, a simple water whip spell combined with the beginner lightning spell: Shock, creates a simple but effective shock whip. Allowing one to grab onto an enemy and shock them. A beginner wind spell combined with a simple fireball creates a small firestorm comparable to a mid-class Spell. All these were the combinations Harry thought of himself. Since his teacher didn't want to limit his creativity, and at the same time had a lot of fun with it.

Just when he had a solid grasp of dual elemental spells, and wanted to think of some bigger combinations like triple or even quadruple combined spells the time for his magic lessons ended. Normally he would spend some more time if he were as motivated as right now, but today was Full Moon, and he had another commitment and couldn't commit more time for practice.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Mathers." Thanked Harry his teacher as he packed his stuff and stored it in his Sacred Gear.

"You are welcome, Harry. Keep your pace up and you will one day become one of the most powerful magic Users of the world." Said MacGregor as he smiled proudly at his young student. He always liked to teach and explain things, but it was even more fun to do it for a talented student. And Harry sucked knowledge about magic up.

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"What is a familiar?" asked Koneko interested.

"It's an existence that assists Devils in many aspects of their -lives. It's one of the basic must-haves for a devil. By forming a contract with a familiar, it becomes your unique summonable Partner. It can assist you in many aspects. For example, once we start to form contracts, they can help you hand out leaflets with summoning circles on them. Also, they are useful for scouting and stuff like that. But strong ones can even assist in battle." Explained Rias as a red bat appeared on her palm after making a sound, "This is my familiar…"

'A bat in the same crimson hair color as Rias, how interesting.' Thought Harry as he observed the small hovering bat.

"This one here is mine." Added Akeno as she summoned something that looked like a palm-sized Oni.

"Oh, you already got your Familiar Akeno?" asked Harry as he knew she just joined Rias Peerage a few weeks before him.

"Yes, I met mine before I became Devil." Replied the dark-haired girl with a distant look.

"Since we only limited time, and the teleportation Circle is ready. Get in!" Said Rias as a magic Circle already on the Floor began to glow in red, "Now let's head out and capture your familiars."

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As the red glow of the Teleportation Magic Circle vanished, Harry found himself in an unfamiliar forest. A lot of Giant trees were growing in this forest as not much light shines onto the ground. This place was the Forest of Familiars.

Even though it was quite dark, his devil eyes still worked flawlessly. As he spotted Rias in front of him turning around, "This forest is filled with many different Familiars. Harry and Koneko will find their familiar here." She explained to the three others who came to this forest for the first time.

Once Rias finished speaking, something rustled amongst the crown of the trees as someone dropped in front of them. Surprising us was a middle-aged man wearing rough clothes.

"My name is Satooji of Maadara Town! I'm a Devil in training, aiming to become the familiar Master!" Introduced the weird guy himself.

"Mr. Satooji I brought the ones I spoke of." Greeted Rias as she introduced us to the so-called Familiar Master.

"Hee, a nerd with glasses, and a cute cat girl! Ok! Leave it to me! I will get you the best familiars like no one ever has!" boasted the middle-aged dude as Harry stared annoyed at him.

"Koneko, Harry. He is an expert in Familiars. We will catch familiars in this Forest as he guides and advises us. Okay?"

""Yes"" We nodded at Rias.

"So what kind of familiar do you want? Strong one? Fast one? Or one with poison?"

"Not sure, what type do you recommend?" Satooji-san smiles at Harry's question and gets out a thing that looks like a catalog. The one he points at is a creature with a great ferocity that is drawn out on the whole page.

"This is what I would recommend! One of the Dragon Kings! Chaos Karma Dragon, Tiamat! It's a legendary dragon! It's also the only female among the Dragon Kings! Even until now, there hasn't been a devil who has caught her yet! That would be obvious! Since it's said to be as strong as a Maou!"

'Is this dude high?' thought Harry with a deadpan expression, "Eh, I don't think anyone among us is on a level that we could get a Satan level being as our familiar. We will probably die if we try that."

"But we haven't even tried yet!" chirped Rias happily in, "Maybe we can do it."

Are you serious said Harry's face before he turned to the familiar Master, "I don't think I need a familiar like that? Don't you have something else?" Harry asked before he remembered something, "Maybe A Snake I can talk to them!"

"You can talk to snakes?" asked the others as they stared at Harry in wonder.

"Yes, Teacher says it is a bloodline. I often talked with the garden Snakes at home when I was working in the garden. They made some nice Conversations. Though we are not sure why I have that bloodline since I am unrelated to the Wizard family who had that Ability." Explained Harry thoughtfully.

"Hahaha! I see." Laughed the aspiring Familiar Master with jealousy, "Then how about this one? Hydra!"

He showed Harry the image of a gigantic serpent with many heads. 'It looks strong but I don't think it is on our level. But maybe I can talk to it?' pondered Harry.

"This one is amazing! It has one of the deadliest poisons in the World! There are no devils in this World which can endure its poison! On top of that it is immortal! The worst creature in the World which even kills its master! See? Pretty useful right?"

'Yup, we definitely would die if attempted to form a contract with one.'

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AN: If you enjoyed it please leave some Power Stones. Thank you!

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