
chapter 3:The boss

It had been 6 years since I had transmigrated to this body, in the first months of living the new life I had tried to take revenge on my grandfather countless times without any result, and that after five months of doing that, I realized that the grandfather was an expert in ancient martial arts, those that occupy internal energy such as chi, chakra or ki and those shits that one can find in fantasy novels or martial arts, where your body is thin but you have A monstrous force hidden.

That's why every time he hit his head with an iron tube he bent. When I was sleeping at night and sneaking into his room with a knife in my hand to stab him, he woke up just in time before the knife pierced his body, since he felt my presence and fell asleep for later at the last moment he surprised me with his speed appearing behind me as if it were a ghost.

So I decided to ask him to teach me how to do that, he asked me what I wanted to learn, and I replied that it was so that one day I could kill him. His response was just to laugh and then the next day he started teaching me all those shits of secret techniques that had happened in his family from generation to generation.

The day after I asked my grandfather to teach me martial arts, I changed the ugly and stupid look I had, and the first thing I did was cut my hair, cut it to the sides, leaving only the hair above the head of style Mohican and then comb it back and fix it with hair gel, after dyeing it blond

And besides, Grandpa told me that I was 8 years old and my body was small, so now I am 14 years old and on my way to my school.

When I am on my way to school and arrive at the door, the children who see me pass by all greet me with both hands on my back bowing to me. They alone began to greet me that way after I hit the bullies who messed with the weak and I defended them. From one day to another child came to me and greeted me that way and then when other children saw that, they also started to greet me like this, then it became a daily routine until now that some of the children greeted me of that way.

I passed quietly by his side, I nodded to them and then I continued on my way to the classroom. When I get to my classroom where I am, I just go to my seat and wait for the bell to end all this boring crap while I fall asleep at my desk.

After a while being in a boring class like every day, the bell rings for the exit, I proceed to stand up picking up my bag to go to my house when an older child than me runs into my classroom and heads towards where am I.

Ryuu-san, Ryuu-san, you have to help me, please!

Said the boy screaming and was panting for air since he had come running all the way here.

Ryuuji said: "First calm down and catch your breath, then you tell me."

"Excuse me, but there is no time for that, yesterday, when he did not come, a new child arrived who transferred him from another school, and then when he finished school he began beating all the criminals who were there, and today he is doing the same, now we try to stop it, but we can't, it's very big and strong. "

"But why do you tell me this, should you tell a teacher to do something?"

"Yes, we already warned him, but they don't say anything since the new child has a father who has a lot of money and nobody wants to do anything with him."

"Hmm, I see ... with that daddy's boy huh ..." ~ Ryuuji said with a smile on his face.

"Well, take me with him."

"Oh, then you are going to help us!"

"I said that, now we are leaving."


After walking to a place away from the school where villain aspirants met. Several students were found lying on the ground groaning in pain, several were men and only a few women. When Ryuuji saw those women on the floor, he knew that the new student did not distinguish between men and women and hit them all equally.

When Ryuuji got closer, he could finally see the new student who was kicking a boy who was throwing on the ground and was trampling him.

The boy was a big guy about 1.90 tall, with a robust and strong body, had long brown hair and had it loose that sticks to his sweaty face, sharp eyebrows with a frown, had earrings on his ear and a tattoo on his neck that he couldn't see what it was since most of it was covered with his clothes

The boy kept kicking the criminal over and over again with a big smile on his face that was enjoying the moment when someone decided to interrupt his fun.

Hey, big boy, why don't you leave him alone !!!

When the big boy heard him screaming from behind, he stopped and turned to look at Ryuuji. And the boys who were lying on the ground raised their heads when they heard a familiar voice and were glad that they saw that Ryuuji was standing there with a bored face and in one hand he had a lollipop he was eating and with the other in his pocket of his pants. Then Ryuuji noticed a girl who was nearby and spoke to him.

"Hey, you can get up, let's help you."

Ryuuji said when he helped a girl to get up off the floor by grabbing her arm.



The boys started calling Ryuuji happy as if they were seeing his hero coming to his rescue, the few women also looked at him happy that he was here.

Both men and women of the school respected and admired Ryuuji since when students got into trouble with some older criminals from other schools, he was the first to go fight against them and support them. And when there was a problem with a villain, thief or pervert who had passed through the school area, he took care of them and caught them, and he didn't care that afterward, the professional heroes scolded him for his actions. He just told them: "Then do your job well, for that you get paid, not only act when there are cameras filming" and then he left the place.

Once, when he walked the streets in the middle of the night and saw that they were kidnapping some girls, he didn't hesitate for a second when he lashed out at the kidnapper's car, hitting the men in the car and saving the women from a horrible destiny.

Once he saw that a villain was making an uproar near his school endangering civilians, he fought the villain until the heroes arrived even though he later finished with some wounds and his clothes were left with some spots of his own blood.

Once some girls approached him asking for his help because a stalker was following them for a few days. He just told them: "Come on, show me who he is" and then find the subject and catch him, but not before hitting him until that was unrecognizable and broke her family's jewelry.

Little by little Ryuuji, with the acts, he was doing, gained a name and fame, also loved by the residents of the área since he was calmer and safer since Ryuuji was controlling all the criminals in the área leaving the streets without robberies or disorder. And it was also when everyone began to respect and admire him in secret. Maybe Ryuuji doesn't know it or maybe he does, but still he decides to ignore it. The girls of the school have made a fan club of him, where they take turns to follow him in his daily routine and take photos and vídeos secretly or writing down in a notebook of his tastes so that they can then eat the same as the.

The boys also behave around him and began to call him Aniki or some call him boss out of respect for him, and more than one has tried to imitate his style, be it the haircut, or the way of dressing and also the way he walks or acts with people.


What do you want dwarf, go bothered somewhere else!

The big boy was watching Ryuuji standing there while the guys he had hit were happy to see him, and that seemed a bit odd.

* Fiuu *, Ryuuji whistled at what the big boy said and told him.

"Is that your villain line? You don't have a better one."

"You want me to break your bones.!"

"I doubt it"

Ryuuji said lazily as he slowly started walking to him. The big boy saw him approach but did nothing and waited patiently for the dwarf to face him. And when Ryuuji was face to face, he realized the huge difference in height of the two. Since the guy was almost 2 meters tall, when Ryuuji's height only reached his stomach.

"By God, ¿What do you eat to grow so tall friend?, ¿why don't you tell me your secret?!"

Ryuuji said when he put a hand over his eyes to shade shaking his head to see him up, all that he said in a mocking voice.

The big guy was going to move to hit him when he suddenly saw that the world was spinning and then felt great pain in his back and everything around him seemed to be turning from side to side.

What Ryuuji did, was that when the big boy was going to hit him, he with his right foot made him stumble that made him turn, when he grabbed one of his feet in the air and turned around, then Ryuuji threw of his huge body with ease as if he was grabbing a katana and hit them against the asphalt.

* Booomm. *

When the giant's body made contact with the floor, he created a small spider net crater beneath his body. The big boy was stunned and dizzy after the blow, but he did not have time to think about what had happened since Ryuuji took him by the hair, then grabbed his head with both hands and began to hit him with his knee in the face.






Ryuuji kept hitting him again and again repeatedly in the face with his knee when the face of the big boy received a cut in his eye and began to bleed a lot, but that Ryuuji didn't care at all and with an unperturbed and lacking face of emotions kept hitting him.

At this point, the students who were lying on the ground had already risen and were looking at the brutal scene they had before their eyes. Everyone was wide-eyed and surprised at what they were seeing, as blood splashed everywhere staining the floor red, as well as the clothes and knee with which Ryuuji was hitting the poor new boy.

Hey, don't you think it's too much?

Idiot! ¿What are you saying?

"Yes, Ryuuji-san is doing it for us."

"He's defending us, ¿how can you say that about him?"

¡You're right! That jerk dared to hit a girl.

Yes, idiots that you didn't see that helped me to get up, and now he's taking revenge for us the women he hit.

After several more blows to the big boy, Ryuuji stopped hitting him and released his head that fell to the ground with loud noise as he drowned in his own blood. After releasing him and seeing that there was no movement on his part since he was passed out, he turned his attention to the students who were there watching and told them.

"Bring a bucket of water and spray it on your face."

Ryuuji ordered two men standing near him, but they just stared at each other without knowing what to do.

"Hurry up and do what Ryuuji-san told you.!"

A girl who stood in the small group spoke.


After a while, some boys came with a bucket of water and I told them to wet the big boy to wake up. When they sprayed him with water, he woke up immediately and the first thing he saw was me who was looking at him from a position higher than his, since he was on the ground and I was standing.

I just stared at him and saw that he was shaking a little, maybe it's the first time he experiences something known as fear in his life. He looked away when he met I eyes. After being quiet for a while, I simply said a few words.

Follow me.