
chapter 4:I want to follow this person!

Pov Mamoru Take

Well, I really don't know how to start with this but I will do my best. To begin they must know my name and who I am.

My name is "Mamoru Take" and I am currently 14 years old. I was born in a rather peculiar and problematic family or that is how I see it. My father runs businesses that apparently aren't very legal to say.

Since he occasionally brings dangerous-looking people to our house and every time I ask my father who these people are, he tells me that I am not yet ready to know and then tells me not to tell anyone that These people visited our house.

At the age of 4 it was when my Quirk manifested. It was at a time when a child was bothering me and in an outburst of anger I grabbed him by his wrist and folded it when I could hear a sound of a tree twig breaking in two, and it was when I realized that he had broken his doll to the poor child who cried on the floor wallowing in pain.

After that day when my Quirk manifested, I spent it breaking objects by accident with my newly acquired strength.

But one thing that I realized is that when I broke something no one scolded me or told me that it was wrong, the teachers of the school only turned a blind eye when I did some small evil.

I have seen how they treat other children, when they break something or misbehave, they are scolded or punished. But when I do that they don't do anything to me, why will it be?

But I didn't understand the reason for that until I turned 10, if you listened well. I did not understand why they treated me differently than others until I turned 10 when I just realized what my father's real business was, and that is why everyone treated me well and with respect.

When I realized that, I felt powerful and untouchable. So I started beating people that I didn't like, but it wasn't like I liked to do it ... well only a few, but my attitude and outbursts of anger are probably due to my quirk.

Since I believed that my quirk was to give me súper strength, it turned out not to be that way, when one day I was angry and my body began to change when little by little my body began to grow in size and everything became small before my eyes.

Then I realized that I had transformed into a huge mammoth with big horns that could easily cross the hard metal, with a huge and powerful trunk that could shatter the rocks with a single blow, a body full of muscle mass hidden by the hair of my body, and a huge and heavy body that is just by standing on the asphalt it broke under my enormous weight.

In my teenage years, I spent it fighting offenders and people who did not like me to end up changing school shortly after being transferred due to my violence.

But that was not my fault since from time to time I felt a fit of immense anger that grew from within me and controlled it as much as I could until I could not stand it and burst into anger hitting anyone who crossed me ahead.

My visión clouded and began to drive me crazy destroying everything. No one could control me until I met him.

When I was transferred to a new school on the first day I hit the boys who looked like criminals, but then they warned me to be careful that someone was going to avenge them of course, I don't care about that.

But then the next day when I was hitting more people he appeared in front of me and beat me up that I will never forget in my life.


He was small, much smaller than me, with a thin and skinny body. Compared to him, I was much bigger and stronger with a robust body. But still he is with his small body could lift my huge body that weighed more than 100 kilos with one hand and throw me down like a rag doll.

Then I lift my head and grab it with his hands and then start hitting me brutally without holding back in the least in my face.

He looked at me with those selfless eyes when he hit my face as if he didn't care about my life with a stoic look on his face. Even when I got a serious wound that didn't stop bleeding, he kept hitting me repeatedly without stopping, he looked at me with those evil eyes, and that I had deep darkness that just looking at him directly made my skin stand up

For the first time I felt something inside me that I had never felt, that feeling that everyone knows as fear

At some point I passed out and then I was suddenly awakened with cold water that threw me in the face. When I got up and was going to look for the culprit of having done that to me, I met the little man who was looking at me in the face with those dangerous eyes.

I felt fear when I saw him and looked away from him, and looked at the floor without saying a word. After a while of being silent he told me to follow him, then I was following him for a good while and he took me to a place where I experienced the greatest beating of my life.


After a few days of being in this new school, I realized that there were no criminals or anything similar. The guys I hit only looked like a criminal but they were good people.

So I apologize to everyone since the little man had told me to do it or he would hit me again.

Apologizing to women was very difficult since they ignored me and avoided me, so it took me a lot to have the opportunity to do so, but it only took me three days.

One day I was entering school and I realized that several students were bowing saluting someone and when I saw who he was I was surprised since he was the little guy who had hit me.

I learned that he didn't like bad guys or that caused a fuss around him and that's why he hit me when he saw that I was doing that to innocent people, he could calm me from my state of anger with the brute force he has.

I was investigating him for a while and all I could get from the other students is that he was a great guy who helped people who needed his help, and that he was a very dear to the surroundings for cleaning the streets of thieves and perverts.

He was a great guy, I want to learn to be like him, that is what made me do what I am doing now. I am secretly following him to study his behavior and try to imitate him.

I like his haircut, it's great, I want to do the same with mine but I don't dare, since he may get angry, I want to follow him and become his follower since I've heard many who call him boss or aniki, so I guess he has a group that controls.


Now he was in a mall sitting at a table eating when suddenly I felt that the earth shook very strongly and the roof began to collapse everywhere.

¡¡¡Ahhhhhh !!!!!!!!

¡Kyaaaaaa !!!

What's going on?!

Son, come here and hurry up!

An earthquake!


The walls and floors began to fall on people and everything was so sudden that none of them had time to tear or hide.

Then I started to look around and I saw that many people were injured, but they were only scratched on their body and nothing serious when a piercing scream rang through the place calling the attention of all who were there.

Ahhhhh, my daughter ... somebody, please help us !!! ~ A mother shouted seeing that her daughter was having a hard time breathing.

¡Ahhhhhh ... mommy, my chest hurts a lot!

¡Someone please.! Call a doctor


I saw that the mother was looking for help her desperate daughter, apparently her daughter had trouble breathing. I saw that I was with a face of pain and crying the poor girl.

People approached but none could help since they had no idea what to do in such a situation. I had also approached to see if there was anything I could help, but ...

"Their beats are weakening and their blood pressure is also decreasing."

Suddenly I felt that someone was talking from behind me and I turned to see Ryuuji-san standing there watching how the girl was suffering.

¡Hey! ... what are you talking about? Do you know what happens to my daughter? Please help her! ~ The woman shouted for Ryuuji to please help her since seeing how her daughter was in a lot of pain and nobody seemed to know what was happening to her.

Ryuuji: "This is probably a cardiac tamponade." ~ Ryuuji said approaching the little girl seeing the place where it hurt.

Ryuuji: "The heart is protected and covered by the pericardial sac and when something hits or electrocutes it, like a strong explosion, it will cause contractions. That is a cardiac tamponade." * A condition that causes blood to rise to the pericardial causing it to compress the heart *

"And that is that .... it is very serious, can you help her please. ~ Said the mother crying and seeing Ryuuji with a little hope that he can do something, since she saw that Ryuuji told him some medical symptoms just by seeing your daughter's body.

Ryuuji: "If the blood is still stored it will be very dangerous. If we don't draw the blood, the pericardium will be filled and when its pericardium reaches its limit, she will die."

Q-That my daughter will die, but there is nothing you can do something since you know what happens to my daughter. ~ I speak nervously about what you just heard.

Ryuuji: "This sure lady, I'm just a child who knows some medicine and nothing else, she is sure to put her daughter's life in my hands, of a random guy she doesn't even know."

"It doesn't matter, you know what my daughter has and you can help her, right! Then help her or she will die. ~ She said the last part desperate as she was watching as her daughter was breathing slowly and with pain in her chest.

Ryuuji: "Very well, then let the operation begin." ~ Ryuuji said approaching the girl and lifted her skirt so she could see her skin, and took out a needle she had with her.

"To complete this operation you must use a needle for the heart sac and nail it under the ribcage, avoiding the other organs and just hitting the sac. If the needle touches the heart, it will be instant death."

Ryūji then proceeded to nail the needle into his skin to find the exact spot. He was focused with many people around watching what he was doing, they were watching a young man save a life and were eager to know if he could do it or not. They saw that the young man was muttering and all the people were silent so that everyone could hear them loud and clear.

Ryuuji: * Mutter * I see it ..... no, not yet ... not yet ... it's deeper ... deeper.

Here it is!


Here it is, I stop the needle here. ~ Ryuuji suddenly pulled the needle from the girl's body and everyone looked anxiously at the girl to see what had happened to her when Ryuuji's voice reached her ears.

Ryuuji: "With this, the blood I was storing with all the pressure will come out right now." ~ When he said that suddenly blood shot up like a fountain of water from the little picket he had made to the girl's body.

Ryūji was covered in blood and said with curved lips in a smile. "Blood pressure and breathing have returned to normal, the hard part of this step is over."

Ryuuji: "Now we just have to wait for .... ah, look, there come the doctors." ~ Ryuuji said when he pointed to the distance the paramedics had come.

"Well, ma'am now I say goodbye." ~ Ryuuji said and disappeared from that place at a speed that nobody could follow.


I stood there while all that was happening in front of my eyes. Ryuuji-san has just saved a life and instead of staying to receive the compliments and attention, he decided to leave this place as soon as he saved the little girl.

Other people in doing what he did would stay to receive the compliments and presume to have saved a life, but Ryuuji-san doesn't care about any of that.

"Ahhhhh curse but how cool it is, I want to be like him, I want to learn from him. To do that I have to become a follower of him, besides he can teach me how to control my anger."

"Tomorrow I go to his house to see if he lets me follow him."

End pov Mamoru take.