
chapter 2:¿In what world am I?

The old shen was telling him what their lives were like so far.

Ryuuji's mother, who was Shen's daughter, had escaped from China to Japan in search of a man behind her father Shen's back. And when Shen heard about it, he traveled to Japan and was looking for his daughter for a while until he managed to find her whereabouts, but what Shen did not anticipate, and to his greatest surprise, was that his daughter was in A hospital with a newborn child in his arms.

Shen's daughter was holding a small baby in her arms, and in her gaze you could only see a deep love and affection for him, she wedged him in her arms as if it were a delicate flower that would break before any sudden movement while she I sang a song to sleep.

Unfortunately, the mother's body was already very weak at that time, and little by little as the minutes passed, she was losing the light in her eyes. She went out of her way to stay longer with her beloved baby while snuggling him closer to her body to feel more of that warmth her son had. At the same time she could not help shedding tears thinking that since she was not going to be able to stay and spend time with her baby while caring for him and playing with him, while watching how he was growing day by day and becoming a strong man and respectable with people.

Grandpa Shen watched all of that with anger and frustration as he clenched his fists very tightly digging his nails into his skin and staining the floor red with his blood coming out of his tightly clenched fists. He lamented at not having the power and doing nothing at a time like this, and he could only endure the urge not to burst into uncontrolled anger as he watched as the life of his beloved daughter slowly died out in front of his eyes.

Unfortunately, time goes on, and the time came when Ryuuji's mother died shortly after a few minutes with tears that kept coming out of her eyes. Grandfather Shen was injured and frustrated to witness the death of his daughter while standing like a statue without moving from the place where he was standing.

Nothing was known about the father, and Shen's daughter didn't talk about him either, even knowing that her time of death was a few minutes away. But even so, on her last breath, and before her life died out of this world, she told him her baby's first and last name and then died with a big smile adorning her beautiful face. And that was how Grandpa Shen stayed in charge of Ryuuji, and was raising him until now.

He also told Ryuuji about the Quirk that everyone had, rather almost everyone, since only 80% of the population manifested the use of Quirk at the age of 4.

The first person to manifest a Quirk was a newborn baby in the city of Qingqing; His ability was to emanate light from his body. After that incident, many people around the world began to manifest different types of special abilities. While the cause of the Quirk phenomenon is unknown, it has been theorized that the development of Quirks was caused by the spread of a virus transported by mice. Currently, about 80% of the world's population owns a Quirk.

The beginning of this extraordinary era was marred by a collapse of society caused by the sudden onslaught of criminals empowered by their newly discovered "superpowers." These superpowers were first known as goal skills before being called Quirks

As society adapted to the new status quo, the Police Force moved to prioritize leadership and maintain the status quo, and as such, decided not to use Quirks as weapons. To fill that void, the profession of Quirk users to fight crime, Pro Heroes, began to exist, which caused the Rangers to slowly disappear. However, authorizing the use of powers that could kill so easily was a very criticized decision at first.

Over time, he gained public support due to the fact that the first people to work professionally as heroes acted morally and respected the law. However, some members of society were not happy with government regulations on the use of Quirk as they believed that the use of their superhuman abilities should be a right.

The peculiarities are inherited genetically through what appears to be the Mendelian inheritance and, usually, manifest themselves in children no later than four years. The children will manifest one of their parents' Quirks or a new compound Quirk formed by the fusion of the two. This Quirk compound can sometimes give the appearance of the person who has two separate peculiarities.

A child can manifest a Quirk that is not related to their genetic lineage, similar to a mutation.

As it is said that Quirks are the next stage of evolution in the human race, it is possible to diagnose that a person lacks a Quirk by analyzing the presence or absence of an extra joint in his little finger. People with only one joint will develop a Quirk while having two joints indicates that the person will not develop a Quirk.

Ryuuji at age 4 when he was taken to a doctor to verify what his Quirk was, he was told that he was a new type of Quirk and that they did not know much of his power he currently had, since Ryuuji could only create a semi-transparent sphere of his hand, and I could enlarge it to the size of a room.

The doctor who saw that said it was like a kind of room without any special use, and that maybe he could only do that and nothing else, unless he trained his power more and found some use in the future. But if the boy wanted to become a hero in the future, with that power he was not going to go far like the other children who were lucky to have a better power, and to abandon the dream of being a hero and concentrate on another thing.

And that was what the good doctor said with cold and cruel words


But now that Ryuuji knew that information, he thought differently.

'Oh, so I'm in "my hero academia", well, I don't know if I laugh or cry with this information, at least I know where I am and my power is not bad either, in fact I like it. The doctor said that my power was not very useful to be a hero since I could only form a kind of semi-transparent sphere with my hand, a "room", but that is not all that my power can do.'

'This power is something similar that I had already seen that another person in an animated series had it, this power is the same as that of One Piece's "Trafalgar D. Water Law" with his ope ope no mi. Haha I just have to train him and make him stronger. But now that I think about it, some powers that are in my hero academy are similar to those of one piece.'

'hmmm ..... but, wait a bit, perhaps my transmigration did not have to come with some kind of system or something, a system that made me do missions and earn points, since the power I have is the power I had the child's body originally, and that is not valid because if the body of the child in which he i transmigrated had no power, I would have to be only a normal child and nothing else.'


While I was thinking and playing with my new power in my hand, I was not attentive to my surroundings when I feel a blow to my head that forces me to wake up from my stunned state.



"Listen to me when I'm talking to you brat.!"

"You may have lost your memory, but that is no reason for you not to listen to me."

Grandfather Shen spoke in an angry tone, since he had been talking to Ryuji for a while, and when he did not get an answer from him, he realized that he was not paying even the slightest attention, and was only playing with his power. That earned him a vein in his forehead, the angry ended up hitting him in the head to wake him up.

"Hey, that hurt me, but what the hell is wrong with you, old decrepit," said Ryuuji, touching his head where his grandfather had hit him.

"That's the way to talk to your grandfather.!" ~ Shen said showing her fist threatening to hit him again.

That is the way to hit your grandson! ~ When Ryuuji said that, he realized that he still hadn't found out how he had hurt his head, so he decided to ask.

"Hey Grandpa Shen, so how do I get hit in the head until I lose my memory?"

When Grandpa Shen heard the question his grandson asked him, he started a little and said.

"Well, that's something that went through an error on my part."

Grandfather Shen spoke with a sad face and remained silent, but little by little his forehead was getting sweaty, moving his eyes from left to right in a suspicious way. Ryuuji saw that and found something strange, thinking that his grandfather was hiding something from him, he demanded in a dark and dangerous tone of voice.

"So are you going to tell me or not?"

Grandpa Shen seeing the terrifying face that his beloved grandson was putting on, and knowing that they had already discovered him, he only sighed in defeat and had no choice but to speak with the truth.

"Okay, I'll tell you."

"All this happens because you are a perverted brat.!"

"I may have lost my memory but I am not an idiot" ~ Ryuuji replied curling his lips with a dark smile.

"tch, clever brat."

"Good, good, I'll tell you, you're already happy."

"I will be happy when you tell me the reason."

Grandpa Shen stared at his grandson for a few more seconds thinking about whether he should tell him or not, but in the end he just had to talk to him with the truth and just tell him, since sooner or later he was going to find out one way or another. So he turned around with his back to Ryuuji, put his two hands behind his back and raised his head looking at the ceiling with his eyes out of focus, as if he were in a trance remembering the events of the previous night, and after To be thinking about it for a while he started talking. ~ "It all started when you helped me with something last night."



The previous night. 23:47 pm

In the darkness of the night, with the dim light brought by the stars and the moon that shone in the infinite and dark sky, there were two somewhat suspicious figures hidden behind a car as they spoke among themselves in a low voice.

"Now listen to me well my dear grandson, all you have to do is distract those ladies while I go through the sacred object that is hanging outside their windows."

"W-But doing that is wrong Grandpa Shen, doing that is what villains would do and I want to be a hero that saves people."

Idiot! "Stop being such a coward, I'm training you to gain confidence and learn to talk to people."

"But, and if they discover me."

"Neglect boy, if they discover you, grandpa will save you."

"You promise"

"Yes I promise."

"Fine, then I will."

"Well, ¡now you go there to distract those ladies so I can get to work.!

Shen pointed to a corner of the street where 5 young women stood talking to each other, and the objects that old Shen was talking about what he called "treasures", was the underwear of the women who were hanging outside from the windows of a building that were the rooms where women lived.

Grandpa Shen was a pervert without cause, and he liked to do those kinds of things. He collected those treasures he stole from the windows of young women like those girls. And now he was taking his grandson to continue his legacy and train him as he called to steal underwear without being discovered.

And the former Ryuuji is a good boy who he was to distract the girls while his grandfather tried to steal the inner clothes of the women who were hanging from a certain window of the building, but at some point something went wrong and the girls discovered right on the spot to old Shen. And the boy being so nervous about everything that happened was neglected to yell at his grandfather to escape in a hurry, and the girls realized that the boy who was talking to them before was with the old pervert who stole his clothes and poor boy beat him up while shouting for help to his grandfather that he just told him.

"I'm sorry Ryuuji, turn into the bait so that I can escape safely."

While Grandpa Shen said that, a small imaginary tear escaped from his eye and then turned away and ran away, leaving only Ryuuji while the women beat him up.

End flashback.


"And that's how you ended up hurt like that."

Grandpa Shen finished by telling Ryuuji the way he had been hurt.

Well, at that time Ryuuji was angry with the old man who calls himself his grandfather, because, ¿what would happen if he told him that the original Ryuuji died because of his stupidity and because he was a pervert, what would he do if they told him that? . As well, it goes without saying and you don't have to know it either, I just have to keep acting pretending that I only lost my memory and nothing else.

"So, are you mad at Grandpa?"

Shen asked, glancing at him as if she were a teenage woman, rubbing the palms of her hand between her knees, and then with a hand she threw a kiss at Ryuuji. Only women do it in a more attractive way, but what Ryuuji was seeing was a perverted old man acting creepy, and he was seriously thinking about whether he should call the police or not.

* Sigh *: "You have finished changing the bandages." ~ Ryuuji asked impatiently.

"Oh yes, everything is ready.!"

The grandfather said slapping him on the head.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep a little more."

"Oh, sleep all you want, since they gave you three days off so you can be at home and then you will go to school again ... niahahahahaha."

tch, stupid and perverted.

"Súper pervert-sama, and your mouth is right there.!"

Whatever is.

Ryuuji said closing the door of what was his room to think about everything that was happening now.