
chapter 1:new life

It all started when I opened my eyes waking up from what seemed like a long dream. I don't know for how many hours I have been asleep, since the most I have slept after being awake for two days without sleeping has been about 15 hours at most.

I opened my eyes slowly but I had to squint them a little, since the sunlight that passed through a half-open window in the room forced me to close them. With my hand I covered my eyes and proceeded to slowly get up from the bed I was lying on and then go to the window that was open and close it and then close the blinds and the sun no longer hit my face.

But when I did that action, I noticed something strange and confusing, since when I reached out to close the blinds and looked at my hand, it was much smaller than I remember, and I should have a 30-year-old man like me. Also, observing my surroundings well, I saw that I was not in my usual room that consisted of a 50-inch TV, my shelves with movies, the anime figures I had, my computer. Everything had disappeared to be replaced by a simple boring room.

I looked at the room that was not mine, and the room was composed only of some worn books of much use, some drawings on paper that were scattered on the wooden floor that had some holes here and there. The drawings seemed to have been made by a small child because of the way they were drawn, they looked more like random scribbles with lines drawn in random directions, car toys, posters with people printed on them who wore costumes like power rangers .

Then I looked at the bed he was lying on and saw that he had worn and old blankets that were sewn together with other blankets of different colors. And the place where I was lying asleep, could not be called a "bed" since it was only an old and used mattress that had a bad smell that leaked straight into my nose. Then my eyes went to what apparently my feet were, I had to rub my eyes with my hand to confirm if I was seeing well or not, why what I saw was that my feet had shrunk to the size of a small child.

To confirm what I thought was happening to me, I looked in the old and messy room where I was looking for a mirror to see my appearance, since it was clear what had happened to me, and apparently had been transmigrated into A body of a child. I am not going to make an idiot so as not to realize what is happening, since I have read this same situation hundreds of times written in books and novels.

I quickly found a mirror in my line of sight, and carefully got out of bed to go where I was. When I stood in front of the mirror and saw my appearance, I could confirm my suspicions, since in front of the mirror and seeing my appearance, I saw a child who, judging by his size, should be about 7 years old, maybe 8, with messy black hair and a little long that reached my shoulders, I had an idiot face with dead fish eyes, with a fragile and thin body. His eyes were black with no light like the eyes of a person who had seen the worst of this world, as if nothing in this world surprised and mattered with a bored look on his face.

Then I saw that my head was wrapped in bandages and when I tried to touch them, I felt a strong pain in the back of my head, then I looked at my hand with which I had touched and had traces of blood between my fingers.

Ahhhhh shit, I don't know what happened to me, but I can assume that the original user of this body, in other words the (child) must have died and I must have occupied his body without a soul, but, if that is the case, that does not mean that I have also died to be in this body.

But how? ... if all I did was go to sleep after having been reading a sleeve without sleeping for two days in a row!, And not that I would have done it only now, but very often I did, but this time It was different and when I fell asleep I died.

Hahaha but what a joke, to think that I have died to transmigrate in an unknown body in an unknown house and in a world that I may not know. But looking around the room, I can say that this child's family was a bit poor, since everything here is old, the TV, the bed (mattress), the books, etc.

Well, now what am I going to do ~ I thought as I closed my eyes in the middle of the room and put myself in a pose to think, placing my hand on my chin and rubbing an imaginary beard lightly with my fingers, while with my left hand I grabbed the elbow of the right hand.

Because in no way can I tell the parents of this child's body, that their child has died, and that another person has occupied their body. Because that would be stupid and unnecessary. Since if I tell you that, they will only see me as crazy or a little confused perhaps because of the blow I received, although I still don't know how I ended up hurting myself so seriously.

While I was thinking deeply with my eyes closed and completely oblivious to the environment around me, thinking about the excuses I could make when I met the parents of the child whose body I had now occupied, and I had not noticed that a person had entered the room and I was looking straight in the face.


Pov grandfather.

I was doing my daily routine when reviewing, ordering and ironing my precious collection that I had obtained the night before, when I feel the movement that came from my dear grandson's room, so I will see it and when I get to the room I see that my grandson He was standing in front of the mirror doing different types of ridiculous poses, then he opened his pants and then had a disappointed face and then the murmur "well, it will grow."

After that, he stands in the same place with his eyes closed thinking about something, he is seen to be thinking very deeply since when I approach to face him and call him a few times to get his attention, he does not answer me.

So I am inclined to be at his height and look him in the face to see him better, there is something different about him, I don't know what it will be but it feels like he has matured after the accident. His aura is different from the previous one, he doesn't look anything like the young crybaby who asked for my help while they were beating him ... hmm ... what will it be.

The old man said with one hand on his chin and thinking like the child, but after a while he tries to call him.

"Hey little rascal, wake up!"


"Hey little idiot, I'm talking to you.!"


"Little penis, wake up, hey, hey.!"




"Tch, it's fine, because you ignore me, I know that Grandpa did wrong by letting you beat you while I escaped."

"How about this, if you'll forgive me, I'll let you keep some of the loot I got thanks to your noble sacrifice last night.!"

The old man was trying to get the boy out of his deep thought without any visible result. The old man seeing that, thought that his grandson was ignoring him and was angry with him for what he had done last night, so he said.

"Hehe a little brat don't you do ignore your grandfather, or I'll have to do my special technique."


"Well, you asked for it, here I go ....!"

[Grandpa's special technique: súper kisses]

The old man said when he stretched his lips as he approached the boy.


Pov child.

"Well let's go with that!"

The boy said when an idea had occurred to him in case he was asked about his attitude change, so he slowly opened his eyes, only to find an older man with his lips stretched out slowly approaching him. The boy was surprised by that and shouted as he made a fist bump towards the old man's face.


* Bomm *

Both the boy and the old man were surprised, but both for different reasons. The boy was surprised by the way he shouted, and the old man was surprised by the blow he suddenly received in the nose that made him fall to the ground and also by the effeminate way in which his beloved grandson had shouted.

The old man was the first to leave the state surprised when he stood up and started yelling at the boy.

"But why you hit me like that so suddenly and you scream in that way so fag, little, brat without respect, little penis, idiot, bad grandson ... !!"

"Shut up you, you old perverted idiot!", But what the hell were you going to do to me? ~ Said the boy taking a few steps back

"Shut up! I may be old and perverted, but I'm not an idiot.!

"I am your grandfather!" ~ The old man said with a smile on his wrinkled face and stretching his hands waiting for a hug from his grandson.

¿Grandpa? ¡My butt! ..... where are my parents ?!

Parents? hahaha .... you have no parents little brat.

"I am the one who has been taking care of you all this time, I am the one who changed your diapers when you screwed up, I feed you, and I am your grandfather.!" ~ I finish saying the old man with another smile on his face, but this time it was a slightly forced smile

Do you not remember it? It will be because of the blow on the head of the beating they gave you.

Asked the old man who now looked a little worried about the child's health, and approached him grabbing his head, turning it to the left and then to the right to check his wound.

On the other hand the boy was surprised by the information he just received, he had no parents but a grandfather, who was the old man in front of his eyes.

"Hey, look, you're bleeding again, come with me so I can change your bandages."

The old man said when he grabbed the boy by the hand and led him to another room.

Already being in another room, the old man made the boy sit in a chair while he changed the bandages he had on his head, while he was doing that he started asking questions to his grandson who apparently did not remember anything.

"So little brat, what do you remember about what happened to you last night?"

"Hmm ..... I don't remember anything, I don't remember my name, or what happened to me, because I have this wound and because I am in this house that at any moment falls apart."

The boy responded sincerely confirming the old man's suspicions. And the old man, when he heard that, had a sad and regretful face on his face, since it was because of him that his precious grandson ended those serious wounds

* Sigh * ~ "I was afraid of it, well, I will start by telling you who I am and who you are."

"My name is ... well, you used to tell me Grandpa Shen."

[Shen, a Chinese name] ~ the boy thought as he listened carefully to what the old man now known as shen was telling him.

"And you are 'Yamamoto Ryuuji' and you are my dear grandson.