
chapter 18: New plan

Endeavor and Mirko engaged in another great battle against the devil while slowly beginning to destroy the city in which they were.

The other heroes who had arrived at the place were watching from afar, while they waited for some opportunity to be able to help them at all times, not everyone has the strength that those two have, so they chose to see the battle and would help if at any time. In case they were in trouble.

Ryuuji and All Might were now resting a bit treating their battle wounds. Ryuuji was seeing how the other two heroes were slowly taking advantage and starting to hit the demon, seeing that he came up with something and turned to all might and told him.

"I think I have a way to defeat him."

All might turned to see Ryuji who had suddenly told him that while he was looking at him with a serious look on his face, he told her. ~ "You are serious Ryuuji Shonen."

"Seriously, but to do that I'm going to need the help of Eraserhead." ~ All might when I hear the name of the hero Ryuuji needed help from, he didn't speak or interrupt him since he wanted to keep listening to what Ryuuji had to say. Eraserhead had the ability to erase a quirk just by looking at it and more or less he understood what Ryuuji wanted to do, so he just looked at it and waited for him to finish talking.

"I have a special technique where I can get a person's heart out, and when I take out that person's heart he or she is instantly unconscious for a few hours and I will make Eraserhead erase his quirk and when he does that there is when I I go in and take that heart out of that demon and battle won. "

"Now if you knew the phone number and he told you where it is, we could bring it here with the help of my friends, rather than Akeno, since she can teleport anywhere and she can bring Eraserhead in any time, that's why I need you to call him and tell you where he is so we can go find him. "

"While you do that I will call Akeno to come to my side."~ Ryuuji said and was going to take out his phone, but when he checked his pocket he realized that he had nothing and only had a hole in him causing him to fall and losing it somewhere, then he turned around to see All might and he was also looking at him showing the same as Ryuuji, he had also lost his phone making it impossible to call Eraserhead.

"Shit." X2

"You don't know his number."

"No, and you."


"Shit!" x2.





"Damn it first were those two and then you, but hey, that doesn't matter since I will kill you all together when I recover 100%.!"

Endeavor: "What are you talking about villain?"

Mirko: "Hahaha that doesn't matter, you didn't hear it, and I don't care, I'm just going to finish it and that's it."

"Kekeke let me tell you something weirdly dressed men, now I can only use my power at 40% ..... and if I could use my power at 100% you would be nothing more than ants in front of my eyes than with just a click of my fingers could defeat them. "

"Hmm then with more reason you have to defeat yourself now that you cannot use all your power." ~ Endeavor said and jumped towards him with his fist covered with fire punching the demon and he protected himself by forming a shield with the substance that covered his Body.

* Boom *

Endeavor's attack collided with the demon's shield causing a great outburst along with immense heat from the flames that were melting the concrete beneath them.

The heroine Bunny aka Mirko was watching the confrontation of the two attacks with a smile on her face, she did not want to stay out of the fun, jumped very high into the sky and then began to descend at full speed with her fist ready to hit the demon.

Endeavor that saw that he walked away just when Mirko fell directly towards the demon, hitting him hard on his back and burying him deep inside the building where they were standing raising a cloud of dust while small rocks flew in all directions.

Then Mirko was seen jumping off the destroyed building through the cloud of dust and standing in a nearby building to see if the demon appeared again.

"Hey, warn for the next time you're going to attack." ~ Endeavor said he was on the ground looking towards Mirko, since if he hadn't realized that Mirko was coming to attack, he would also have been trapped under the building next to the devil

"That's because of you, I already told you to leave this to me, and that I alone can end him." ~ Mirko replied with a huge bright smile on his face. She was clearly enjoying fighting this villain a lot since she realized that the demon villain was a tough and tough being that when she hit him he wouldn't break with a single attack.

She just wanted to enjoy the fight while she was finishing off the villain but there was one thing that was bothering her and that is Endeavor's presence in her battle. She clearly told him that she could alone, but Endeavor kept meddling with every second and that bothered him.

She was one of the few heroines or heroes who didn't like to make teams with anyone. Rather, he didn't want to, since he thought that those who made teams and fought hand in hand against an enemy were cowards who couldn't use their own strength to fight and she didn't like that at all.

Endeavor: "Tch, I know you don't like my presence in this battle, but for now you have to do everything possible to end that villain before we destroy the entire city with our battle ... eh."

Suddenly Endeavor stopped talking because he saw something that surprised him while there would be a lot of his eyes to see if he was seeing well. When he was talking to Mirko while looking at her, he saw how that demon that was supposed to be buried in that building appeared in front of Mirko while she was distracted looking at him.

* Boom *

The demon had appeared in front of the heroine Bunny while she was turned upside down and he kicked Mirko with his foot and sent her flying across the building where she was standing. The kick that the demon gave him made him cross the building and ended up dragging his body down the street below leaving a path of destruction in his path and did not stop until he flew several meters behind.

Endeavor, when he saw that, he wasted no time while with his hand he made a spear of fire and threw it at the demon.

The demon realized that there was an incoming attack and with his hand he caught that spear of fire, then added his own element of darkness and threw it back to Endeavor.

Endeavor saw that his attack was being returned and he with his hand created a column of fire directed towards him, but his surprise was great when he saw that this spear was going through his fire and fell right in front of him buried in the asphalt.

The spear suddenly began to expand giving Endeavor a bad feeling that it was summoning its flames to cover its body. It was when the spear expanded completely causing a huge explosion that sent him flying hundreds of meters away.


A laugh could be heard in the distance and Mirko was approaching the battlefield at high speed as he jumped from building to building with a bright smile on his face with a bloodstain on his head.


"Hey all might, what do we do, I've never bothered to memorize the phone number of people, I thought it was a nuisance, but now I regret not having bothered to memorize it." ~ Ryuuji said as he looked at All Might that apparently he was also in the same position as Ryuuji.

"Well, I ... I don't know what to say."

"* Sigh * well, and now what are we going to do." ~ Ryuuji said as he had his arms crossed in front of his chest and looked in the direction of the battle that he could hear loud explosions from time to time, but then he looked at something that caught his attention, he was looking at the helicopter that was there filming everything and that they are possibly broadcasting live.

'Wait a second, if they are filming that and this live that means that there is a small possibility that those two now in this moment are watching this battle, if so then this has to work ... well let's try it.'

"Hey, all might. I think I came up with an idea of ​​how we can contact the two people who can help us, first tell me where I can find Eraserhead."


The people inside the helicopter flying over the battle scene were all nervous with sweat running down their forehead while watching the magnitude of that battle.

First, the demon faced the number one hero All Might while fighting in a situation as equals and now he was fighting against the number two hero beating them up.

"Well ... I don't know how to describe this ... Endeavor and the heroine Mirko are giving everything they have trying to stop the demon-like villain, but we can see how the demon seems to be very strong taking the attacks of the two in front, and not only strength but also incredible resistance since just now I was fighting against All Might. "

"The demon should now be a little weakened after fighting such a tough battle against All Might, but as we can see, he still has the same energy as before moving from side to side with incredible speed ..... kyaaaa. "

The woman in the helicopter was surprised while she talked about all the facts because Ryuuji had suddenly appeared in front of the cameras, scaring everyone inside.

Ryuuji appeared in front of the camera that was recording the fight, letting everyone see Ryuuji's face on the TV screens.

knock Knock knock.

Ryuuji with his finger hit the camera lens, cleared his throat and began to speak; "Hello, hello, they listen to me ... well I don't have all the time so I will be very brief, Akeno you listen to me ... I need you to go to the UA to look for Eraserhead, then you come here with him. .. Eraserhead hey if you are watching me please cooperate with us and do not resist when the beautiful lady is going to kidnap you, All Might need your help, you really understand. "~ Ryuuji said and finished talking winking in front of the cameras with tens of thousands of people watching him while he did that.

The people who were watching that, started talking to each other while watching what was happening in that place.

"Eraserhead, who is that?"

"I don't know, I don't know him."

"But All Might says he needs your help."

"Maybe he is a powerful hero"

"I think I've heard it somewhere, but I don't remember it."

"Woaaaa .... that boy scared me when he suddenly appeared in front of the camera showing his face.!"

"Hey, you don't think it's a bit cute."

"na ... that boy has a bad face."

"He will be a great hero someday, he already has a fan."

People were talking expressing their opinion of what just happened and also guessing the identity of the person All Might needed help with, and more of some teenage women had already become Ryuuji fans when he appeared in front of the camera since they had been able to see his face more closely and although Ryuuji did not have a beautiful or attractive face, he with his wild appearance had already won the heart of more than one young girl in his life.

Ryuuji was rude and wild, and that was what some women liked about him ..... meanwhile in the UA were the teachers watching that battle and when Ryuuji appeared in front of the cameras announcing that All Might needed help of Eraserhead, all eyes focused on him while they silently waited for his decision.

"Then what will you do aizawa-kun." ~ Asked a little mouse that was next to that person named Aizawa.

Shota Aizawa, better known as Eraserhead; He is a thin, tall man with pale skin with messy black hair up to his shoulders, partially hanging in front of his face and half-open black eyes. It is usually recognized for its worn out appearance, it often seems that it just got out of bed. His facial hair remains disheveled and his eyes almost always looked tired and flat.

Shota wears an irregular black suit that consists of a long-sleeved shirt and matching pants that fit her boots. He also wears a utility belt and his wrap scarf at all times. He hides a pair of yellow glasses under his scarf for when he needs to wear them in battle.

"What will I do, well ... I have no choice but to go there and help all might-san, more or less I understand what he wants to do if he is asking for my help." ~ Aizawa replied in a lazy way on his face .

"It's true, I think he wants you to help them to erase the quirk of that man with the appearance of a demon and be able to defeat him once and for all before they continue destroying everything in his path, besides that All Might have long since he must have passed his limit but for some strange reason he still shows no signs of that. "

"Maybe it was the quirk of that boy who was helping him a while ago when he was fighting, although it is only a deduction from me and I can't be sure of that, so now that beautiful lady who said he was coming to kidnap you arrives so that I took you there.

"Yes, well then I go outside to wait for the person he mentioned."~ Aizawa said and started walking towards the entrance of the school to wait for Akeno.


The demon was already getting bored of fighting with these people and was thinking that it was time to escape and hide for a while to be able to fully recover his strength. But he was angry since he hadn't been able to kill any of the people he fought with today.

He still can't use most of his techniques because he was still weak now and all his best techniques took up a lot of energy, and right now he could only perform techniques of not much power.

But he was not going to retire from this place without being able to take even one life from the people he fought with, and just when he was thinking who to kill is when his gaze fell on Ryuuji who was in heaven clinging to the helicopter.

He saw Ryuuji and made a wicked smile and took off into the sky in Ryuuji's direction while flapping his wings at high speed. Endeavor and Mirko who were fighting with the demon when they saw the action he did, noticed it strangely but when they saw the direction the demon was heading they opened their eyes because they saw that it was going to the helicopter that was there.

They did not understand why the devil was going to that place, but then they saw the person inside and like a lamp that was burning in their heads they immediately understood.

They thought the demon was escaping but after seeing that Ryuuji was there they understood that the demon was going through the life of the boy who had previously fought alongside All Might. "Hey careful BOY," the heroine bunny, shouted and leaped into the sky chasing the devil.

Ryuuji who suddenly heard someone yelling at him, turned his head down and saw that the demon was heading right for him.

Quickly Ryuuji made a room and recovered his katana. The people inside the helicopter were scared when they saw that the demon was heading towards them and immediately flew towards another direction causing Ryuuji to lose his balance since he was only clinging tightly to the helicopter.

'Damn, now I don't have much energy left, if I run away the demon may kill these people ... tch, I'll have to jump and face him again, the bunny won't be on time with her speed, the devil It is very fast and will arrive in just a few seconds. '

Ryuuji did not have time to think about it anymore because the demon was already close to them, so he jumped towards him with his katana covering it with rays to intercept even a single blow of him and delay him a little, and after Ryuuji delayed him in his flight, Mirko will be right behind him ready to attack him


* Baamm *

Ryuuji and the demon attacked each other in the middle of the air and the two continued advancing until they were facing away from each other. Suddenly red blood could be seen splashing in the sky showing that either of them had been injured.

Ryuuji kept moving forward and falling while he had a stoic face with drops of sweat on his forehead, while on the other hand the demon could be seen with a victorious smile on his face and in his hand he carried an entire arm that had a tightly held katana between your hand.

In the midst of the clash of the attacks the demon had somehow managed to tear Ryuuji's arm out.

The people who were watching that through the TV screens were surprised with their jaws open seeing such a result, because just when they saw that the demon was going to attack the people they were filming, the boy jumped to intercept the demon facing to him and give him time for people to escape, but none of them imagined that the boy would end up losing one of his arms in the process.

When Ryuuji was falling towards the ground and was slowly moving away from the demon, Akeno appeared next to Eraserhead, but they were not the only ones coming, there were also Aoki and Mamoru next to them.

But when they saw Ryuuji's condition seeing how he was missing an arm and then shifting his vision to the demon that he had Ryuuji's missing arm in his hand, they didn't think twice and didn't care that they were in the middle of the air when Mamoru began to transform into a huge 8-meter-tall mammoth and immediately attacked the demon with his trunk.

* Boom *