
chapter 17: the heroes are always late

All Might and Ryuuji were watching the demon that was watching them from above at the top of the sky. They were looking at them with calculating eyes and attentive to every little movement he could make.

The demon a few minutes ago had shown that he had incredible speed that it was impossible for normal human eyes to see him, but since All Might was a hero of the big leagues and had fought against a lot of villains, he was already used and he could keep up with his incredible speed.

Ryuuji had been trained from an early age by his grandfather and he was also a bit accustomed to the speed the demon had shown. A while ago he was distracted and did not think that demon was going to attack him so suddenly and that is why he was caught off guard and with his guard down that they managed to give him a powerful blow that sent him flying.

Around that little park you could see that he was absolutely silent, nobody said any word with just the sound of the helicopter flying over a safe distance so as not to interfere with what was about to happen and also not to be involved in the fight that in a few seconds they were going to witness.

The cameraman who was in the helicopter filming when he saw the arrival of the devil focused on the face of the demon, letting everyone see his appearance demonstrating what kind of enemy All Might was facing, and it goes without saying that when the spectators saw the appearance of the demon they were very surprised because a moment ago they had only been able to see when the villain was shot skyward and lost in the clouds and they could only see the silhouette of that demon. But now that the camera focused well on his face showing his appearance in detail, everyone felt that their spine was freezing, the little children who saw it began to cry and more than anyone could not believe in what they were seeing.

The reactions of each person were different and after seeing the appearance of that demon, everyone began to pray for the victory of All Might while leaving everything they did at that time to be able to observe what would happen and see through the TV screens the place where they were broadcasting the battle live.



Ryuuji started making his first move and made a room of 300 meters barely enclosing the demon inside her, then started running by grabbing his katana with one hand, when he was under the air jump while keeping his eyes on that demon I was just seeing him with those eyes full of anger.

When Ryuuji was meters away from the demon, he with his free hand threw a rock at his face, but the demon easily dodged it by tilting his head letting the rock pass behind him. But that is exactly what Ryuuji wanted to do when his lips curled in a smile that made the devil look at him with a strange face. The demon raised one of his arms to stab Ryuuji who was getting closer and closer to him.


The demon was surprised when Ryuuji disappeared appearing All Might in his place with his fist ready to hit him. He recovered from his initial surprise immediately and did not care much when his smile grew even more as he continued advancing with his attack on All Might that had appeared in front of him, but what he did not notice is that when Ryuuji disappeared appearing All Might in where he was, Ryuuji had appeared behind the demon as he exchanged with the small rock that had thrown him before.

Ryūji was behind him and covered his katana with rays flashing loudly that caught the attention of the devil. He turned his head slightly as he saw him out of the corner of his eye, being very surprised, but it was too late for him to act as Ryuuji and All Might attacked both at the same time.

[Carolina Smash]

All Might shouted as he had his arms in a transverse position with the intention of hitting the demon's head. He knew he was strong so he didn't hold back and hit hard to get the chance to knock him out of it. And Ryuuji balanced his katana with the intention of cutting it into two halves.

The two attacked at the same time hoping to take the demon by surprise, but then they saw that the demon was not at all disturbed with his incoming attacks that were millimeters from hitting him. The demon with a fast movement turned his body in the air dodging the attack of the two, and while Ryuuji and All Might be surprised, the demon grabbed his wrists tightly and began to spin at high speed on his own axis.

The demon began to spin pulling All Might and Ryuuji at the same time and then threw All Might in the direction of the city, followed by Ryuuji who hit the body of All Might in the air causing the two to travel at high speed in the direction of the huge buildings.

* Boom *

* Boom *

* Boom *

* Boom *

All Might and Ryuuji crossed several buildings and then fell to the streets dragging their bodies leaving a ditch of destruction in their wake. Civilians screamed and ran when they realized what had happened. The heroes began to evacuate the people seeing how the battle had been transferred to the city. The helicopter that was in the air followed all their movements and focused on All Might with Ryuuji who were in a crater in the middle of the streets.


"Ahhhh shit, that hurts curse." ~ Ryuuji said when he left the crater he was in and turned to see All Might next to him who was looking at him. He in one way or another knew what I was thinking and said: "Hey, hey, don't look at me like that, it's not my fault that this demon was so fast frustrating our plan."

Ryuuji's plan was to end that demon with a single blow taking advantage of his confusion and surprise. They would take advantage of that moment to end the one-movement. All Might agreed with him after hearing what he was capable of doing with his power, but who imagined that guy was going to do much stronger and faster having a crazy and super strong combination.

"That doesn't matter anymore. You have to look for a new way to end it. The truth is that that was a good plan and there was little chance of failing, but apparently today luck is not on our side." ~ All Might said looking towards the demon that was flying towards them.

"There it comes."


Ryuuji and All Might prepared ready to fight again as the demon was approaching.

All Might jumped towards him and with his fist, he hit him, while the demon also struck with his fist and they both collided with each other causing a strong shock wave that broke the windows of the nearby buildings.

Ryuuji buried the katana on the ground and began clapping forward, repelling the air, making small paw-shaped balls go straight to the demon.

[Tsuppari pad ho]

The small air balls quickly approached the demon who was in an exchange of blows with All Might.

All Might watching Ryuuji's incoming attack moved away from that place just in time when Ryuuji's attack began to impact the demon causing small explosions in his body.


The demon screamed in pain with the sudden explosions, and then saw the small balls coming straight at him, and when he realized that he started flying around with Ryuuji's attacks following them closely while they exploded in the air causing some strong explosions in the air.

The demon that was flying and seeing how Ryuuji was one of the attacks, he changed his direction flying towards Ryuuji, dodging his attacks in zig-zag until he was in front of Ryuuji and with his hand stretched inches from touching his face with the intention of crushing him.

Ryuuji saw when the demon suddenly changed direction flying towards him and when he was near the murmur with a smile on his face ~ "idiot" ~ and exchanged his place with the huge air ball of pain that had long since taken him to All Might

The demon entered the interior of that ball and suddenly began to feel great pain that made him scream very loudly when his body began to destroy itself from within.




The demon was receiving all the pain and began to vomit blood when he knelt on the floor, then began to bleed from the eyes and ears, breathing hard.

Ryuuji had compressed All Might's pain to make it small and was bringing it with him at all times. When Ryuuji removes a person's pain, the pain can be outside that person for no more than 8 minutes, if those minutes have passed, the pain re-enters that person where it comes from.

And to make that pain not return to the person in 8 minutes, Ryuuji can use it to make an attack that causes a strong explosion or can transfer it to another person. Ryūji has already taken the pain of people a couple of times and he just throws it towards the earth transferring the pain there causing a small crater and nothing else.

All might was next to Ryuuji looking at how the pain they had taken before was now slowly entering that demon while he writhed in pain and shouted in agony.

Suddenly the demon fixes his eyes on Ryuuji and with his hand forms a black energy ball and throws it at him.


Ryuuji manages to react and places his hands in front of him to repel the energy towards the sky, but when he does, he realizes that the demon is right in front of his eyes looking at him directly, but disappeared as soon as he appeared because All Might is Once he was attentive and saw everything that happened and when he saw that the demon used this technique as a distraction to hit Ryuuji, he immediately reacted with a powerful blow to his face and sent him flying.

* Bamm *

* Bamm *

* Bamm *

The demon crossed several streets and crossed several buildings by the blow of All Might, but they see that he returns again at an incredible speed clearing all the dust that was in the area.

Ryuuji reaches his katana and jumps towards him to make a cut that the devil blocks him with his claws, but All Might appears before him and gives him a blow on the body that makes him go back.


Ryuuji changes to All Might and he appears behind the demon giving him a kick that drives him towards Ryuuji who was waiting for him with his katana in his hand. The demon saw that and blocked Ryuuji's cut again and kicked him hard towards a house.

All might was suddenly facing the demon with Ryuuji helping him. When the demon was about to hit him, he exchanged All Might in another direction. The blows came and went while destroying everything in his path.

Ryuuji also faced blows with the demon but always ended up under the rocks when he was sent to fly through the air. All Might was trying everything he could to help Ryuuji and the two were supporting each other while the people saw all that great battle that was destroying both buildings and houses.

The spectators were watching as on the ground where they were fighting there was a kind of barrier that could be seen with the naked eye and within that barrier they could see how Ryuuji and All Might teleported from one place to another fighting against the demon.

The camera focused on Ryuuji who was slowly with more blood on his body while doing everything possible to continue fighting alongside All Might.

"Hey, what happens? Why no hero has appeared to help them?"

"What are you doing? Look at that poor boy who's fighting while he's stained in his own blood."

"Hey, the heroes because they're not there yet to help."

"You can All might, come on boy.!"

"All Might can finish it, but look at the demon, he doesn't stop attacking that boy."

"Yes, he has been chasing him all this time."

"And look, you can see how there are still some people trapped, and that's why All Might can't use all its power."

Come on, all might end with him!

"Come on boy just a little more, hold on."

People who were watching from one moment to another had begun to shout encouraging the two who were fighting there against the devil while they saw how they were fighting with everything they could, the only thing they could do in a situation like this was to encourage them and support them waiting for more heroes to arrive at the place to fight alongside them and thus end the villain.


It had been about 15 minutes since Ryuuji and all might had started fighting the demon, but those minutes for them had been like hours, they were both very wounded having cuts all over their body, but Ryuuji's most wounded since He didn't have that super steel body that All Might had to protect himself from powerful attacks.

Ryuuji was bleeding all over his body with his clothes shattered while he was looking at the demon, on the other hand the demon was not very hurt but he could be furious because two humans were hurting him, but he was more angry with Ryuuji already that he and his strange powers made it difficult for him to fight because Ryuuji always teleported to another place making it difficult for the devil to know where they would appear in his next move.

Ryuuji had already used his power a lot avoiding the blows and energies that demon launched them. When the demon was about to hit a blow, he changed his positions for rocks and debris while maintaining his room at all times.

The demon was looking at the two who were at a distance when suddenly he sees that columns of fire come directly from his left side to strike him.

In a jump he dodges those flames in time when the pillars of fire strike in the place where he was standing melting everything in his path, then he sees in the direction in which those flames came, and saw a man standing on top of There were other people in a building and behind the big man, then he began to see around that more people appeared, joining the other two with whom he was fighting.

Ryuuji and All Might were watching as some heroes appeared to help them and then someone fell from a great height next to them.

"Hi, all might-san and your strong boy. I hope I can join the game too, no more I can finish it myself."

The person who had appeared at his side was a woman who has an athletic constitution with muscular arms and legs. She has tanned skin, red eyes tilted slightly inward and straight white hair that reaches her waist. On his head he has a pair of long white rabbit ears that point upward with a slight curve. Along with these, she also has a round white tail, which gives her overall design a definite resemblance to an albino rabbit.

His hero costume consists of a white sleeveless jersey with a dark purple trim around the shoulders and waist, a wide yellow crescent moon design over his chest and two thick metal plates at the waist. He wears purple boots to the thigh to complement his leotard, with more plates around the heel and toe areas, making his feet look like those of a rabbit. She also has white gloves on her hands, with long cuffs, wearing small triangular bumps around the edges.

When Ryuuji saw who had appeared he was a little surprised since she was "Rumi Asagiyama" who is later known as the heroine number 5 of the hero ranking and then saw towards the building where Endeavor stood.

Enji Todoroki, better known as Endeavor; He is a tall and muscular man, with short red hair and pointed tips and bright blue eyes. His beard and mustache seem to be made of fire, but when he voluntarily extinguishes his flames on his face, his natural beard is notorious, which is the same color and texture as his hair.

His hero costume is composed of a navy suit with flames flowing through his chest, arms and, above all, his shoulders. He uses his flames like a fire mask, and his boots seem to be made of flames too, which have black laces tied with a bow and white soles. He also wears white bracelets with a cage design, and a black belt with the golden buckle and a white bag attached to the right side.

Endeavor: All might, because you take so long with this villain, you're not so weak, I've been watching his battle and I decided to come here to end it because I got bored of waiting for you to defeat him, now it's my turn so Get out of here along with that brat.

"Guys, you took a long time cof cof ... well, now that you are here you will do a great help."

"Hahaha endeavor, this guy is mine, so don't get into this." ~ Said the heroine Bunny and threw herself into the devil to fight him without giving Endeavor time to respond.

Meanwhile, other heroes approached Ryuuji and All Might to help them, rather they approached Ryuuji to take care of his wounds.

"Wow boy, if you're strong, you were fighting side by side with all might against the villain. Now let us help you." ~ A hero said and helped Ryuuji stand up so he wouldn't fall to the ground.

"We saw how you two were fighting that demon and the heroes who were close to the place rushed to arrive to support him, sorry for the delay."

"Haha, well thanks, it was more or less time for someone to appear and give us their help." ~ Ryuuji said while leaning on a hero and watching the battle he had started between Bunny, Endeavor and the devil.

Some heroes were congratulating Ryuuji for the work he had done supporting All Might, some did not miss the opportunity and were inviting him to work under them when he was a professional hero.

All Might also took his time to rest since they had been fighting without being able to rest preventing the demon from destroying the city with his energy balls that he threw from time to time, besides that he was already running out of time that Ryuuji He gave so he could fight.

A moment ago he had started coughing up blood again and really the heroes had arrived just in time to provide help. He and Ryuuji knew there were some heroes near the place, but they were taking civilians out of the way to a safe place, in addition to rescuing the few people who had been buried under the rubble.