
chapter 19:Final Act Part 2

When Akeno and Eraserhead with Aoki and Mamoru had arrived at the place, they first got scared of the situation as they were suddenly in the middle of the air.

Aizawa was the first to calm down the situation when he began to look around the place and it didn't take more than half a second to understand everything when he saw Ryuuji by his side while he was injured and then saw the demon a few meters away from them.

He immediately used his power and erased the quirk of that demon causing him to also begin to fall, Ryuuji who also saw that he did his best to turn in the middle of the air and with his hand he made a gesture.


The demon, due to the confusion that his powers suddenly did not work, released Ryuuji's arm, and when Ryuuji realized that, he drove the katana and stabbed the demon in the stomach.


The demon suddenly shouted in agony feeling a strong pain in his stomach, as his power had already been erased. It is obvious that his hard skin was also gone and he was feeling great pain now.

But that was not all when Ryuuji handled the katana that was still gripped by the arm's hand very tightly and made an upward cut making him a great wound in the demon's chest.

Then Mamoru became a huge mammoth and with his trunk hit the demon down causing him to fall at high speed to the ground.

* Boom. *

The demon crashed into a building and was buried deep below, raising dust and debris everywhere.

Aizawa seeing that they were still in the middle of the air with their bandages next to everyone except Mamoru who had transformed into a giant mammoth, and then Akeno led them to the side of all might thus avoiding a direct fall to the ground.

* Baamm *

After they got to the side of all might there was a loud sound of something heavy falling that it was Mamoru who had landed on land.


"Hey they saw my arm, right now the demon had released him and must have fallen somewhere." ~ Ryuuji said looking sideways looking for his missing arm since he could put it back in place if it was still complete and not destroyed

"Ryuuji shonen, now that Aizawa-kun is here because you don't tell him about your plan." ~ Said all might to Ryuuji who saw him looking sideways. Ryuuji hearing what he said all might turned around and said: "Ahh yes it's true, well my plan is as follows."

Ryuuji began to tell him what his plan was to take the demon's heart away from him with his technique, while he did that, some heroes were gathering in the building where the demon had fallen waiting for his resurgence from the rubble.


The heroes gradually surrounded the building where the demon had fallen with Endeavor and Mirko in front of them all. They were waiting patiently while the seconds passed, then the seconds became minutes and there was still no movement on the part of that demon that was buried under tons of rubble.

Everyone was very nervous about what could have happened while they feared the worst, the demon taking advantage of that moment in which he was not seen had escaped, at least that was the thought of the heroes who were in that place.

"Tch, that damn one has escaped, it's been 8 minutes since there's no movement on his part." ~ Endeavor said and turned to go somewhere, the heroes who were there wondered what was going on. to do.

One of them had the courage and asked. "Where does Endeavor-san go, the villain may still be buried there under the rubble, may he be unconscious and have to be taken out?"

Endeavor listening to the hero said without turning around as he kept walking: "That coward has already escaped, I don't feel anything down there, maybe he has already run away escaping us."

"It's true, I can't hear any noise down there ..... Tch damn coward, he has preferred to escape from us." ~ Said the hero Mirko and also started walking away from that place with a frown and annoyed frown.

She wanted to keep fighting the demon but he had escaped with the tail between her legs like a little coward and she didn't like that at all, when she walked she looked down in a certain direction and made a sly and excited smile as if she had Found something valuable and changed direction walking towards that place.


"It seems that the devil has escaped us taking advantage of the opportunity Mamoru gave him by burying him in that building hiding it from everyone's sight." ~ Ryuuji said watching all the heroes disperse while some took their phones to call the police.

The helicopter he was flying over also began to slowly descend to the ground to interview the people who had been involved in the battle they had been broadcasting throughout the country.

"Sorry, it was not my intention to do that." ~ Said Mamoru distressed since he saw that it was because of him that the demon had escaped. Ryuuji seeing that gave him a call on his shoulder and told him.

"Haha, quiet friend, it wasn't anyone's fault, you hit him to save us by seeing how the devil could see us attacked." When Mamoru heard what Ryuuji said, he was glad to cheer him up.

"Then our plan no longer works." ~ All might intervened that he was standing behind Ryuuji next to Aizawa.

Ryuuji had already told him all his carefully crafted plan for ten seconds, but now that the demon had escaped it was impossible to realize, but they can do so in the near future when he appears again.

"Well, if they don't need my help anymore, they can send me back to school, I don't like to get attention and I don't want to go on TV." ~ Aizawa said in an annoying and lazy voice watching reporters were heading just where they stood.

"Sure, no problem .... ahh all might is better that you also go with him since you only have a few minutes left so that the time I gave you runs out." ~ Ryuuji said and looked at Akeno to do That favor for him.

"And you will not come with us Ryuuji shonen." ~ I ask All Might, ~ "From the little I have known you I realized that you do not like to attract attention and stay in places when there are situations like these. "

"Yes, I would leave too, but I have lost my arm, I have to find it, it is my only arm, I have it since I have memory." ~ Ryuuji said as he looked everywhere still looking for his missing hand.

"Hahaha it's fine, then you come to school and we tell Recovery girl to help you with that, before I had said that you could put it back in its place but it would take some time, but with your help it may take less time . "

"It's fine after I find it, I'm going to school to help me"

"Wait a moment, let us ask you some questions all might." ~ The woman in the helicopter screamed as she ran towards the direction they were all gathered but as soon as she shouted all might together with Aizawa and Akeno had disappeared, Ryuuji was gone He went to another place to start looking for his arm with Aoki and Mamoru helping him.

"Ahhhh we are late." ~ The reporter said seeing how all might had disappeared but then saw Ryuuji in the distance that he was doing everything possible to go unnoticed, she saw him and started running towards him to ask them some questions.


Akeno reappeared at the door of the u.a school with all might and aizawa, but when they arrived there were already some people waiting for them.

"Welcome back Aizawa-kun, all might-kun and beautiful lady."

When Akeno heard that he began to look for the source from which that voice came when he saw several men who apparently were already waiting for these two people whom she brought back and in front of them all, she saw a strange creature that looked like to a mouse

"And you, who are weird animal? She was not in a good mood now since she wanted to stay with Ryuuji to see his wound and help him, but he had asked her to please bring these people, and since she did not want to look bad with him and make him lose face towards other people , she agreed to bring them.

She had already done what she had been asked and was going to leave, but just as she prepared to leave suddenly she heard someone calling her a beautiful lady.

She didn't like other people calling her so confidently if she didn't know people, so she slowly approached the little rat and said, "And who are you, also because you call me that way, I annoying, so don't do it?

"Oh my apologies, beautiful lady, I didn't think I was going to bother you, cof then young akeno, as I already know your name, now I will tell you mine."

"Who am I a bear or a mouse, but I am better known as the director of this Nezu academy." He introduced himself now known as Nezu while raising a hand saluting Akeno.

Nezu has the face of a bear, with a large scar piercing his right eye almost to the neck. Its snout and tail are mouse while its front legs are dog.

He frequently wears an elegant suit with big shoes.


"Well, as I brought you here, I'm leaving." ~ Akeno said but Nezu's voice called her from behind.

"Wait akeno-kun, I have some questions to ask if it's not too much trouble, and I would also like to tell you something to later tell that young man who fought side by side with all might."

"Mr. director who plans to make cof cof cof" ~ all might said when he suddenly started coughing and deflating back to his original form, Nezu seeing that and then seeing Akeno's reaction said:

"As I supposed you already know the condition in which all might is and I must also assume that this young man did something to your body so that you could endure until now true." ~ Nezu said looking towards Akeno and then all might.

"haha as expected of you, you can not miss anything .... but if as you said Ryuuji shonen did something with my body so that I could endure more in the battle against that villain."

"He also told me that if I continued to train his power, maybe one day not too far away, he could heal me from my wounds."

"Hoo that's interesting, what kind of quirk does that young Ryuuji have. As far as I could see, he was responsible for that semi-transparent blue dome that was on the battle scene, I could see that his power lets him teleport and if my deduction is correct he can only do it when he has that great active dome or I'm wrong, miss. "

Nezu ended up asking to confirm his theory with Akeno who was silent without confirming what Nezu had said.

all might had to intervene between the two since he saw how akeno was looking at the director. "Well, Mr. Director, she clearly won't tell you the powers that her friends have so easily, so you better stop and try to get information from her."

"It's true, I'm sorry, my fault."

"But I must ask him to stay a little longer because I want to tell him something so that you can later convey my words to your friend."


Returning to the battlefield scene we can see how the people on televisión were chasing Ryuuji trying to ask him some questions while he was ignoring them because he was more focused on finding his arm.

He was getting fed up with all that, they kept following him from behind trying to start a conversation with him asking them things like his name, who he was or where he was from, what his power is, what relationship he had with all might, and many more questions.

"Young man, we just want some questions and nothing else, because you don't answer us." ~ The reporter who was behind Ryuuji said a little annoyed because he kept ignoring them while they tried to keep up.

"Because you keep ignoring us to be rude, that it is difficult for you to answer some simple questions." ~ The reporter was insisting as they followed him and filmed him showing everything that was going on live for all people.

Ryuuji already a little annoyed turned to face them and said. "Badly you say, here the only people with disrespect that I see here are you, they've been following me all this time bothering me and bothering me without leaving me alone."

"I'm not here for your stupid questions, instead of doing that because they no longer help me find the arm that was cut off when I saved his butts from being killed by that demon." ~ Ryuuji said to the cameras transmitting all that to the people who were watching at that time leaving bad people on television.

They thought the same as Ryuuji when they heard that, since the young man had risked his own life and his arm in saving their lives, but instead of helping the young man they were bothering him by insisting behind him to answer his questions.

Several people found that as a lack of ethics beginning to get angry at those people who kept bothering him.

"This is how they pay me for saving their lives, when I don't want to answer your stupid questions they call me rude and disrespectful, while you are bothering me, I just try to find my arm."

"For you to know, I can still bring it back together, but that can be done as long as I have time, but now you are taking away that time when I could take it to search, now tell me who is being an idiot here with your stupid questions. "~ I end up saying Ryuuji and walked away from them leaving them speechless.

Ryuuji had stopped bleeding his arm with his power and also had a way to put his arm back in place, but he couldn't do it if he didn't have it, obviously.

While searching everywhere, a voice comes from behind him calling his attention.

"Boy, are you looking for this."

Ryuuji turned around when he heard that voice and what he saw was the hero Mirko, she had her arm in her hands and her katana in the other. "This is yours, right, take."

Mirko said when he threw his arm towards him, Ryuuji received him and said: "Oh, finally I have it, thank you very much sexy bunny.

Mirko did not flinch when she heard what they called her, instead she approached Ryuuji and put her arm around his neck and said. "Boy you're strong despite being just a child, I like that, how about ... after being a hero you come with me, I can teach you to be a hero."

When Ryuuji heard what Mirko said he was surprised and then asked. "And because you want me to go with you, you should at least have a good reason to do that."

"Hahaha of course if ... you know, it's weird to find people who enjoy a good battle, you and I are the same, just a moment ago when I saw you fighting that villain, I saw that you were having fun in the fight, I also have fun in the battles and that is why I am always looking for people with whom you can fight, if you come with me I can fight with a person who has the same tastes as me, then that you say boy, accept or not.

"I see, so it was that, well because no, it's as you say, it's true that I enjoy a good fight, I think we'll get along well hahahaha."

"Then you are accepting."

Of course, but you know that I don't have to be a professional hero to do some training fights with people.

"Joo .... you're inviting me to have some training fights with you."

"Hmm yes, why not."

"Hahaha boy, you're liking me more and more, I like your spirit." ~ Mirko said and began to pat Ryuuji on the back.

"Well already ..."

When Mirko was going to keep talking, Akeno suddenly appeared next to Ryuuji, surprising him with his sudden appearance. Akeno seeing what was happening did not say much but she approached Ryuuji and started talking to him.

"Ryuu-kun already left the two people in that place, now you have to try your arm to rejoin it."

"Oh, thank you as always, Akeno, I hope I didn't bother you." Happy to help you and that really appreciates it very much.

"Oh, it's true, the sexy bunny was the one who found my arm."

"Well strong boy, I'm leaving, I'll look for you later, bye." ~ Mirko said and jumped to the sky and walked away from that place. Since she was strong, she could travel everywhere just like all might.

When they saw that he had already disappeared from view, Ryuuji told Akeno. "Well, let's go find Aoki and Mamoru to get away too."