
chapter 14:An accidental reunion

The sunset dyed everything with blood, the slow agony of the sun could be seen in the sky gradually changing color in the twilight. Welcoming the beautiful night sky with its endless stars that glow in the dark as if they were snowflakes.

The school was over a few hours ago and the students went to their home either to rest or train to continue their dream of being a great hero in the future, there are also people who give them lazy and only go home to lie down or play with the hook.

But there are also some people who meet their acquaintances to hang out and enjoy happy and fun moments to enjoy the time of their youth.

Near a small park were three young women walking and chatting with each other as they headed home after having a good time having fun with their friends.

"Hey, hey, jiro-chan, it's true that you have a new battery"

"Oh, if yesterday my father gave it to me as a gift and I was practicing all night haha."

"What envy I would also like to have a guitar."

"And so ... you don't know how to play lol."

Shut up, you don't know how to play either!

"Yes, I don't know how to play and that's why Jiro-chan is going to teach me, right."

"Hahaha well if you want to learn, I have no problem teaching you."

"Hmmm, you're sure you want to teach this asshole."

Hey, I'm not a moron.


"Hey on purpose, they heard it Takeshi-Kun has a girlfriend."

"Oh, seriously and who her is."

It's that girl one from the next class.

Ahhh you talk about the most popular school, the one that has an amazing quirk and will enter the ua.

Yes, yes that same, ahhhhh but how unfair, I had already confessed to Takeshi-Kun and he rejected me.

Hahaha, as if he was going to hang out with someone like you, I say we are talking about the most popular boy in school and the most popular girl too.

And you Jiro-chan, you also like Takeshi-Kun or you already have someone you like.

Well, I ...

Hahaha come on, come on tell us who the man is.

Oh, Jiro-chan is in love hahaha ... this is weird since I've never seen that you are interested in the boys of our school ... you always tell us that they are like children and you're not interested in any.


Pov Jiro and Flashback

* Sigh * 'Well, the truth is that if I'm interested in someone, but I don't know his name and where he is from, since I only saw him once and that was when he saved me and other girls from being kidnapped in one night. '

That happened about 4 months ago when I was walking down a street in the middle of the night because I had gone to a store to buy groceries to have, when suddenly a car appeared next to me abruptly opening the door and inside the car they left. Three men who covered my mouth and then put me inside the car.

When I was inside they tied my feet and hands, then I realized that I was not alone and that next to me there were two more women who were also bound hand and foot covering their mouths with duct tapes so they wouldn't make noise.

At that time I was scared and terrified without knowing what to do in a situation like this since I never imagined that something like this would happen to me. Being kidnapped and you can't do anything else to wait to see what they will do next.

My mind went blank and I couldn't think clearly and my heart was beating for a thousand hours, pounding hard against my chest, it was as if my heart was desperately looking for a way out. So much was the adrenaline that I had running through my veins that everything was watching in slow motion, as if all this was an unreal and absurd thing, not believing that this was happening to me.

At that time my body did not respond to what I wanted to do, my legs could not feel them, I could not speak or make any sound because there was simply no voice coming out of my throat and I was just moving my mouth like a fish that had taken out of the water and was looking for a way to breathe again.

So much was the fear at that moment that at some time in which they kidnapped me and put me inside the car I had peed in my pants and I hadn't realized if it wasn't for the kidnapper's voice that sounded inside mocking me.

"Hahaha look this brother, the little lady has wet her pants."

"Hey, seriously! I that only Yesterday I had washed it, now it will have the smell of urine in it ... * sigh * ... well anyway, whatever they think they'll give us for the ladies."

"I don't know, but maybe this time it is more than last time, just look at the two women from behind, they are all beautiful, the one we kidnap now is not so bad in appearance but it will still be sold at a good price. "

"It was only a whim of yours to kidnap her because we already had what we had agreed, but when you saw her walking alone and with no one in sight you made the decision to kidnap her, but for the next one you have to be more careful and not be reckless and ambitious. "

"Hahaha calm brother, I made sure there was no one in the vicinity first to be able to kidnap her, I'm not an idiot who doesn't pay attention to her surroundings."

"I hope so."

Hey watch ahead, brake, brake. !!

Oh shit.

* braking. *

* Wiiiichhh. *

* Chrash. *

In the middle of the street there was a large pointed rock protruding from the ground, and when one of the kidnappers inside the car saw him, he immediately warned his partner to stop because the driver at that time did not have his eyes in front from the road watching where he was driving.

The car only received a small blow in the front and if it were not because they warned him just in time they would have collided very strongly causing them to fly out the front windows of the car.


At that moment I didn't know what was going on, I just felt that the car I was in had crashed into something and that was where I woke up from my daze and my body began to do what I said again.

I tried to see what was happening, but when I looked at the kidnappers' faces they seemed to be surprised by something or someone they were seeing, but since I was lying at the time I could not see anything they were seeing.

Suddenly the sound of broken glass was heard and I saw that the front glass of the car had broken, there was a small hole in the glass of the car and from there, there was a hand coming from outside that was grabbing the head of the hair driver.

The hand withdrew out carrying the driver who had it tightly grabbed by his hair, and then he could hear the cries of agony coming from outside the car, heartbreaking screams and full of pain. The man was screaming loudly and apparently he was also crying begging whoever had taken him out of the car to stop and have mercy.

I saw the other two kidnappers with sweat all over their body and their bodies trembled with their eyes and mouths wide open, it seemed that at any moment their jaws were dislocated so open they had them, easily an egg could fit in them.

Then I saw that they jumped in fear following the view of someone who was moving from outside and they began to panic for some reason and then they disappeared from inside the car, I don't know what happened but they just disappeared in front of my eyes and then hear the same screams that contained agony and pain from outside the car, the screams came from the people who were here just now.

I began to hear that someone was approaching the car from outside and then the doors swung open and what appeared in front of my eyes was a he .....


"Hey jiro-chan .... I'm talking to you."

"Oh yes, yes, what were you telling me."

"Ehhhhh, you weren't listening, what were you thinking, oh ..... don't tell me you were thinking about that boy you like, tell me who he is."

"Seriously Jiro-chan, it's true that you have someone like that."

"That, no ... no ... they are wrong, I don't have any of that."

Oh, and why are you nervous and flushed?

I lie ...

Kyaaaaa yukio !!!

Suddenly a piercing scream was heard all over the place alerting the people who walked in the streets.

Eh ... what was that.

He came from that park, let's see.


People who heard the scream ran to the park where it came from to see what was happening, that includes a hero who was passing through the area at that time.

Hero: what happened?

"Quick help my son.!"

"My son was playing in the games and he fell from above and when he fell he buried the toy shovel in his chest."

Quick someone to call an ambulance!

"Yes immediately." ~ A random passerby answered, taking out his phone and calling an ambulance.

"Let's see, let me see, first you have to stop the bleeding." ~ The hero said when he saw the wound that the boy had on his chest, he put both his hands to apply pressure and stop the bleeding.

"Uff, thank God there was a hero to help him, now the boy will be fine."

"You just have to wait for the ambulance"

"Don't you think it's great to be a jiro-chan hero?

"hmm, yes."

People watching as there was a hero there to control the situation let out a sigh of relief, the boy's mother could also be a little calm now that he was receiving help and his son's life was not in danger.

"You need help hero."

People who were seeing the hero in action saving a life suddenly heard a voice that offered to help the hero and everyone turned to see who he had been.

The person who said that was a young and short boy had some supermarket bags in his hands and was approaching where the hero was with the boy lying on the floor.

"Haha thank you young man, but I don't need help, everything is already controlled here." ~ The hero seeing that a random civilian was offering help made him an ironic face not believing in what he was hearing. He is a hero who is trained for situations like this, and believes that there will be no problem since he was there.

Ryuuji: "Oh, seriously, it seems the opposite to me because the child has just stopped breathing."

Than....! That can not be. ~ After what Ryuuji said, the hero did not believe in the young man's words, but he also checked the boy's pulse and got a big surprise because the boy had stopped breathing.

"This is bad!"

The hero had panicked for only a few seconds because he immediately began to perform all kinds of actions for the child to breathe, he was performing CPR, but he did not see any sign of the child breathing again, little by little he was entering in panic and getting nervous since I was watching as the child was not breathing, every second he tried to make the child breathe again, they felt like minutes.

Ryuuji seeing what the hero was doing, he thought he was trying his best and began to approach him as he began to speak: "The boy suffered a traumatic cardiac arrest, the shovel crossed the thoracic region and has had to activate a shock, which has caused this cardiac arrest. "

"That can't be, as you can tell. But it's true, no matter how much you tried, your heart is still not beating and your skin is already changing color."

"Step aside and leave it to me, you have already done well." ~ Ryuuji said when he changed his gloves and told the hero to let him pass.

Ryuuji, without waiting for the hero's response, raised the boy's body so that he was in a sitting position and with the other hand he had free, he pushed his hand into the boy's body so he could grab his heart directly with his hand.


But what are you doing.

You, but what are you doing.

People who saw Ryuuji's action had been scared to see how he with his hand had pierced the body of the child, but then they were silent when the child who was not breathing suddenly let out a gasp and began to breathe again coughing violently .

The boy's mother had fainted from the shock seeing how Ryuuji had suddenly done that with his son's body.

Ryuuji: "Quiet, what I am doing now is directly massaging the child's heart so that he breathes again, and there is also nothing to fear because I am using my power, is that perhaps they do not see that we are now surrounded by a semi-transparent sphere. "

"Oh, it's true, now that I look at it well, there is a sphere that is around you."

"But what does your power do child?"

Well, that is a secret, but what I am doing now as I told you a moment ago is to directly massage your heart and at the same time I am stopping the bleeding of your artery, and I am only squeezing it slightly so that blood flows through your body and thus keeping it alive.

"But you perhaps know what you are doing."

"Using such a method to save the child's life, look at the mother who has fainted because of you."

More important, he needs to be tuned in,

"Sorry for being late, there was a lot of traffic where the wounded is.!" ~ Paramedics said when they arrived at the park, and when they saw what Ryuuji was doing they were surprised but then asked.

But what are you doing boy?

Ryuuji: "Quick take him to the ambulance and don't ask anymore, make sure to save him first."

"Your child will later come with me because what you did was very risky, and the child could have died." ~ The hero said when he saw that the ambulance arrived to take the child.

Ryuuji: "Lord hero, did you know that the body produces a beat, the heart, the pulse, the digestive system, the friction of the bones. Each process in the body produces a distinct sound like an orchestra."

"However, when you remove even one musician, the harmony changes completely. The sounds coming from this child are out of tune and sound as if they were in the process of breaking, this sound so bleak and horrible."

"What are you talking about, boy? Can you hear the sounds of the body?"

"This is bad, his vital signs are falling, fast you have to take him to the hospital, his blood pressure is at an alarming rate." ~ The paramedic said seeing how the boy had gone to a critical state while they were moving him to the ambulance, Ryuuji had been following them closely because he already knew something like this was going to happen.

Ryuuji: "Listen, look at his forehead, he has suffered a very serious blow to his head, he will soon begin to experience seizures in his limbs, what the child has is an acute epidural hematoma." * Hemorrhages in the skull and dura, the protective layers around the brain. If it continues like this, the brain will be crushed causing irreparable damage. *

"Even if they arrive at the hospital on time, they will need to do an X-ray scan, which will take about 30 minutes and that without counting the time it will take to perform the surgery, they will not have enough time, you have to get rid of the blood that is causing the swelling. But hey, that's your job to do, now I say goodbye, if you'll excuse me you already know what happens to you and with the experiences you have you will know what to do. "


After Ryuuji told them that he turned around to pick up his things from the ground and slowly walked away from the people who were watching him and shortly after Ryuuji walked away, the ambulance also did the same to get to the hospital quickly with The injured child

But there was someone who was following Ryuuji when he left, she said goodbye to her friends so she could follow Ryuuji in secret and be able to talk to him alone, obviously Ryuuji realized that and after walking for a while and walking away of the people he spoke.

"Why don't you stop hiding and go out? You've been following me all this time, is that maybe you'll follow me to my house."

The person Ryuuji spoke to slowly came out from a corner of an alley and stood in front of Ryuji.

"You, if I remember correctly, are ...."