
chapter 15:a happy day ruined

It was a Sunday day at noon, it was a sunny and hot day, people strolled the streets and some took advantage of their free day to spend time with their families either walking in the park or at amusement games to have fun.

In the park there were some water fountains that occasionally shot the water towards the sky forming a beautiful rainbow that people enjoyed seeing. The little children were playing and cooling a little with the water that fell back from the sky as if it were a sudden rain on that hot day.

Near the park you could find a scene that could not be seen every day because behind a sign outside a store you could see three people who were hiding something with just their head in sight and looking towards a certain direction trying to seem unnoticed but failing in the attempt, because the passers-by who passed by them gave them a look as if they were some weirdoes and then walked away in a hurry so as not to be involved with them.

The little children who passed with their parents pointed their finger in their direction asking their parents that because those people were doing that, more than one stray dog ​​had barked at them and only two had tried to urinate on them to mark their territory.

The identity of the people who were acting suspiciously were Mamoru, Aoki and Akeno. They were hiding spying on Ryuuji who was walking in the distance and with a young woman at his side.

The reason why they were attracting people's attention was the way they were dressed. They had a coat that hid their entire body, hats, sunglasses and a mask that covers their mouths to try to hide their identity and that no one recognizes them.

Mamoru: "Hey, you're sure you can do this without Ryuu-san's permission."

Aoki: "I don't know friend, Akeno said to do this."

Akeno: "Hey because they blame me if you also agreed to do this, no. Don't blame me for everything or I'll hit you to death."

Akeno warned them that if they did not remain silent he would hit them. They closed their mouths obediently and continued to watch Ryuuji as they moved from side to side to change hiding places. They were at a considerable distance and far from Ryuuji's reach because they knew he could feel the presences of people at a great distance with the martial arts they taught him.

But without them knowing, Ryuuji had long since felt them and was only ignoring them as he kept walking as if nothing was happening and had not discovered them.

The girl Ryuji was walking with was of course Kyoka Jiro. It had been a week since they could meet again. Ryuuji had recognized her immediately when she had appeared in front of him.

After they were exchanging some words and chatting for a while, it was rather Jiro thanking Ryuuji for saving her that time, because when that happened Ryuuji did not give women the opportunity to express their gratitude because when he saw that they were already except he disappeared from the place and without saying anything, and now that one of the women had found her she did not miss the opportunity and decided to meet him so that she could thank him for his help.

And after a long conversation from one moment to another I had ended up with Jiro inviting him out to thank him, to which Ryuuji gladly accepted, and now we meet them two walking together on the street, visiting all kinds of places and having fun while They talked to each other like that knowing each other better.


100 meters underground

In a certain dark and cold place that sunlight did not reach and where normal people would never dare to put a single foot, a place where you could smell in the air an intense smell of blood mixed with moisture, they were standing two people facing each other who were looking intensely as if from one moment to another a great battle between the two began.

One of them is a hero, the number one hero All Might. He was standing in front of the person he had captured a few days ago but after a few days of capturing that person he had escaped in some way that is still a mystery to him.

The person who was watching All Might and who was in front of his eyes was a demon, the demon he was seeing had a height compared to his, his skin was pale as if he were dead, his body was covered by a black substance that It formed a second skin that left only the head, neck and part of its chest in sight.

His hands were sharp claws covered with the same black substance, on his back he had a pair of wings with which he could fly, a very long and thin tail that ended with a pointed triangle shape, but the scariest thing about that person was his face, his eyes were red and the black pupils like the ones a reptile has, his face was crushed and it looked as if he was breaking with black lines, on his head he had a pair of very long bodies pointing up, his black hair defying the gravity that moved despite the lack of wind in that place, and finally his pointed black teeth that could be seen when he made a creepy and scary smile that anyone who saw her would bring a chill down his spine .

"You are very persistent and human, because you follow me, if you want to die you just have to ask kindly and I will fulfill your wish." ~ The demon spoke in a dark and spooky voice with a mad smile adorning his face.

"Shut up villain, for a week you escaped and you have already killed many people, this time I will not let you escape so easily."

"Escape hahahahahaha .... I did not escape from you, only that I have been asleep for a long time and to regain strength I needed to eat people's hearts to recover completely, and so far I have regained my strength in 40% of their power peak, there are still many human lives to take to recover 100%.

I will not let that happen. ~ All Might said and without waiting any longer he launched himself towards him, raising his arm to hit him.


* Bomm. *

When All Might threw the blow there was a strong gust of wind that was sending all the rocks and bodies that were in that cave under the ground to fly, but when he saw the result of his destructive blow that had thrown him at the Villain was surprised, because the demon was holding his fist with one hand.

"Hmmm good blow the one you have there, but it is not enough." ~ The demon spoke and closed his hand catching All Might's fist. Then with a movement of his hand he lifted his body into the air and proceeded to stamp it on the ground.


All might vomited blood when his body hit the ground creating a large crater in it, but then he felt another pull of his hand when now his body crashed against the wall, then against the floor and back to the wall, then against the ceiling and so on several times when the demon had him by his hand while he was whipping his body against the walls and the floor.

The demon was just playing with him while standing in the same place while only moving his hand to move the great body of All Might and treat him like a doll while whipping him repeatedly, then threw the body of All Might up doing that collided with the ceiling of the cave, after a jump it rose upwards and with its two hands it began to push the body of All Might burying it in the earth, in a short time the two had disappeared leaving a huge hole while little to Little began to dig to the surface.

"Hahaha, here it's too narrow for us to play so because we don't take it to a place with more space." ~ Said the demon as he continued to push All Might's body through the earth from the ground to the surface.

'Wow shit, he pretends to take the fight to the surface, if I let this happen many lives could be lost in the process ... but I can't do anything, this demon is very strong .... Shit.'


Ryuuji was walking down the street enjoying the moment while he was accompanied by a beautiful girl, everything was going well so far if it wasn't for the inconvenience that they were following to each destination he was going. Ryuuji thought that if they were idiots.

He was already tired of being followed and was going to tell him to stop doing it when he suddenly stopped in his tracks by calling Jiro's attention.

"Is something wrong happening?"

Shhh ~ Ryuuji gestured for him to remain silent and began to look everywhere with a serious face, he was looking from left to right while searching for something, then looked up at the sky and finally squatted down and placed one of his hands on the floor, closed his eyes to concentrate.

'Hmm what is this, someone is digging underground ... this vibration ... but what the hell is this, it feels evil ... shit comes straight here, in about 20 seconds will come ... I don't know what it will be but It will be dangerous. '

'Shit, we're in a park where there are a lot of people now' ~ "AKENO, AOKI, MAMORU YOU MUST EVACUATE EVERYONE FROM HERE FAST!" ~ Ryuuji yelled at the three who were hiding to help him evacuate everyone.


Mamoru: "Hmm because Ryuu-san suddenly stopped."

Akeno: "What is he doing, because he bends down and touches the ground."

Aoki: "This is bad, look at his face, it is obvious that something has gone wrong, come on ..."


When they planned to leave their hiding place, they suddenly heard Ryuuji's cry that could be scared for some unknown reason, but since they knew him well and they know that Ryuuji is a serious person who wouldn't play a joke like that and watching the face that he had, they realized that whatever was going to happen was going to make it very dangerous, so they didn't ask anything else and left their hiding place while doing what Ryuuji told them.


"Hey, but what's wrong with that young man, because he screams like that!"

Children, come here in a hurry!

"Yes mom."

"Do you hear why you scream like that? .... uh ... ahhhh ... what is this, what is this shadow."


"But what's up, it's a villain attack."

People started to get scared because suddenly a shadow was holding several people from the place, it was the power of Aoki, he was controlling the shadows of people and then Akeno touched the shadows leaving his marks to be able to teleport people to a place far from the park.

Mamoru was carrying the small children and was approaching Akeno to bring them all together since the parents of the little ones would chase them and be all in one place. Ryuuji formed a huge room and just when he reached some people away, the ground beneath them exploded with a loud noise and two human figures flew from the bottom of the earth to the sky.

The strong explosion caught the attention of many people and when they saw the sky everyone was surprised since they saw a person who was impossible not to recognize with the naked eye, they saw All Might in his characteristic hero costume.

"Hey, isn't that all might?"

Seriously ... ahhhh but what is that.

A demon.!

"All might is being seized by a demon."

Kyaaaa .... all might. !!

People watching as All Might was being lifted in the air while a kind of demon grabbed him from his face began to panic and call his name.

All might was in the air while the demon with his hand grabbed his face preventing him from falling to the ground. All Might with his arms was holding the demon's hand and was applying enormous force to try to escape his grip, but he simply could not since he did not have the same strength as before and also that he was very hurt.

The demon watching people run like ants he smiled with a spooky smile and then stretched his arm back and with enormous force threw All Might's body toward the ground.

* Bommm *

All Might's body collided with great force on the ground creating a huge crater, he recovered immediately and when he looked up to see the demon he saw that in his hand he had a kind of black sphere of energy, it was as large as a soccer ball, then he saw that the demon threw that ball at where he was.

All might was going to try to stop her with one of her best movements and send her to fly in another direction or undo her with her blow because she was seeing many people gathered there and did not know what that energy ball could do if it fell to the ground.

When he was going to throw a punch he suddenly saw someone familiar and he knew very well that he suddenly appeared in front of the small ball when he saw that young family who took a glove off his hand and touched the ball to divert it to the sky .


When the little ball that Ryuuji had diverted to the sky and climbed high at an incredible speed, there was a great explosion clearing all the clouds and leaving a large mushroom cloud in a bluish sky that many people could see while People who were in the park near them were shocked to the core while their bodies trembled with fear, thinking that that little ball could have fallen on them just a few seconds ago.

Ryuuji then approached All Might and spoke to him.

"All might, who is that dangerous guy, almost kills many people with that shit."