
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 28

The angels are a very aloof race, they like to keep to themselves and stay within their floating cities high up in the sky's. Most angels are highly adept in light mana, some even believe them to be born from light.

Their race is considered on of the smallest in the world of Lori-el, not all nephilim has what it takes to evolve into an angel. The first angle was said to be the offspring of a nephilim with will-o'-wisp blood. He was an outcast for his weird bloodline, it was hard to understand and him being a loner didn't help his image.

After grasping the knowledge held deep within his bloodline he found the path to ascension, to become something different from the race that hated him. To truly show the nephilim race that he was no longer one of them and never wanted to be them he evolved in front of many nephilim.

The sun dimmed welcoming a new race into the world and the mana around him became chaotic, light burst from his body and great feathered dark grey--almost black--wings expanded from his back. The nephilim were terrified of this outcome, before them stood a race of the light ɖɨʋɨռɛ, a ɖɨʋɨռɛ that was not the ɖɨʋɨռɛ they worshiped.

The wings of an angel are sacred to their kind, it's also a way to tell their mental state. Wings like his represented anger and hatred, blinded by his emotions he slaughtered most nephilim before him, causing the race to fear him.

The first born of the angelic race, a race know for their kindess even if a bit arrogant was the total opposite. Because of their actions the first angel was labeled as a demon, a spawn of Yalin, his name was carved into the history of Lori-el, the demon Lux.

He spent years slaughtering the nephilim, one by one he burned their cities to the ground with dark grey flames. The nephilim stood no chance against the monster they brought into the world.

• • •


"Go ahead Wisp, I know your tired of observing a race your half govern be treated like this..."

Not needing anymore conformation Wisp disappeared in a burst of light.

• • •

Lux stared at the last standing city of the nephilim race, the capital was under heavy protection, he could even spot a couple other flying races helping the nephilim.

As he was about to head out and destroy the last city--already giving up on remembering all their names--Wisp appeared before him.

"I can no longer sit still and watch you slaughter this race..."

Wisp's voice echoed through Lux's mind forcing him to his knees.

"Have you've forgotten that you were once nephilim?"

His questioning tone allowed Lux some freedom to be able to answer its question.

"I was never like them, I was an outcast, their actions have made the man I am today!"

"Then I am ashamed to have you represent element within the mortal realms!"

The force returned ten fold causing Lux to cry out in pain and cough up blood.

"Eros could not look after this race, so during one of his more sane moments he asked me to look after this race, and accept them into my domain..."

No sprawled on the floor Lux had non strength to resist a ɖɨʋɨռɛ.

"...so imagine my anger when I found out the child I blessed with a drop of my blood slaughtering the race I spent so my much time protecting!"

Lux was losing focus as the words started to beat at his will.

"You thought you were one of a kind, no, your just the first of many, your actions will cause those to come after you great trouble."

His tone became cold the pressure slowly retreating.

"So...I'll give you one chance, in a couple days from now another angel shall be born, when that happens you must protect her..."

Wisp slowly fades away, only the echoes of his words ensuring Lux that his encounter with his ɖɨʋɨռɛ had truly happened.