
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 27

What most races of Lori-el--the name they gave their realm--is that some bloodlines of the ɖɨʋɨռɛ ʀǟƈɛ's took a monster route. For example a line of Ahi ended up turning into dragon kin, they laid low ever since but during their hiding in the extremely cold snow capped mountains on the main continent they've come to develop a civilization of their own.

Their first few generations struggled to keep their place in the frozen waist land, but during the fifth generation that all changed. Ice dragons migrated to the snow capped mountains forcing the strong creatures of the frozen waist land to flee in terror.

They too were scared like the creatures but soon they've grown to worship them like gods. Because of them they were able to thrive in the frozen waist land, they once small number sky rocketed and soon their small cave became a bustling city for their kind.

Each year they provide offerings to the ice dragons, and in return the ice dragons gift them drops of their blood. Those who are able to withstand the chilling cold of their blood become the warriors of their civilizations, taking ice serpents as mounts and forming a bond that lasts a lifetime.

It didn't really take long for them to form a hierarchy, the royal family being the family with the purest bloodline of the ice dragons. Their civilization just kept on growing as the years went by, the first ice serpents bound by the Nylon--their kingdom name--evolved into ice wurms.

These ice wurms had far greater control over ice then any ice serpents and so they've become the companions of the royal family. The royal family has also grown, their number large enough to form a sect but they choose not too. The ways of the outside is something they do not accept.

Their first contact with other races have left them apprehensive when it comes to any race but their own. Their knowledge on cultivation is at the extreme of ice, colder then any other ice type cultivation, causing them to come off as arrogant or even haughty.

Many have sought out their knowledge and some even thought to use force to steal their knowledge, but they were all slaughtered at the hands of their Serpent division, their strongest division of knights. This just caused them to be quick to distrust outsiders causing an even greater rift with the outside world.

But it didn't matter to them, their empire was great and their religion was solid, after other empires tried to gain control by trying to sway dragon kin into their religion they down right forbade any other religion within their territory, and all dragon kin agreed.

Their devote worship is the ice dragons truly surprised most of the ɖɨʋɨռɛ, after realizing that they truly believed in a ɖɨʋɨռɛ for ice they took it upon themselves to develop a system.

When a such a large group of people believed in such a ɖɨʋɨռɛ now said ɖɨʋɨռɛ would slowly form, this would also give rise to their ranks allowing them to do more for their world. And in the hundredth generation of the Nylon dragon kin the ɖɨʋɨռɛ they believed in was birthed from their collective belief.