
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 29


After Wisp left Lux was left weak, his strength all but vanishing before the ɖɨʋɨռɛ. His pitch black wings did well to hide him during the night.

Already more then a couple days have passed and still no sign of another angle like him. He used some of his powers to try and find a nephilim like him who is treated like an outcast but there didn't seem to be one.

He knew it was a female as Wisp told him so but what he didn't know if the femails was young or an adult, he didn't even know if she could understand the knowledge held within their blood, maybe that's why she was taking so long to awaken.

As he was hiding between two building he overheard something interesting.

"Did you hear that the princess locked herself within her rown, she even refuses to open up to the elders?"

"Yeah I did, it's all anyone is talking about these days, I wonder what's got the princess acting like this..."

They were already too far away for Lux to hear anything more but he finally had a lead.

Why the hell do I even have to do this, it's not like I was told to be their at her awakening, only to protect her...

A slight burning sensation all over his body reminded him why he was currently sneaking through the shadows heading in the direction of the royal palace.

Thats right, whatever he did to me seemed to have messed with my bloodline, now even if I do think as not following his words my blood starts to burn up...

After reaching the palace nothing but guard patrols met his gaze. The palace was so guarded that it would be hard to sneak by.

Another stupid limitation Wisp put on Lux was that he could no longer slaughter any nephilim, not one. He was forced to stick to the shadows and sneak past the guards. After sneaking into the palace it took him quite some time find the princess's chamber, he was only able to find her because his bloodline seemed to screen out in joy after finding another person with the same blood.

Using the shadows he snuck into the chamber.

On the otherside was beautiful young nephilim, her small wings slightly fluttered behind her back. Most female nephilim were cursed to have small wings, too small to be able to fly with.

"...I was wondering how long it would take you to find me..."

Her voice seemed detached, all emotion was gone and only emptiness filling her words.


"...so, have you've come to kill me? Or have you've come to watch as I turn into a monster like you..."

She knew what her bloodline meant then...

"...why, why must I be cursed to carry such an evil bloodline within me?"

Her emotions seemed to flood back into her, tears flowing down her cheeks, his words almost pleading to no one in particular.

"...will I also slaughter the people that I love...

"...will I also be labeled as a demon..."

He had no words, he didn't know what to say, all he could do was observe as she slipped into crazed muttering.


Her eyes slowly became determined, a new found hope to cling to.

"...no, I will not head down the same path as you, I will protect my race, the nephilim, I will not accept..."

Her words cut off as a blinding light burst forth from her body, she seemed to instantly age a bit, she grew a couple inches taller, her hair became a rich gold, her wings expanding to become pristine white feathered wings, her body even got some curvature.

"Now, i'm sorry to say this princess but I was tasked to protect you, and your definitely not safe here..."

After awakening she fell asleep, her body slowly falling forward causing Lux to catch her in his arms.

"Elizebeth, what's happening in there, open up!"

A man--most likely her father--was pounding her her door, the wood splintering in some sections until a big enough hole allow him to peer in catching a glimpse of Lux's black wings.

"Time to go princess!"

Picking her up he flew out of the wind and easily left the capital behind.


The kings voice echoed throughout the capital shaking the place.