
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 19

"Yalin has already struck all our worlds, as we speak she destroyed the most stable of our worlds!

Those that escaped the destruction of Yalin now hid in a world built by all races, a meeting ground between them.

"And what do you want us to do, it's not like we can fight a Divine!"

The King of Ash stood before the leader of the Mer, annoyance leaking out.

"Even though I don't like it...Ashy over here is correct..."

The Queen of Shadows was standing on another side of the platform, she shadow demons surrounding her race.

"She was able to best us when she fought our races one on one...so why not form a... truce?"

The Eldest Ina was struggling to come to terms with his words, a glint of anger flashed through his eyes as his gaze swept over the Hjin.

"Do you really think it will wiork, she is a Divine, she has already shattered our Eros..."

Out of all our races the Koja has it the worst, their Divine was shattered and then more then half of their kind wiped out. The Hjin hadn't lost one soul to Yalin, before she could even think of heading their way they had all came here.

"It matters not if we can, if we don't try then we'll all die any ways..."

Gaia was a Divine herself, but like Eros she is but a newborn, her power doesn't stand a chance against Yalin.

"Hey, Mer! Where is your Divine, where gonna need it."

Gaia looked towards the Mer and their faces grew stiff.

"Don't tell me it plans to stay hidden..."

Her words made the surrounding temperature drop, everyone was staring at the Mer.

"...we, have no say in what our Divine does..."

"So it plans to watch as our worlds die!"

"N-No, that not it, its jus~"

"No buts! I'm going to get it myself!"

With a step a tear formed on the ground, on the otherside was a giant octopus that was resting inside an underwater cave.

"Oh! So you though while we do all the hard work you'll just sleep! Not. On. My. Watch!"

Reaching out she pulled the giant octopus out of its cave and onto the platform, its tentacles flailing around, powerless to stop Gaia.

"Now that everyone is here...let's get star~"

A large tear opened up above them, before they could seal it dragons of all shapes and color burst through, their aura even matching that of a Divine.

"Sorry for our being late, my kin...needed sometime to...gather."

They were all stunned, before them a multitude of dragons intruted onto their discussion and now they wanted in.

"H-How can we be sure you aren't working for that bitch!" The leader of the Mer was stuttering as she pointed a finger at the golden dragon.

"Oh! That's easy...cause we want to kill her!"

• • •

Their united forced made a last stand in the realm of the Ahi, currently Yalin was trying to brake through the worlds boundaries but that was hard even for her. This world was the work of all six races, even if they didn't mean too they formed an almost perfect world...but nothing is truly perfect.

With all her strength Yalin was finally able to tear through the world boundaries, her claws destroying anything they thouched.

What met her on the other side was not what she expected, Ahi, Hjin, Ina, Mer, Terra, and Koja all stood as one. Each of their individual flames creating an aura that even made her pause before flying towards them.

Left and right, wether Ahi or mer, they dropped like flies in front of her claws, her shades wreaking havak to those who dared to step to close.

But it wasn't long before the dragons on their side started pushing back her shades, their Divine, the Golden dragon was working together with Gaia and the octopus to hold back Yalin, but it was a struggle.

Yalin was the second divine to be born into the world, that's right the second, she didn't truly become a divine until she became a dragon. But she was still far too strong for them three to handle.

The battle might as well be a one sided slaughter, and all I could do was watch as the seven races were pushed back, the world around them crumbling with each step forwards Yalin took.

Wait, I?

Huh? why do I keep saying I, there it goes again. What's happening!

Finally, I didn't know how long you would make me wait!


Don't you remember who you are, you have been slumbering for a while now.

Who...I am?

Well, that doesn't matter right now, what does matter is your Rebirth, so chop chop, focus on gathering your strength again.

Following the guidance of the strange text I focused on gathering my strength, but I didn't know what for.

As I continued I could feel a heat growing within me, it burned so much that it was a struggle to keep focus, but I held on.

I could feel it, I was starting to remember who I am!

With one last push my conscience fell at great speed towards the battle field. As I fell a flame formed around me, showing my location to all on the battle field.

My path brought me before the King of Ash, my faithful creation...and with one last look at the battlefield I sunk into the wisp of golden flame...the last living part of me.

Then...I was me again...


In a world of darkness fire sprung to life, and from the very ashs of the dying fire the Ahi were born. This was just the a wriple in the calm waters that gave birth to a beautiful world.

Because of their birth more soon followed, the once barren world now holds a myriad of races, and it all started with one...

Passage from H̵̥̒̀͗́̾̈́̈́̒e̴̦̿͝ą̵̫͙͉̀̀͐̊̊͛̕͝͝͠v̵̥̌̅̌͋̍͠͝ẽ̴̢̱̍n̷̨̙̙͉̣̠̹̙͙̱̓̓̏͗l̷̢̨̢̛̦͉̻͍̤̗̞̈͆̄̆̀͝y̸̨̘̪̲͈̮̲͇̐͜ ̵̗͉̼̝̂̉͆̿͗̀͂͑̚͜͠S̶̢̠͙̟̭͎̥͑̄͐͐̈́̋̐́ć̷̨̦͎̠̺̟͎̫̬͍͂̌̀̒̕͝͠͝r̸͎̠̠͇̺̓̍́̀͆͌̿o̷̫̗̒̀̓̆̉̎͝ĺ̷̲̱̊̑̈́̄̚ͅl̶̹͆̈̔