
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 18

As Yalin gazed through the darkness anger was all that registered in her mind. She had spent so long plunging the world into darkness and now all her hard work was ruined.

The shades around her were whimpering in freight, they were like a sapling growing next to a might oak. The Yalin they've grown attached to was long gone, now only destruction was all she thought of.

As her shades they were slowly currupted by her will, it took everything they had to resist the last mental attack but still many of them became twisted by the hatred.

Their faction within the shades were thinning and there was nothing they could do besides group together to fight back the deranged shades.

"It is time..."

As she stood the world around them trembled, tears in their world formed around her sharp claws as she stretched. The twisted shades were roaring in delight, they would finally get to cause destruction.

The shades that still kept some form of sanity were dragged along, they could not survive without the energy their mother released.

• • •

The Koja were peacefully enjoying themselves within there world, their divine was recking havak to the darkness around them. As they watched the outside world they saw Yalin's great figure appear before Eros.

His mind was still fragile but he no longer just followed his instincts, sensing an enemy the surrounding wind increased, eloganting to form sharp blades of wind.

"You think you stand a chance against me, a newborn!"

With anger her eyes swirled, everything was swallowed by her eyes. Stripped of his energy Eros shattered, the Koja residing within thrown out of their world.

With a swipe of her sharp claws the Koja within reach were killed, an afterimage left behind. The Koja stood no chance in front of Yalin, so as a last resort they used their energy to escape.

• • •

The sentient shades around Yalin saw a chance. As she ripped a tear in space heading towards the Mer they took their chance.

"Now, all of you!"

Severing their connection to Yalin the shades flew towards the soul flame left behind by the Koja. There were many flames but it was not enough for all of the shades.

The shades that absorbed the flames of the Koja changed, their forms elongating, their incorporeal bodies slowly becoming real. Like Yalin they became dragons, but unlike Yalin their scales were yellow in color, representing their element.

"As you you can see not all of us could absorb a flame, so those of us that didn't attach your selves to us until we find more flames!"

Their leader was one of the few who could absorb a flame. He wasn't like his brethren, his scales had a slight golden hue to them, and he could feel his strength grow with every breath.

"Just what flame did I absorb, they all were clear so it's hard to tell?"

The followed their mother but kept their distance, with each attack they absorbed the flames she left behind. Now they were a mix of colors, yellow, blue, brown, white, and lastly red.


Dragons, a beast of strength and majesty, their race has always been one of nobility. But it wasn't always that way, I have found evidence that at one point the world was afraid of these beast, just the slight mention of one would cause mass panic.

I don't know why but I have a feeling it has to do with a picture of a giant black dragon surrounded by smaller black dragons, surrounding them were a multitude of races i've never seen before. But I did catch something, dragon, so many dragons that I couldn't help but shake in fear at the thought...

Passage from the book History of Dragons