
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 20

As I was fusing with the wisp of my core my conscience was pulled into a white room.

"Wellcome back to the land of the living!"

A man in a white lab coat was sitting in front of a desk, his vision focused on a screen in front of him.

"You may be questioning where we are, but that's not important right now, no, what's important now if a task I'm about to give you."

His tone implied no room for negotiations.

"You see your world is pretty young, so young that it doesn't stand a chance against other worlds..."

"I don't understand..."

With a sigh he focused his attention on me.

"Look, my job is to create worlds, and when I created yours...it drew a lot of attention."

"I don't understand?"

"Your world is attracting unwanted attention, and I'm someone who likes to keep things fair...so I'll give you enough time to grow your world."

"Grow it how?"

"Your world needs a God, so I'm giving you the job."

"I don't want it!" Without a second thought I declined.

"I'll allow you to refuse as long as you give me a solid reason."

"I don't really have a solid reason...I just feel like it's a role I'm not supposed to play..."

"Hmmm, I see, well then I wish your world luck, you'll need it."

Just like that he was gone, and along with him the white room.

• • •

As I reformed my flames shrouded the King of Ash, sheltering him from the bloody battle going on outside. With just a bit of though it wasn't only him, but all of the ahi, my flames refining their bodies and giving birth to new ones.

Gone was the ash that made them, their golden skin was now flesh, their burn lines now veins that spread all throughout their bodies, crystal bones that allowed them to keep their bodies stable with their new forms.

They sort of look like that man...

With their new forms came strength like none before, strength that let them get the upper hand. They used their souls to control the worlds energy around them, using fire to destroy the shades that got past the dragons.

Others used the worlds energy to move faster, swing harder, and look farther. But I couldn't just sit by and watch as the races died, I was already doing so while shattered.

Looking at the shapes of Yalin and the dragons I couldn't help but feel a thouch of inspiration, as I flew towards the battle of Divine's I changed my shape. Condensing my flame into a slim shape, my face changing into something similar to the dragons before me.

This wasn't my true from but it felt great, arms and legs formed from my flames spilling into sharp claws, hair made out of flame formed, sharp horns jutted from the top of my head. I took the form of a dragon but not like Yalin, my form was different, more aesthetically pleasing, my golden scales sparkling like stars in the night sky, my eyes a rich gold that seemed to be a doorway to a world of glittering stars.

Focusing on my flames I gathered them towards my throat, following my instincts that came with this form I opened my mouth and roared, golden flames of pure destruction soared towards Yalin.

With a flap of her wings she dodged my flames but that didn't stop me from continuously shooting flames towards her. It pained me to harm what I once considered a friend, even if she completely ignored me, but I wouldn't stand by and let her destroy everything.

She was out numbered, one against four, but she was strong. We faught, tearing holes into our world, Gaia formed giant rocks and threw them towards Yalin, the giant octopus used its many tentacles to keep the shades at bay, the golden dragon fighting head to head with Yalin, claws against claws.

And now me, the first of the Divine, being one came with knowledge, and I knew you could never truly kill a Divine, but you could seal one.

"Hey guys, I got an idea, it's not perfect but it could work."

The other Divine's seemed to hesitate before agreeing to try out my plan.

"We need to surround her, it would be easier if all of the Divines were here but their currently shattered, after we surround her we need to..."

After telling them the plan we split up, I was left to keep her in place while the rest got into place.

A couple minutes later we were all in place, instantly we released our wills onto the laws of the world we controled, our voices fusing together to perform the sealing ritual.

"ʏǟʟɨռ! ռօ ʟօռɢɛʀ ֆɦǟʟʟ ʏօʊ ʀʊռ ʄʀɛɛ, աɨȶɦ ȶɦɛ ʟǟաֆ ǟֆ օʊʀ ɮǟƈӄɨռɢ աɛ ֆɛǟʟ ʏօʊʀ ʄʟǟʍɛ!"

With our chant the laws of our world moved to pressure Yalin, she tried to resist, she held on for a lot longer then we expected, almost draining us completely but in the end her flame was sealed by the laws of our world.

Looking around she had already completed her mission, what was left of the seven races were but a shadow of their past selves. The Koja only had a few remaining and the Divine of the Mer was completely exhausted, forced to slumber in the broken world of the Mer.

All around us the world was completely destroyed, in some places lied giant tears that released destructive energy. Our world was shattered and if the mans words didn't put enough pressure on me then this certainly did.

"How am I ever gonna get our world fixed, and then stronger before whatever the man was talking about comes?!"

With a sigh I resigned to my fate, first returning to my original form, though that eastern dragon form was fun, it took a lot of energy to maintain as it wasn't my true form.

"I got a lot of work ahead of me..."