
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 17

The koja were experiencing a different...birth. Their flames merged to form one huge flame that gave rise to massive winds, a massive storm formed around the flame and after completely forming it tore a rift into space disappearing from the ash lands. The three great races complete changed the lands of the ahi, what once was a land of ash now looked more like a normal world, each element had a role in this realm.

• • •

As the storm raged through the darkness koja we're born from the winds of this great storm. With only one real option they followed the storm for both protection and to make their home.

Air, and to be more specific, wind is constantly moving. The koja had no problem with living in the gigantic storm, a few even started calling it Eros. The clear flame that lied in the center of the storm fed the koja as water would a plant.

The koja resembled humanoid figures made out of wind, their bodies were hard to control though so often they chose to let their forms free. This caused them to look like miniature floating tornados next to the massive one.

A world slowly formed around them, one chaotic gales and strong winds. The confines of this budding world perfect for the koja was confined to the boundaries of the Eros, the giant storm.

It didn't matter to the koja one bit, being able to roam the worlds white having a safe place to live was like the pride the ahi had for their cindari.

• • •

And with that six races inhabit this world, each and to wield the powers of their flames.

"Divines huh..."

Dr. Green was cataloging the divines and the race connected to them. The Terra had Gaia, a giant titan, the Mer also had a divine, a massive octopus that spanned ten percent of their growing world, but it was still but a newborn unable go harness it's power ad a divine.

Then their was Yalin who was currently massive, her size no longer able to judge with their forms of measurement, she was currently slumbering to pass the time for her growing strength. Eros was also considered a divine, already using his power to feed the growing storm, but his mind was now yet developed, running more on instinct then will.

The last two divine were...fractured, their souls but wisps doing their best to gain enough strength and be reborn. The great golden flame was the divine for flame and the first will-o'-wisp was the divine for the ina, but sadly after its birth it has shattered by a beast of the sky lands thinking it was food.

It didn't have enough time to solidify its power but because of its destruction the will-o'-wisp race is now a strong faction of the Ina race.


No one knows why the Divine came to be, all everyone knows it that their powers is closely connected to the laws of our world. Each Divine represents an element of our world, but I like to look at them as laws of our world.

Because of their close connection their is no limit to their strength, as they grow so to does their element, but if they shatter then that's a hole different story.

But one thing that has always been know is that...when two Divine battles, Nothing. Is. Safe.

I can only wonder what a battle between more then two Divine would entail...

Passage from the Book of Divines