
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Movies
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58 Chs

Warning, The Second Meta-human

Joe's eyes flicked between Wells and the figure in yellow, leading him to conclude that Wells was not the murderer—a conclusion that Wells himself had hoped for. With the appearance of the Reverse-Flash, Joe's doubts were effectively quelled.

Wells feigned confusion as he looked at Joe, sensing Joe's gaze shift behind him. Just as Wells was about to turn to see what had so shocked Joe, he saw the figure in yellow raise a blurred left hand towards Wells's head. In an instant, Wells, along with his wheelchair, was knocked over and fell unconscious under the table.

"NO…" Joe quickly drew his gun, but before he could aim at the blurred yellow figure, the room was filled with red arcs of electricity. Fragile glass cups fell and shattered crisply on the floor, while papers swirled around. The gusts of wind hit Joe's face, leaving him bewildered and fearful as he swung his gun aimlessly, unable to target the swift figure. The entire room seemed to swirl with red lightning and flying papers, making any human form indiscernible.

Joe's forehead was slick with sweat. Suddenly, his gun vanished from his grip, thrown onto the floor. A blurred face appeared before him, uncomfortably close, instilling a deep-seated fear. "Are you... looking for me?" a chilling voice resonated from the blurred face.

Then, a mini camera crashed onto the desk, shaking it slightly. It was the camera Joe had secretly placed in a corner to record his conversation with Wells, now found and exposed by the figure in yellow. "It was you, you're the one who killed Barry's mother. The man in yellow Barry mentioned, it's you!" Joe gasped, trembling as he struggled to suppress his body's convulsions, but to no avail, feeling increasingly stiff.

"Dig deeper... and she dies!" The figure in yellow transformed again into red arcs of electricity, filling the room, and then the mini camera on the desk vanished, followed by the red arcs racing out the door, disappearing without a trace.

Joe, drenched in sweat, turned to look at the blackboard. On the world map, a fruit knife was stabbed into Iris's photo. After a while, Joe calmed down, removed the knife from the blackboard, and with a loving glance at Iris's photo, tucked it into his pocket.

He picked up his gun and straightened the unconscious Dr. Wells and his wheelchair. Gently shaking him, Wells awoke with a bewildered expression. "What happened?"

"Dr. Wells, I'm sorry, I misunderstood."


At S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco called over the microphone, "Elon, Barry has spotted a meta-human, you need to come to the control room."

Elon, in the underground training room, hurried up to the control room upon hearing the news. As he entered, he heard Barry's pained groans.

Barry, bruised and with a swollen left eye, lay on a hospital bed. Caitlin was applying medicine to him, expressing her dissatisfaction, "How many more injuries are you going to sustain? If you can't win, just run. With your speed, no one can catch you."

"I didn't want to, but I was instantly surrounded! Some pulled my arms, others grabbed my legs. I was surrounded by a dozen people, getting beaten up. It was tough to break free," Barry explained with a groan, noting the overwhelming number of opponents who only grew in number, surrounding him in layers, leaving him no room to fight back.

"This world needs more good people. Why must those with powers resort to crime?" Barry lamented, "Another unfriendly meta-human…"

Cisco, cleaning the Flash's suit, grumbled, "Hey, you've stained my Flash suit with blood. It might be red and not too noticeable, but it's gross."

Barry rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry, it was intense. I couldn't keep the suit clean while fighting. Some of the blood might be from the enemies, but I did hit them a few times."

"Barry, it seems you need some combat training to handle a thousand enemies at once," Elon suggested.

"Cisco, collect some blood and check the DNA against the Central City database to see if there's a match," Barry added, "I know what he looks like. During the fight, I pulled off a few masks, and they were all identical. Identical meta-humans with the ability to split themselves."

Cisco nodded in approval, "Cool, the Clone Captain..."

The room fell silent, all eyes on Cisco.

"What? You don't like the name? Okay, I'll think of another one."

The discussion about the meta-human resumed.

Caitlin asked, "Why didn't you immediately notify Elon? Together, you could definitely defeat this meta-human."

Barry replied, "I thought I could handle him alone."

The room fell silent again.

Barry continued helplessly, "Well, I thought they were just ordinary armed criminals, but they suddenly split. I was startled when I caught up with them."

"Besides, by the time Elon was notified and arrived, the meta-human would have already escaped."

Elon recalled the last time with the Weather Wizard, waiting at five red lights on the way, and by the time he arrived, all he could do was pick up Barry for treatment, unable to do anything else.

The battle was too fast, both in its onset and conclusion, leaving him only to clean up the aftermath.

"It seems I need a vehicle to get to the scene quickly," Elon mused.

At that moment, Cisco had finished cleaning the blood off the Flash's suit and collected some for sample testing.

Cisco nodded confidently, "You're right, Flash Knight."


The group fell silent again, puzzled by Cisco's sudden naming, looking at him with curious eyes.

"Elon, I've renamed your hero title to 'Flash Knight.' I believe you won't object, won't regret it, and will fully agree," Cisco said confidently.

"Elon, come with me, I have something to show you," Cisco led the way out of the control room, with Elon following with great interest, indicating that Cisco had likely invented something new.

Barry quickly jumped off the hospital bed and rushed after them, clearly an interesting event that Cisco had cooked up, which was not to be missed.

"Hey, Barry, your injuries..."

"It's okay, Caitlin, I heal quickly. Look, I can run and jump now."

Leaving Caitlin behind, Cisco led Elon and Barry to the garage.

A black curtain covered a motorcycle silhouette.