
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Movies
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58 Chs

The Suit

A gasp escaped Cisco as he jumped, his face draining of color. Upon seeing it was Elon, he exhaled in relief.

"Elon, you nearly gave me a heart attack, moving without a sound," Cisco chided.

"My folks used to say, 'If you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to fear at night.' So, what are you hiding here?" Elon asked curiously.

Cisco immediately moved to shield his work, stuttering, "No, nothing... just some minor research."

Elon, pointing at the item peeking out from behind Cisco, chuckled, "No need to hide, Cisco. I saw it. Is that a red suit?"


Cisco stepped aside, whispering to Elon, "Don't tell Dr. Wells or Caitlin about this, okay?"

Elon approached the workbench and discovered it was a red suit for The Flash.

"This suit is made from an enhanced tri-segmented polymer. It's heat-resistant and durable. Cool, huh?" Cisco boasted proudly.

Elon examined the suit, feeling its rubber-like texture. He rubbed it between his fingers, twisted it, and even tried tearing it with a bit of force. The suit was resilient and flexible, the quality undeniably excellent.

"So, you've been Barry's secret backup these past few days?" Elon noted with a meaningful tone.

Cisco's smug expression faltered, his eyes darting around.

"How could that be? Why would I help Barry—"

Faced with Elon's knowing grin, Cisco caved.

"Alright, it's me. I couldn't resist; it's too cool not to get involved."

Elon shook out the suit, "It's a fine piece of work. Barry will love it. He's burned through several pairs of shoes and clothes from running too fast."

"You think so too? The Flash Alliance is gaining a new member. Elon, don't worry, once I'm done with Barry's suit, I'll whip up one for you," Cisco said excitedly, thrilled by the idea of being a superhero's behind-the-scenes ally.

Elon quickly interjected, "No, I need to focus on learning technology and training my electrokinetic abilities, to find a way home sooner. I don't have the time to fight crime like Barry."

Cisco sounded disappointed, "That's too bad. You'd make a cool superhero."

Elon rolled his eyes, "Don't feel sorry. Finish up and get some sleep. I'll help. You haven't rested properly in days; your lips are turning white. You can't keep this up."

"Just minor details left now—internal sensors and noise-canceling earphones to withstand the sonic booms Barry creates while running, and the chest emblem," Cisco said confidently, enjoying the few sleepless nights he spent crafting.

Elon gestured 'OK' with his hand, "I'll handle the sensors and emblem, you do the earphones."

Cisco returned the gesture, and they teamed up to complete The Flash's suit.

Elon had learned a wealth of scientific knowledge with his accelerated thinking and sometimes tinkered with small inventions alongside Cisco during the day, often consulting Dr. Wells on technical matters. The internal sensor was a straightforward task for him—a positive-negative electromagnetic feedback sensor, a bit of tech born from Elon's electrokinetic abilities.

In layman's terms, it was a highly stable sensor capable of effectively monitoring physical conditions through bio-magnetic field induction. This was perfect for Barry, whose movements and speed would generate clear and strong signals within the sensor for monitoring his condition. The emblem, enhanced by Elon with external magnetic detection and gravitational field design, was a practical addition for Barry.

In less than half an hour, both tasks were complete.

They attached the new components to The Flash's suit and fitted it onto a mannequin.

Cisco already envisioned Barry sprinting through Central City in this suit, leaving a blazing red streak—the stuff of legends.

Emotion tinged their gazes as Cisco and Elon looked upon the suit; they had created a superhero.

Morning came early.

Before 7 a.m., to be precise, after just three hours of sleep following their all-nighter.

Bleary-eyed but spirited, Cisco knocked on Elon's door.

Since being struck by lightning, Elon had only needed an hour of sleep to feel fully rested, but he still lay in bed for six hours—a deep one-hour sleep followed by five hours of sensory exercises to control every part of his body.

"Elon, get up! I've called Barry over. It's time to witness the birth of The Flash," Cisco announced, his face aglow with excitement.

In the control room, Barry awaited in casual attire.

Cisco beamed at Elon and Barry, "Gentlemen, The Flash is officially born from this moment. I'll do the honors. Any objections?"

With a playful roll of their eyes, Elon and Barry clapped in agreement, signaling no objections.

"This is too exciting; I've got to record this," Cisco murmured to himself, setting his phone to record the moment, ensuring it captured everyone.

He then positioned himself by a steel mannequin dressed in The Flash's suit.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Cisco began, "The Flash is born from this moment. Behold, The Flash's suit."

He turned the mannequin to face Elon and Barry.

Barry's arms unfolded as he looked at Cisco and Elon, visibly moved by their endorsement of his values, feeling a warm surge of gratitude.

"Try it on! The Flash," Cisco urged with a smile.

Elon clapped Barry on the shoulder, "Go ahead. This is what Cisco has been working on for nights on end."

Cisco rubbed his nose modestly, "Elon helped last night too, or it wouldn't have been ready today."

Barry embraced Elon and Cisco, moved, "Thank you. Besides Joe and Iris, no one has done so much for me."

After the hug, Barry donned the suit. A yellow arc of electricity surrounded the mannequin, and in an instant, a red figure stood before them.

"Hey, guys. This fits perfectly. Cisco, thank you so much. Elon, I appreciate it."

Barry, now clad in the tight red suit with the iconic yellow lightning bolt on his chest and a mask covering the upper part of his face, looked every bit the superhero.

Cisco's excitement bubbled over, "Barry, The Flash, run like the wind!"

Elon's smile was warm as he watched Barry. This was The Flash—a superhero embodying justice, kindness, and the fight against evil.