
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Movies
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58 Chs

The Gambit

In that device, Wells saw Elon's intricate mastery over magnetic fields, a brilliant application of divided and isolated magnetism. Wells couldn't help but suspect that Elon himself wielded control over magnetism; how else could he separate biomagnetic fields with such precision? Damn it, Elon, was that night's provocation enough to make you turn against me so quickly?

Wells brooded, his irritation growing. If he allowed Elon to continue his targeted research unchecked, Elon might become a significant obstacle. With his intelligence, who knew what other devices he could concoct? And with Barry Allen, The Flash, as his ally, the secrets and vulnerabilities of a speedster could easily be exploited by Elon.

Glasses perched on his nose, Wells's face was a study in shadows as he contemplated his next move. He couldn't afford to let Elon carry on his research or advance his abilities unchecked. The progress Elon had made in just a few days was terrifying. The biomagnetic device, although minimally effective against Wells, was still a hindrance to his speed.

Wells had to find a way to occupy Elon with a challenging, all-consuming task, something he longed for...

"Elon, you want to go home, don't you? I wonder how long you'll spend researching space-time wormhole technology."

With a sly grin, Wells thought of the perfect lure. Elon's girlfriend was waiting for him to propose, after all. Once Elon delved into the research of space-time wormhole technology, he would find himself buried in the complexities of astrophysics, spatial physics, the principles of wormholes, gravity, and more. Even if he managed to learn it all, he'd discover it was impossible to implement without a stable device, which would necessitate the creation of new materials through endless experiments.

When the time came to establish a wormhole with particles, Elon would realize he couldn't pinpoint a destination, ending with nothing but empty triumph. Wells had no intention of sharing the knowledge of localization with Elon, which would require artificial intelligence calculations. How could he bear to see Elon struggle so?

"Elon, may you spend your life chasing a way home," Dr. Wells mused, a faint trace of emotion in his voice. As long as a person had attachments, they had exploitable weaknesses.


It was midnight, and as usual, Elon returned to his room in S.T.A.R. Labs after his training session in the basement. He had become a permanent resident, living off the grid.

Of course, the food wasn't great—just energy bars concocted by Cisco that filled you up after a few bites, with a taste best left unmentioned. Elon was already planning to set up a small kitchen in the lab.

As he lay in bed, he spread out his magnetic field sensing as a nightly routine. But tonight, he suddenly sat bolt upright.

"Wells, have you noticed?" Elon muttered to himself.

Moments ago, his magnetic field sense had detected that Grodd, the giant ape from the sewers, had vanished. And the Time Vault, where Dr. Wells hid Gideon and the Reverse-Flash suit, now appeared as nothing more than an ordinary room with ordinary walls. Just yesterday, it had emitted a dense frequency of waves indicating high-energy objects within.

Now it felt like a regular room, which alarmed Elon. Wells must be using something to shield the magnetic field and mimic the signature of a normal wall.

This was a terrifying thought, as magnetic fields are theoretically unshieldable, a fundamental aspect of all matter, invisible and intangible except through instrumentation. Elon's proficiency in sensing magnetic fields was so advanced he could create devices like the biomagnetic gadget for The Flash.

The idea that the Time Vault could be masked as an ordinary room shattered all scientific understanding and Elon's confidence. If he couldn't detect Reverse-Flash's movements, he'd be at a severe disadvantage.

Elon's mind raced. Wells must suspect his mastery of magnetic field sensing, hence Grodd's relocation and the Time Vault's shielding.

It was likely future technology at play, all to counter Elon's efforts.

He remembered being sent to comfort Caitlin earlier that day. He remembered crafting the lightning emblem for Barry.

Elon pondered deeply. Originally, the biomagnetic device was just an experiment to potentially enhance magnetism to combat Reverse-Flash and limit his speed. Wells must have realized Elon's potential from this invention, causing panic and leading to Grodd's removal and the Time Vault's protection.

But wouldn't this make Wells fear his own identity being discovered?

No, that didn't make sense.

Elon shook his head, an epiphany dawning on him. He already knew Wells's identity. If he approached the situation from the perspective of not knowing, what would he do? What would he suspect?

If he were unaware of Wells's true nature, would he pay any attention to the Time Vault? Would he care about Grodd?

Certainly not.

With all the high-energy items in S.T.A.R. Labs emitting complex magnetic signatures, detecting the Time Vault's mystery would be impossible. And as a new possessor of powers for only half a month, Elon would never suspect what the Time Vault was or even consider Grodd's significance.

His focus should be solely on finding a way home, perhaps through a wormhole or a black hole. Only because Reverse-Flash posed a threat did he need to devise ways to protect himself and possibly defeat his adversary.

Elon's mind whirred at breakneck speed, silver arcs flickering in his eyes. He should focus on devising ways to counter speedsters, using Barry as a test subject for more devices. Dr. Wells would then surely find ways to stop him, either by force or wit.

Wells's own speed force was likely limited and not freely expendable. Even if Grodd were to attack Elon, Elon was confident in his ability to fend off the ape, including any psychic control.

Wells had only one viable path: to feed Elon knowledge that would send him on a quest for home, biding time until Barry grew strong enough to render Wells fearless.