
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Movies
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58 Chs

The Dinner Preparation

Cisco quipped, "So should I be expecting this hundred-thousand-dollar meal to be worth the price tag?"

Elon, savoring the coconut gelato that melted deliciously in his mouth, exhaled the fragrant aroma with satisfaction. "Yes, look forward to it. Not just tonight, but for the next half a year. Walmart will deliver fresh ingredients daily, and every evening you're welcome to join me for a taste of the Orient."

Cisco didn't make much of it, content with his usual fare like Big Belly Burgers, which he could happily devour for weeks on end. Elon had tried to keep up but quickly hit his limit—not from fullness but from sheer dissatisfaction. The dryness, the mismatched flavors, the condiments—he couldn't understand the appeal. Resolved to introduce his colleagues to the wonders of Chinese cuisine, Elon decided it was time to show them what they'd been missing.

Parking the car in the S.T.A.R. Labs garage, Cisco carried his magazines and candy to the control room, while Elon, with Barry in his arms and bags of groceries in tow, headed to the infirmary where Caitlin was already waiting.

Laying Barry down on the examination table, Elon reassured Caitlin, "He's just overexerted. Some energy replenishment and a bit of rest to repair the cellular damage should do the trick."

Caitlin nodded, focusing on her diagnostics, while Elon casually invited her to dinner. Her reaction was swift and defensive, "No, Elon, I'm not going to date you. You're a good person, but that's not happening."

Elon, taken aback by the unexpected rejection, clarified his intentions. "I'm devoted to the one I love and will propose to her when I return. Tonight is merely about gratitude. No pursuit intended."

With a misunderstanding averted, albeit awkwardly, Caitlin's cheeks flushed—a clear sign of embarrassment on her fair skin. "Just get out, Elon. Let me work on Barry," she snapped, sending Elon out of the infirmary with a mix of irritation and mortification.

Elon, taking the hint, left to prepare dinner, encountering Dr. Wells in the control room. With earnestness born from his recent faux pas, he invited the doctor to the thank-you dinner, emphasizing the importance of his presence.

Cisco, munching on his Twizzlers, chimed in, "Doctor, you really should come. It's not every day you get to partake in a meal this extravagant."

Wells, feigning surprise, graciously accepted, "Well, then... I can stay for dinner before heading home."

Elon then excused himself to prepare the meal, reminding Cisco to alert him when the next delivery arrived and to make sure Caitlin joined them at six.

Back in his living quarters—now a spacious three-bedroom suite in contrast to the cramped temporary space he first occupied—Elon unpacked the groceries. The fridge was soon stocked with ice cream and desserts, while the meats and a freshly butchered carp were laid out for preparation.

The carp was an unusual find in Walmart, given its many bones—an attribute typically shunned by Western palates. Elon planned to deep-fry it to a crisp and season it with a special blend of soy sauce and chili, a recipe discovered in a back alley and perfected after months of clandestine kitchen visits to impress his girlfriend.

Each ingredient he handled brought back memories of her, from the silky black chicken for nourishing soups to the tender pork loin for sweet and sour dishes—boneless, of course, to suit Western tastes.

As he cooked, Elon's mood was bittersweet, the flavors of the past mingling with the present. When Barry awoke, Elon extended an invitation to stay for dinner, but Barry declined, feeling the need to reassure Joe after the day's events.

Elon understood the importance of their conversation and wished Barry luck with heartfelt sincerity.

Afterwards, Elon returned to his culinary mission, moving boxes of sweets and spices into his kitchen, ready to create a feast that would bring a touch of home to S.T.A.R. Labs.


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