
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Movies
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58 Chs


"Joe, this is Elon. Barry's at S.T.A.R. Labs..."

Fifteen minutes later, Joe, looking frantic, arrived in the surgical bay. His heart ached as he saw Barry, who had awakened from a coma less than a month ago, now lying helpless on the hospital bed once more.

Joe and Eddie had been following a lead on a bank robbery suspect that led them to a farm on the outskirts of town. On their way to the farm, they encountered Clyde Mardon in the midst of a crime. Joe couldn't fathom how Mardon, supposedly killed in a plane explosion, could have returned from the dead.

Joe had chosen to track Mardon instead of apprehending him immediately, needing to understand the mystery of his resurrection. But as they followed Mardon to Yordem Street, they were spotted. Joe watched in horror as Mardon summoned a thick fog and blasted Eddie unconscious with an airburst, then had a rather unfriendly chat with Joe. It was this conversation that Barry overheard, leading him to Yordem Street to rescue Joe and Eddie.

Joe loosened his tie and wiped the tears from his eyes before gritting his teeth in anger. "Damn Mardon..." he cursed, blaming himself for Barry's current state. The thought of Barry getting hurt while saving him was torturous.

"Joe, Barry's not in any life-threatening danger. The most important thing now is to find the person who hurt him," Elon said, patting Joe's shoulder to follow him.

Joe and Elon headed to the control room to discuss the Weather Wizard matter with Dr. Wells, Cisco, and Caitlin.

"How's Barry?" Dr. Wells asked, his concern for Barry evident.

Elon nodded and looked toward Dr. Wells. "Barry's fine. With his recovery speed, he should wake up in a couple of days."

"I've heard from Cisco about the situation: an evil metahuman with the ability to control the weather, no doubt a result of the accelerator explosion," Dr. Wells said, removing his glasses to address everyone.

"We created him, an evil Weather Wizard—an unfriendly one," Caitlin added.

Dr. Wells, with his chin resting on his hand, considered their options. "We need to neutralize his powers and capture him," he concluded, sliding his glasses back on, masking a fleeting look of conspiracy.

"Catching him is the police's responsibility. I will bring him to justice," Joe stated firmly, turning to leave.

Dr. Wells stopped Joe. "Detective, wait... I have no doubt in Central City Police Department's capabilities, but a metahuman who can control the weather is beyond the scope of ordinary law enforcement. Engaging him would only lead to more casualties."

Joe had seen Mardon's powers firsthand and knew they were beyond what any ordinary person could handle. Still, his mission as a police officer was clear: protect the citizens of Central City at all costs.

"I don't need your help. Catching criminals is police business. You shouldn't get involved," Joe snapped, his anger fueled by grief.

"If it wasn't for the particle accelerator explosion, Barry wouldn't have been in a coma for nine months, you wouldn't have crossed over from another world, and there would be no metahumans. I believe this is all your doing, Dr. Wells," Joe seethed, his disdain for Wells evident. Without Wells, Joe believed, Central City might have been spared much of its recent turmoil.

"The accelerator explosion was your doing, Dr. Wells. You need to take responsibility. The best way you can do that is to stay quiet in S.T.A.R. Labs and not cause any more trouble," Joe said bluntly, his paternal instincts and his duty as a police officer adding to his distress over Barry's injuries. Bypassing Dr. Wells, he left the control room.

Elon cursed under his breath, wishing for better cooperation to find Mardon. He signaled to the others and chased after Joe. It was crucial to use both the police's resources and S.T.A.R. Labs' technology to locate Mardon. Cooperation was ideal, but even without it, Elon needed to be informed of Mardon's whereabouts. He harbored a lethal intent toward Mardon for harming Barry.

Dr. Wells watched the two leave the control room with a sense of resignation.

"What are we supposed to do now? Weren't we planning to collaborate with the police?" Cisco asked, confused.

Dr. Wells's expression conveyed his frustration with Joe before he spoke gravely, "Joe is right. I need to take responsibility for the particle accelerator explosion. I caused this, and we must capture that metahuman."

Caitlin voiced her concern, "Joe is unwilling to work with us. If the Weather Wizard appears again, he could cause significant destruction."

Dr. Wells smiled slightly, "I have an idea."

If Joe had been willing to cooperate with S.T.A.R. Labs, it would have made things much easier. Joe represented the Central City Police Department's authority, and his involvement could make a significant difference.

Acting without police authority could be illegal. Since the particle accelerator explosion, which had resulted in the area being declared a Level 4 Hazard Zone by FEMA, S.T.A.R. Labs had been a 'problematic' entity.

With a police officer involved, they could justify their actions as assisting the police, which would be both reasonable and lawful.

That's why Dr. Wells actually wanted to work with Joe. But even without Joe's cooperation, Barry was his focus, along with Elon, who was an obstacle. The emergence of the metahuman provided a perfect distraction for Elon, allowing Barry to grow.

Around the corner, Elon caught up with Joe and stopped him.

"Joe, cool down, OK? Just listen to me for a second, OK?"

"If you're speaking on behalf of Wells, save it," Joe said sternly.

"I don't represent anyone but myself," Elon replied.

"You've seen the Weather Wizard's power."

"Do you think ordinary people can handle a superpowered being like that?"

"Even with Barry's super speed, he couldn't subdue him."

"Do you think civilians will be safe?"

"Barry is my good friend. Whoever hurt him must pay."

"My lightning can counter his powers. Just give me his location, and he won't be able to hide."

"Joe, don't be naive. Don't risk civilian lives just to capture Mardon."