
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Movies
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58 Chs


The farmworker lay prone on the ground, fear etching his features as he blurted out, "Don't shoot! I don't know where Mardon is. I only robbed a convenience store with him years ago, and I haven't done anything bad since..."

Joe, with the ease of handling a misbehaving chick, grabbed the farmworker by the scruff of his neck, pulling him to his feet. The gun in his right hand, aimed at the man's head, caused him to tremble uncontrollably. With his left, Joe whipped out handcuffs and secured the farmworker's wrists.

"Anyone who's run with Mardon is no good. You'll tell us where he is back at the station, or it'll be the end of you," Joe barked with authority.

The farmworker, on the brink of tears, pleaded desperately, "I'm telling the truth, officer. I haven't seen him since that robbery years ago. Please, I've been clean..."

Joe ignored the man's pleas, shoving him into the police car. While Joe was busy with the farmworker, Elon surveyed the nearby farm storage – the same warehouse where Mardon once conjured tornadoes. There was no sign of him.

"Elon, let's go. I'll take this guy in for questioning and see if we get anything," Joe called out after a while.

Elon pondered for a moment before responding, "Joe, you can't arrest this farmworker just yet."

"Why not? I'm a cop, and arresting a robber is part of the job. You shouldn't interfere with police work," Joe retorted, clearly irked.

Elon replied sagely, "I'm not interfering, Joe. Think about it – when someone breaks an arm, they look for a doctor. If they're the kind who can't step into the light..."

Joe's eyes brightened as he caught on, "They'd seek help from a friend."

Indeed, Mardon would need a discreet place for aid, and this farm fit the bill perfectly.

Joe elaborated, "I'll check Mardon's network when I get back. This guy is too timid to be involved in anything major. We leave him here; he might contact Mardon for help. Then we'll have our chance to catch him."

Elon nodded, gesturing subtly, "Joe, you have to control him, make him come to us willingly."

Joe understood – threaten with the stick, dangle the carrot. Don't press charges for the convenience store robbery, but he must inform them if Mardon shows up, or it's prison time.

Joe was skilled at this game, and soon enough, the farmworker was tearfully thanking him for his 'mercy.'

After a fruitless night, they set a bait, unsure if it would lure their prey.

Joe headed back to the station to dig deeper into Mardon's past. He vaguely remembered Mardon having a brother but hadn't paid much attention to the rest of his network. He needed to revisit the files, especially since Barry had swiftly uncovered the clues leading to Mardon's hideout without considering his connections. It was that encounter that had cost Joe's partner's life and led to Mardon's supposed death in a plane explosion.

By the time Elon returned to S.T.A.R. Labs, it was past midnight. After his routine check found nothing amiss, he followed his nightly ritual of showering and brushing his teeth before heading to bed.

At 6 AM, Elon rose, freshened up, and went to check on Barry in the infirmary. Caitlin, who had been on overnight duty, was slumped over a desk, a small stream of drool marking her exhaustion. Elon couldn't help but find the sight endearing, yet as he draped a jacket over her, he felt no urge to linger.

Barry was healing well; his wounds had closed, and he was nearly ready for the stitches to be removed, a task Caitlin would likely take on once she awoke.

Elon grabbed his tablet and headed to the training room, his thirst for knowledge insatiable. With his tablet constantly in hand, he seized every opportunity to absorb information, scientific or otherwise.

His appetite for learning was vast, spanning from classical and theoretical mechanics to electromagnetism, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and beyond. Even with his super-speed thinking, the sheer volume of knowledge made him feel insignificant, but he persisted, knowing that effort was the only path from despair to hope.

Around 11 AM, Cisco brought good news: Barry was awake.

As Elon approached the infirmary, he heard Barry's voice, "Who doodled on me? It's hideous!"

Caitlin retorted with a glare, "I told you not to come to me for damages. You should be grateful I'm willing to patch you up."

"You're lucky it wasn't me or Cisco stitching you up, or you'd be all lopsided," she added.

Elon entered the infirmary, greeting Barry, "Hey, buddy, you doing alright? You almost bit the dust there."

Barry embraced Elon, gratitude in his voice, "Elon, thank you." He had been briefed by Cisco upon waking – without Elon shielding him from harm, he wouldn't be alive.

Elon quipped with a smile, "You're a lot more 'man' now, just showing your chest would scare off the riffraff."

Dr. Wells, with a chuckle, cautioned, "Be more careful in the future, Barry. Elon can't always be there in the nick of time."