
[BL] Helping the cannon fodder find “peace”

Helping the cannon fodder find peace [Yu Jie: (∪。∪)。。。zzz] Helping the Cannon Fodder get revenge and beat people up [Yu Jie: ٩(●ᴗ●)۶ ] [System: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻]

ElusiveBlueRose · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Ch.4 My Little Bun Is back?!

Arc 1. Helping the "White Lotus" find peace

After a few days of brainstorming with the system and keeping a low profile, Yu Jie's cut seemed to have finally healed.

Sitting at his desk Yu Jie scrolled through the information the system found on Luo Bai's computer.

[Yu Jie: Hmmm Luo Bai is pretty stupid]

[System: …]

[Yu Jie: To think he kept all the evidence on his computer]

[System: I gathered all that seemed suspicious]

[Yu Jie: mm Good job]

"Ok now that everything is downloaded into a USB drive" Narrowing my eyes I chuckle

[Yu Jie: System send him a virus, F*ck up his whole computer]

[System: I can-]

[Yu Jie: I'm not asking]

[System: ...(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)]

Putting on a simple outfit I looked at myself in the mirror "I guess this will do"

Since I wanted to be as discreet as possible I left the house leaving behind my car and instead walked to the nearest bus stop. Taking the bust to a "convenience" store I walked in and went straight to the magazine section in the store. Sifting through all of the magazines I found the most "interesting" ones and took them to the counter.

"Excuse me I would like to sign up for the daily membership"

Giving me a blank look the man behind the register nodded his head

"Well you'll need to put down your address and phone number, We hope you're aware that for our magazines are delivered in a clear bag so if you would like a colored cover y-"

"No, That's fine I want the clear bag"

Giving me an odd look the man handed me a paper to fill out. Taking the paper I filled it out and checked the bill me later box while laughing evilly.

After walking out of the store the man at the counter looked at the pile of magazines on the counter and shook his head "Some people have weird preferences huh"

Standing at the bus stop I scrolled through my phone laughing. Luo Bai you bastard see if I don't make your life a living hell. Suddenly a big shadow covered me and I was startled. I looked up my brown eyes meeting calm silver eyes. Staring at the man standing next to me I almost drooled. The only thing that came to mind was This man is stunning.

With a slight smile gracing his face he chuckled "It has been a while has it not"

Blinking I stuttered "I Y-Yeah I'm fine as are y-you"

In my mind, I facepalm Wtf is, I'm fine as are you why! He's going to think I'm stupid he already saw me all bloody looking like a horror movie ghost! Little bun I miss you come back T_T You're the only one who brings me back to my senses.

Chuckling the man's eyes softened "Are you free?

"Huh? Right now?

Nodding the man pointed to a very luxurious car parked on the side of the street "Let me give you a ride to wherever you're going"

"Oh...O-Ok" Nodding I followed after him. Opening the door for me the man smiled. Blushing I slid into the seat. Sliding in beside me he closed the door.

"I'm heading to wellpoint hospital the one by the MoonShine coffee shop"

Locking eyes with me the man frowned. Suddenly he leaned closer. Heart beating out of my chest I squeezed my eyes shut. Felling a soft touch on my forehead I slightly opened my eyes.

Dazed I looked at the beauty mark in the shape of a crescent moon that seemed to shine silver for a split second. Drawing me out of my daze the man's deep voice sounded close to my ear making me shiver. His tone worried but also had a hint of anger?

"Are you still hurt?

Shaking my head repeatedly I rubbed my ear. "I-I'm visiting s-someone"

Humming the man brushed the strands of my hair out of my face. Embarrassed, I looked down, missing the mischievous look in the man's eyes.

Catching me off guard the man came closer kissing the scar on my forehead quickly. Then acting as if nothing happened the man looked out the window.

Dumbfounded I stared at the man, one hand covering my forehead with my mouth hanging open.

[Yu Jie: L-Little Bun I mean system w-was I just taken advantage of?!]

[System: … Yes] At headquarters a man laughs as he yells heh serves him right

Covering his mouth the man smiled while thinking He's cuter than I thought. Looking back over at me the man's smile deepened.

Biting my nails and mumbling to myself while squinting my eyes I looked up only to catch him looking at me. The man's sex appeal almost making me want to pounce on him right then. Pulling myself together I smiled back at him. Silver eyes widening slightly he spoke slowly.

"You...We still haven't introduced ourselves, My name is Han Jun"

"Ah right um my name is Yu Jie"

Leaning closer to me he held out his hand "Nice to meet you Yu Jie"

Shivering I frowned slightly, feeling a slight headache coming. Why did he say my name like that?

[Yu Jie: System run a scan on him]

[System: Everything seems fine there's nothing suspicious about him]

[Yu Jie: Are you sure...Then what's his role in this world?]

[System: Ceo of MoonLight records no involvement in the plot of the world]

[Yu Jie: ...Maybe I'm overthinking things]

[System: Most likely If there was any inconsistency the system would alert you, M-Master]

[Yu Jie: Is it that hard for you to call me master huh?]

[System: The system will enter sleep mode if you don't hold back]

[Yu Jie: Oh? Try it]

[System: (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I didn't ask to be here]

Seeing me zone out Han Jun looked worried "Yu Jie? Is something wrong?

Looking at him I shook my head "No I'm sorry I just tend to zone out often"

Wrinkling his eyebrows he sighed "Just be careful that could be dangerous"

Nodding I looked out the window "Oh we're here already"

Looking at me Han Jun seemed to have a gloomy air circling him "Yes we are"

Getting out of the car I poked my head back into the car "Maybe later I'll invite you to d-diner as thanks" Closing the car door I ran as fast as I could inside the hospital.

In the car, Han Jun laughed, raising his hand he touched his lips eyes darkening "Now that he's seduced me I hope he's prepared for the consequences"

Shivering his driver gulped keeping his eyes glued to the road. His boss was really scary. He's like a dragon guarding treasure, once he's set his eyes on something he never lets it go.

Waiting for a bit for my heart to calm down I then Walked up to the receptionist tapping on the counter to get the lady's attention "Hello sister can you tell me what room Lei He is in?

Looking up at me she smiled "Are you a relative or a friend?

Lifting my cap slightly I smiled "I went to school with him we're friends"

"Mm, He seems to be in a VIP room. Write your name down here Ah but…"

"What is it?

Looking at me with a worried expression she sighs "You do know... he's in a coma"

Wide-eyed I stuttered "C-coma?! B-but how?

Sighing the receptionist stood up "I'll lead you to his room while I explain"

Nodding I followed after her

"Around the time he was first admitted he seemed to be experiencing depression from having to be in a wheelchair. Initially, they planned to help him go through rehabilitation but just when he was about to start he suddenly went crazy yelling, pulling at his hair and crying. Then we thought he was getting better because he became calm. He started to stare out the window and he started to eat normally but then one day he suddenly tried to jump from the window of his room. In the scuffle to get him down, he hit his head on the ground and lost consciousness.

"Around what time was that?

"Hmm, I'd say around half a year ago?

Clenching my teeth I scoffed. Isn't that around the time Luo Bai started to pursue Lian He? If that's the case then I'm now 100% sure I'm right. scum

"This is the room, I'm sorry you had to found out about this through me"

"No, that's ok thank you" Walking into the room it was like a normal room: a large bed, a desk, a couple of books and picture frames.

They could barely afford to pay the normal living expenses then how did the He family get the money to pay a VIP room?

Walking closer to the bed my heart squeezed. The reason I decided to come to see Lei He was because last night I had a dream or more like I remembered the original host's memories. Lei He was Yu Jie's best friend. No, he was more like a brother to Yu Jie. The two of them wanted to start a tech company together.

Lei He was a very bright and happy child. He loved going out and enjoying nature running through fields. Smelling flowers things like that. He was the exact opposite of Yu Jie who liked to sit in front of computers all day in a dark room and be alone.

Lei He always joked that that's why they needed each other, That way they could look out for each other. Yu Jie would remind him to work and Lei He would remind Yu Jie to take a breath and just enjoy the view.

Yu Jie dislikes conflict and hardly ever got physical. As for Lei He, he was constantly getting into fights with the people that jeered at Yu Jie for being weak. Always yelling "As long as I'm here Kai can be weak if he wants to"

As for why Yu Jie hid his name and instead used Kai? It's because he wanted to succeed without using his family's name and at the time his stepfather had yet to take over the company from his grandfather. After all, he and mother were still not married. So many people thought that Yu Jie was a nobody.

Standing over Lei He tears fell down my eyes. Voice trembling I held his hand and closed my eyes "Lei He I'll protect your sister and get revenge for the both of you...so please wake up. They need you Lian He and your mother need you"

Opening my eyes I looked down at Lei He sighing "I'll come back every day from now on…...I'm sorry"

[System: What did you expect? A drama moment where he suddenly opens his eyes? Heh]

[Yu Jie: ...Shut up you asshole no one asked you, dummy]

[System: Kiss him maybe he's your sleeping beauty heh]

[Yu Jie: You seem oddly brave today]

[System: ...Heh]

[Yu Jie: ...Did you somehow lose your mind? I'll help you find it...by beating you until you get it back]

[System: I can't do anything I hate it here (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)]

Walking down I looked for the receptionist once again. Spotting her I walked over. "Excuse me, sister"

Looking over at me she smiled "Are you done visiting the patient?

"Yes but I have a question"


"I want to pay for Lei He's medical expenses. Where should I go to do that?

"Oh well his medical expenses are all covered for the next 2 years"

Browse wrinkling I tilted my head "Who covered his expenses? The hospital?

Shaking her head the nurse looked slightly irritated "No, A friend of the family paid for it"

"A friend? Was it a man?

Nodding the receptionist griped her binder "Yes"

Noticing her reaction I frowned "Can you describe the man to me?

Hesitating she looked around, then motioning me into a room she shut the door "The man was very tall and muscular. His facial features were sharp and he had a dangerous air to him. He had blue eyes and brown hair. He wore an expensive suit and was very arrogant"

Thanking her and saying goodbye I made my way through the halls Heh Luo Bai you think you covered your tracks? What a F*cking joke

Leaving the hospital I head down the street heading towards Lian's home. Watching me leave from a window in the hospital Lei He has a blank expression. Looking over at the flowers on his desk that Yu Jie had left he slowly gets on his wheelchair. Grabbing the flowers he smiles

"Yellow roses... so all of those lessons did stick after all"

Walking in the nurse sighs "Lei He I told you not to get into your wheelchair alone"

Turning to look at the man Lei He chuckles "I'm almost recovered"

Shaking his head the nurse makes his way to the window "Why did you ask the staff to tell him you're in a coma I thought that was only temporary to lower Luo Bai's suspicions?

Looking at the roses Lei He sighs " I regret it now"

"Then why do it in the first place? You even have a private investigator following him and taking pictures. You have a whole folder on your computer with pictures of your family and that kid"

Pouting Lei He pointed his finger at the man "Watch It or I won't introduce you to my sister"

Mumbling the man helped Lei He get off his wheelchair to start his daily exercise

[System: Master it seems like one of Luo Bai's henchmen is bothering Lian He]

[Yu Jie: Where!?]

[System: Outside her house]

Running down the street I turn the corner to see Lian He arguing with a man just outside of her home. For the past few days, I and Lian have been eating lunch together and walking to and from school together. Making sure Luo Bai had no chance to call out to her.


Looking over at me Lian looked relieved "YuYu"

Walking over and standing next to her I glared at the man. "What's going on?

"Mister Bai wishes to see her"

Lian rolled her eyes "ok Like I said what does that have to do with me?!"

"Mister Bai told you you must come to his estate today and y-"

"I never agreed to that"

Lian never ceases to amaze me

Nodding my head I raised my voice "So mister Bai thinks he can just ask a woman to see him because he wants to and not even ask? So what now women don't have the right to say no to mister Bai?!"

Flustered the man looked around, Realizing the negative attention he's getting he flushes red

"I'm just doing as I was asked"

Voices of surrounding people ring out "Mister Bai? As in Luo Bai?

"Humph young people these days abusing their power"

"Isn't he the owner of Essence media?

"Why would he need her?

Glaring, the man rushed to his car and drove away. Looking around I grabbed Lian's wrist "Oh my to think that that man would grip you so hard Lian now you have a bruise"

Winking at me Lian frowned tears forming at the corner of her eyes "I'm so glad you came in time I was scared"

Disapproving noises could be heard coming from the people that had spectated

"Get her some Ice boy that should help"

"Why did he grip her so tight I can already see a bruise forming tsk"

"If he comes back, call the police Honey"

Thanking everyone we headed inside. Once inside we looked at each other

"YuYu you can be quite the schemer huh?

"You went along with it"

"Heh, so what are you planning?

"Isn't your neighborhood filled with mostly elderly women?

"Huh Yeah, How did you know that?

"I guessed"

"Ok let's say I believe you, What does that have to do with anything?

"Elderly people, in general, like to gossip not to mention elderly women"

Laughter filled the room "I see that is true"

After a while of watching movies, playing games and being chased around the house by Lian after I stole her candy, It was about time I headed home.

"Yu it's dark outside you should call your parents"

"Its ok Mother He, I'll be fine don't worry"

"But Yu-"

"Mother its ok YuYu will be fine"

Hesitating Mother He eventually let me leave repeatedly telling me to call her when I get home.

"Don't worry Mother He, I will see you later Lian"

From the couch, Lian waved at me as she sucked on a lollipop "See you at school"

As soon as I closed the door Lian rushed to the window watching me until I disappeared. Sighing Mother He rubbed Lian's head

"Your the one that insisted he'd be fine silly girl"

"I know I just...He is reckless...Just like Lei was"

"Silly...He will be fine"

Walking down the dark streets I began to hear footsteps. Narrowing my eyes I turned the corner and then ran as fast as I could. Hearing the footsteps speed up also my heart beat out of my chest.

[System: Your emotions are fluctuating at a dangerous level]

[Yu Jie: o((⊙﹏⊙))o. Little Bun save me! It's a ghost!]

[System: ಠ_ಠ It's...Not a ghost]

[Yu Jie: It isn't?!]

[System: It's one of Luo Bai's henchmen]

[Yu Jie: What the f*ck, Why didn't you say that before?!]

[System: You...didn't ask besides how am I supposed to know you're scared of ghosts?]

[Yu Jie: My Little Bun would know 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。]

[System: (( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ) This is discrimination]

Turning the corner briskly I spotted an expensive-looking hotel across the street. Rushing to cross the street I spotted a group of people coming out of the hotel. At the head of the group stood a tall man with his short blond hair slicked back, his green eyes cold as he turned around to talk to another man.

Rushing up to the blond man at full speed I gripped his arms crashing into his chest. Startled, he held me up. Looking up at him I smiled "Brother!"

Green eyes widening Lucas stuttered "Y-Yu? What's wrong? Why are you here?

Panting I tried to catch my breath "I...someone was-" Tears came to my eyes I coughed.

Concerned Lucas looked at me then looked around " I'll be taking my leave but before I leave remember what I told you to do regarding "That" matter"

While Lucas settled his matters I slowly regained my breath Shit I wouldn't have ran so fast if I had known it wasn't a F*cking ghost chasing me.

A deep chuckle sounded next to me, realizing I said that out loud I blushed looking over at the man. Rubbing my ear I pout.

"Han Jun"

Squinting his eyes into a shape of crescent moons he smiled "Yu Jie"

Grabbing my chest I looked away blinded by his smile "W-What are you doing here?

Chuckling Han Jun leaned closer to my ear "I had an appointment with your brother or so it seems"

Leaning away from him I mumble "Oh I see"

"It seems it must be fate that we ran into each other again"

Trying to look at the man with a serious face I laugh "Maybe It does seem to be that way"

Walking over Lucas gave me a weird look "Yu Why is your face red? What's wrong with you? Still haven't caught your breath?

Cheeks burning I smacked Brother Lucas on the shoulder "No I'm fine Let's go!"

Raising his eyebrow Lucas looked at me and then looked at Han Jun "You know each other?

With a slight smile, Han Jun wrapped his arm around my shoulder holding me in a hug "Yes Yu Jie is very interesting, I hope we can become even closer soon"

[Yu Jie: Ahh I can smell his cologne! He smells so good, System help me I think I might die]

[System: ...You- Have you never had a boyfriend? How can you be so cruel but act like a maiden in love at the same time?! It doesn't add up]

[Yu Jie: Ծ‸Ծ Shut up its this young masters first time]

[System: Your… surprisingly pure •́ _ • ]

[Yu Jie: ...I don't need your pity 凸(艹皿艹 )]

Feeling like my face is about to catch on fire I laughed nervously "Brother Lucas we should go"

Worming my way out of Han Jun's hold I grabbed Lucas "Han Jun It was nice seeing you again but we have to go now"

Rushing off Lucas gives Han Jun a complicated look then pulls me in a different direction

"The car is this way"


On the car ride home, an awkward silence fills the air as I refuse to look at Lucas.

Lucas opened and closed his mouth several times. Stopping at a red light not far from home, Lucas finally opens his mouth.

"You and Mister Jun seem very close seeing as how you're calling him by his name"

Glancing at him out of the corner of my eye I gulped "Um He helped me out the other day"

"Hmm, Yu do you-"

"Brother Lucas the light turned green"

Giving me a complicated look Lucas pressed his lips together.

Arriving home Lucas split off from me and headed to our father's study. Nervous I ran to my room

[Yu Jie: System show me my father's study through the camera I installed]

[System: ...You- fine]

In father's study, Lucas stood in front of father as he sorted through files. Looking up at him, Father raised his eyebrow.

"You said what?

"I said I think that Moonlight records CEO Han Jun is pursuing our YuYu"

Pursing his lips father put his files down "Han Jun huh"

"Also someone sent by Luo Bai was fol-"

Messaging his head father sighed "I know"

"How did you find ou-"

"Moonlight records CEO just sent me a message telling me he took care of it"

Eyes wide Lucas suddenly burst into laughter "He wants to prove to you that he can p-"

Leaning his back onto his chair father smiled "Yes he's trying to prove himself to me...That means you were not far off son"

Turning the surveillance off I hugged my pillow sitting crossed legged on my bed. Han Jun is pursuing me?

[Yu Jie: Hey system when is my Little Bun coming back?]

Noticing Yu Jie's emotions fluctuating again the system sighed He's still a kid after all

[System: He should be back soon, It's just taking longer for the higher-ups to assess him]

[Yu Jie: ... I don't like being alone. Usually, it's never quiet or lonely because I've always had My Little Bun with me]

[System: …]

[Yu Jie: You know, system in the first world I suffered a lot...It was like a living hell. I messed up bad and I still sometimes have nightmares]

[System: ...You should sleep master]

[Yu Jie: Your right...Goodnight system]

Laying in bed I pulled the sheets over me. Closing my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep.

Back at headquarters, the man stood up walking out of the room he was in. Walking through an all-white hall the man stopped at a door. Sliding the door open he walked over to a large bed.

"System #0726?

Looking up at the man was a blue-haired teenage boy his dark blue eyes shined with white runes.

Looking at the man with long blond hair pulled into a ponytail the boy smiled "System #02 what brings you here?

Looking at the young boy the man bit his lip "Yu Jie needs you"

Looking at the man the boy's blue eyes widened "What happened to Yu Jie?!

Handing the boy a clipboard the man wrinkled his eyebrows "His emotions keep fluctuating...You know if this keeps happening the world's consciousness will realize he's there and forcefully extract him from the world"

Gripping the clipboard the boy's eyebrows wrinkled "Why are his emotions fluctuating so much?

"I'm not too sure but it might have to do with this man" Clicking on his watch a hologram of Han Jun popped up.

"B-But even if I want to leave I cant they keep saying I have a virus"

Frowning the man then rolled his eyes "It's been a week they can't keep you from your host any longer. It's against the rules"

Looking up at the man the boy gave him a cautious gaze " Why are you helping us?

"Your host is annoying and has a dirty mouth, I'm ready to quit"

Laughing, the boy looked down at the picture of a young man with short brown hair and brown phoenix eyes smiling as he held onto a woman standing next to him. His features were stunning and not at all ordinary.

"I see, That does sound like him"

Putting his hands on his hips the man sighed "Are you going or not?

Looking up the boy had a serious expression on his face "Will you be ok?

Snorting the man smacked the boy on the head "Worry about yourself kid"

Nodding his head the boy tore the equipment from his arm getting up "I'll be going"

"Mmm If they try to contact you to come back run to your host's space they won't be able to find you there"

"Ok thank you senior"

"I'm not-" Before the man could finish his statement the boy burst into a blue glowing light then disappeared.

As soon as the boy disappeared an alarm rang through the room. Looking around the man sighed gripping the clipboard he tore the paper and calmly set it on fire. Finished with that he calmly put his hands up in the air.

Just as he put his hands up the door was busted open. Men wearing white robes flooded in. Walking in a man with long white hair strode in. Looking around the man looked displeased as his eyes landed on the man with his hands up.



Sighing the man with long white hair Aden pointed at the man Nora angrily

"Nora what the hell have you done this time?!

With a blank face, Nora shrugs "Nothing I just want to quit"

Gasping in anger Aden tries to hit Nora only to be held back by the others in the room

"You know you can't you dipshit"

Shrugging again Nora sighs "It was worth a try"

Locking eyes with Nora, Aden waves his hand " Take him and put him under house arrest"

Being dragged away Nora smiles "See I knew you loved me, Aden"

"Shut the F*ck up"

Waking up feeling oddly rested I looked around the room. Trying to comb my hair down with my fingers, I yawn.

[System: ~Ding~ Good morning master ヾ(≧▽≦*)o]

Throwing the sheets off of my body I sat up in a daze Little Bun? now I'm hallucinating?!

[System: Master I've told you before that when you go to bed you should cover yourself properly. What if you catch a cold (≧ヘ≦)]

[Yu Jie: Little Bun?! (つ﹏<)・゚。]

[System: Yes Master? (๑╹ω╹๑ )]

[Yu Jie: Its...really you?]

[System: Yes master I'm back 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。]