
[BL] Helping the cannon fodder find “peace”

Helping the cannon fodder find peace [Yu Jie: (∪。∪)。。。zzz] Helping the Cannon Fodder get revenge and beat people up [Yu Jie: ٩(●ᴗ●)۶ ] [System: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻]

ElusiveBlueRose · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Ch.3 He’s worse than a Scum man!

Arc 1. Helping the "White Lotus" find peace

Sitting in the small living room the Maxwell family sat down on the couch squished together looking very out of place.

Looking over Mother He giggled "I'm sorry that we don't have more space but I sent Lian He to go get some chairs"

Shaking her head Rose smiled "It's ok it was sudden after all, Take your time"

With a big smile Mother He walked to the kitchen. Coming out of her room Lian struggled as she carried a chair. Walking over I took the chair from her

"Let me, where do you want me to put it?

Giggling Lian walked to the dining room table telling me to set it down

"Ohh look at my YuYu so manly"

Rolling my eyes I scoffed "Of course I'm a man after all"

Staring at us Lucas narrowed his eyes, then turned to whisper to Kian "Father isn't Yu acting weird"

"Yu?" Stroking his chin Kian nodded "I wonder if it's because of the girl?

Raising his eyebrow Lucas snorted "Is he trying to impress her by faking?

With a serious look, Kian scolded Lucus "Don't speak bad of your Little brother Lucas"

Rolling his eyes Lucas looked over at us again arms crossed

"Y-YuYu do you and your older brother not get along?

Glancing at Lucas I raised my eyebrow "I'm not sure"


Seeing as how the system is offline I can't ask for information. What if they ask me something and I can't answer? I don't know the dynamics of this family…..I mean I can always just go with "That"

With a blank face, I looked at Lian "When Mister Bai threw the cup I fell and hit my head so I can't remember too good"

Jaw almost touching the floor Lian started to shake "but you told the doctor that y-"

"WHAT?!" Standing up from her chair Rose looked livid as she rushed over to grip my shoulders

"Yu What do you mean?! Who did you say hurt you?!"

"Ah...Umm about that the doctor said it's temporary but I might have trouble remembering small details "

Taking out his phone with a cold expression Kian called his secretary "Get me a conference with Essence Media's Ceo now"

Startled I grabbed the phone "Wait! Don't"

With a sharp look, Kian crossed his arms "Why He hurt you did he not what makes you think I'll let him off the hook? I'll destroy him for touching my child. He should learn his place, F*king trash"

Sitting on the couch legs crossed Lucas noded a dark glint in his eyes "I agree… We should chop off his hand, Yu which hand did you say he threw the cup with?"


Looking over at me Sunny smiled "For research purposes of course"

Mouth hanging open I looked at them "B-But I want to get revenge on him myself"

Looking at me wide-eyed, Rose then turned to look at Kian, Then they suddenly burst out laughing. Looking pleased rose nodded her head "Good!"

With a proud look, Kian patted my head "mm We will support you son"

Looking between us Lian looked starstruck as she stood there unmoving What kind of person did Luo Bai just offend? Shivering Lian stuttered as she ran to the kitchen "I-I'm going to h-help my mom in the kitchen!"

Watching her retreating back I sighed. Hearing me sigh everyone turned to me

"Yu Do you like Lian He? If you do….Mother will be ok with it so...be honest"

"How much do you remember? Do you remember me, big brother?

"Yu about this Luo Bai What are you planning? If you need help come ask ok"

"Yu When you get revenge you need to be ruthless, As your older brother it's my responsibility to teach you these things "

Feeling dizzy I answered one by one while rubbing my temples "I do like Lian but not in that way, I remember your my family but everything is fuzzy and about Mister Bai, I'm not sure yet"

Looking serious they all went quiet deep in thought "Yu is that why you haven't been calling me papa or your mother mama?

Looking at Kian with shining eyes Rose noded "T-That's right, Yu call me mama"

Eyes twitching I couldn't help but curse in my mind. What Mama? The original host always called them by their names, He never once even called them Mother or Father only sticking to Rose and Kian.

Shit, he didn't even like calling out to them sometimes he just said Hey you or would text them instead. Going through his phone was a nightmare! He never showed any compassion at all. I almost cried how can a person be so stuck up! Was he going through puberty?!

Forcing a smile I called out to them " I'm not a child anymore It's embarrassing if you make me call you ma- A-Anyways I refuse! B-but I will call you mother and father instead"

Warmth overflowing from their eyes they smiled. Wiping her tears mother nodded "Then, Yu please call me Mother from now on"

Looking down I nodded "M-Mother"

Laughing Father nodded "Good"

Calling us to the dinner table Mother He smiled as she looked at Mother. Done eating Mother gathered up the dishes and was prepared to go wash them startling Mother He. Rushing over Mother He tried to grab the dishes.

Mother lightly dodged her and walked into the kitchen giggling. "Don't be so startled Mother He, There's a lot of us, let me clean up after my family. I don't want you to be overwhelmed"

Getting up from her chair Lian walked over to the kitchen "I'll help too"

While the women bonded Father wiped the table with a clean rag as Brother Lucas fixed the chairs. Looking around I smiled Heh this family is odd...I should go snoop around

Walking to the kitchen I poked my head in looking for Lian. Spotting me she walked over. "YuYu what's wrong?

"I need to go to the bathroom"

"Ah ok follow me"

Leading me down a narrow hall she pointed to a door. "The bathroom is right here, Remember it for next time. It's right next to my room"

"Ok thanks"

"Mm I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything"


Walking into the bathroom I wait until I hear her footsteps get further away before opening the bathroom door sliding into the room across from Lian's room.

In the information of this world, it did mention something about Lian's brother but she didn't introduce us so where is he?

Looking around the room it was neat, the blue sheets on the bed were neatly folded and the wooden desk was also neatly organized. Walking over to the desk I stared at the pictures on the wall of Lian with a boy. The boy had a dazzling smile on his face as he looked at the camera, his arm around Lian's shoulder. Startled I stared at the picture in shock

"They look the same! Twins?

All of the pictures were neatly organized on the wall. Some had Lian and their mother in the pictures but some were kids wearing uniforms judging by the pictures. I imagine they were his friends. Looking at one of the pictures I almost called out in surprise

"L-Luo Bai?! Wait, Luo Bai and Lian He's brother went to the same school?!

[Yu Jie: System give me the world's information and information regarding Lian He's brother]

[System: %$Targ-ets#%Na-me%&^&^&]

[Yu Jie: …...F*CK]

Looking through his desk I found a paper with his name on it

[Yu Jie: Give me information on.....Lei He]

[System: Lei He is Lian He's twin brother. He was studying to be a businessman and attended a famous college. The Academy of business Pandora. He had a lot of potential but in his first year of college he contracted a "rare disease" causing him to fall sick.]

I and Lian are in our last year so it's been…. Almost 3 years?! Wait didn't the original owner go to Pandora but then he transferred out in the middle of the year. Suspicious

[Yu Jie: Did he die?! Why is Rare Disease in air quotes?]

[System: No… Find out yourself]

[Yu Jie: (*  ̄︿ ̄)… Then is he in the hospital?]

[System: Yes]

[Yu Jie: what hospital is he in?]

[System: #$^%^ hospital

[Yu Jie: (งಠ_ಠ)ง Son of a B*ch You think this is a game? I'll skin you alive F*cker ]

The person answering Yu Jie at headquarters shivered and wiped the sweat from his forehead thinking. How does system #0726 deal with this guy? He's so aggressive.

[System: … Wellpoint hospital 4 blocks away from here]

[Yu Jie: See that's more like it (。•̀ᴗ-)✧]

[System: …]

[Yu Jie: heh (๑•̀ω•́ ๑)]

Sneaking back out of the room I walked back into the living room seeing me coming Mother smiled "Yu say goodbye we're leaving now"

Nodding I walked over to mother He, Hugging me she patted my back "Come back anytime Yu"

"Yes Mother He"

"YuYu here is the key to our house"

Startled I looked at mother He, Smiling wide she nodded "Its ok take it Yu"

"T-Thank you"

Laughing Mother gave Mother He a quick hug "Thank you for taking Yu to the doctor"

"Its nothing It's only natural rose"

Nodding my mother rushed us out of the house and into the car waving bye to mother He the whole time.

In the car, Mother looked at me with a sad smile "Yu we must repay the He family in the future. Genuinely good people are hard to come by these days"

Confused I nodded. Sighing mother shook her head " Shao He is a very strong woman but she cannot hold on for much longer in the state she is in"

"Shao He? Who?

Mother looked at me covering her mouth as she laughed "Mother He, Shao He, goodness Yu to think you didn't even know her name yet still call her mother"

Flushing red I mumbled as I turned to look at the window Its all that stupid systems fault

Laughing, everyone began to poke fun at me. Pouting I ignored all of them. Arriving at an enormous house I got out and rushed upstairs entering my room.

[Yu Jie: System hack into Luo Bai's computer and see what you can find ]

[System: I cannot do that ]

[Yu Jie: You ((⊂(`ω´∩) Don't lie to me]

[System: Threatening the safety of th-]

[Yu Jie: so are you a higher-up? ]

[System: ...N-No I'm not why would you as-]

[Yu Jie: Heh System I would like to report to the hi-]

[System: Hacking into Luo Bai's computer and phone as we speak master]

[Yu Jie: (ㆆᴗㆆ)]

Looking through the contents of Luo Bai's computer my expression darkened. What kind of dog blood drama is this shit?! Luo Bai isn't scum, he's straight up a psychopath, narcissistic, ugly spawn of satan. Disgusting scum of the earth.

[Yu Jie: Hey are you sure I can't just off him?]

[System: ...Please don't system #0726 will kill me if I let you do that]

[Yu Jie: …(# ̄~ ̄#)Fine but it's not for you it's for my Little Bun]

Mouth open the person at headquarters felt like he was going crazy. System #0726? Little? where? How? Is he blind?

Arriving at my Father's study I lightly knocked on the door, A deep voice sounded "Yu? Come in"

Walking in I was greeted by the sight of father sitting at his desk. paperwork was stacked up on the big wooden desk as father stamped it. Sitting across from father was Lucas sorting through some more paperwork. Seeing me come in they put the papers down giving me their full attention. Gulping I stood in front of them.

"What is it Yu?

"Umm father well you see I...need a lot of money"

Surprised Father looked at Lucas. Raising his eyebrow Lucas looked at me up and down

"Don't you have the card father gave you on your birthday?

Started I look up "HUh?

Looking at me in concern Father shook his head "Maybe we really should take you back to the ho-"

"No there's no need Father I just remembered where I left the card mm I'll go get that now" Rushing out of the room I ran down the halls startling the maids.

After I left father chuckled "He seems more energetic...It's nice to see him act his age again"

Chuckling Lucas noded "Yes it is. Don't you agree mother?"

Coming out of a hidden door Mother chuckled "Whew that was close he almost caught us"

Sitting down in the chair mother crossed her arms "So what do you think about the results?

"It looks like Yu can take care of this himself mother but…"

"We set things up for him a little so that he won't be in danger don't worry darling"

Sighing Mother slumped in her chair "Our son is finally growing up huh honey"

Eyes warm Father rubbed her hair causing laughter to spill out of her mouth

"It won't be long until he leaves our nest to find his own"

Opening the last cabinet I sighed, throwing myself onto the bed or at least I tried to fall onto the bed but I missed and instead ended up on the ground. Groaning I lay there rethinking my life.

"Fuck that hurt What the actual f*ck. I shouldn't be blind in this world, right? Is he like me and needs glasses? I could have sworn I saw the bed behind me" Looking over at the bed something caught my eye. Reaching under the bed I grabbed the box that was taped to the bottom.

"Eh, what is this?

Sitting up the box in hand I stood up placing the box on the bed I then locked the door. Coming back over I tried to open the box but failed. Looking closely at the box my eyes widened "Fingerprint scanner?!

Putting my finger to the scanner I heard a beep and then the box opened. Amazed, I took out a folder. Opening the folder I froze in shock. Shaking in anger tears fell out of my eyes startled I wiped my eyes. Confused I called the system

[Yu Jie: System? Why am I crying?]

[System: It seems like the emotions of the previous owner are still strong within the body]

"Strong emotions Huh I can see why" Looking at the pictures of a young man clearly in pain his long black hair disheveled, Bruises littered his body and his uniform was wet. On his feet, one of his shoes was missing. Despite his sorry figure, his sharp brown eyes shone with aggressiveness as he shielded another boy with his body.

The boy was also wet but he had almost no bruises aside from a large bruise on his face. His appearance was very familiar. Suddenly many things came together. The boy had short light brown hair and his pink lips were pressed together. He held onto the boy in front of him desperately. His peach blossom eyes held immense hatred as he looked behind the camera.

The two boys in the picture were the original owner and Lei He, Lian He's twin brother.

Looking through all of the pictures my eyes narrowed. "Luo Bai... Maybe I should off him myself, This scum"

In the corner of one of the pictures stood Luo bai a smile on his face as he watched the two boys being hit. Only the side of his face could be seen but it was no doubt him.

I turned the picture around and saw a note. Pausing I called the system.

[Yu Jie: Who Is Kai?]

[System: Yu Jie: English name Kai Maxwell]

[Yu Jie: Oh...I see]

Kai, you better keep your mouth shut. I warned you to stay out of Lei He's business. Now because of you, I had to take things one step further. It's your fault Lei He jumped not mine.

It's your fault Kai maxwell.

If you try to spread rumors I'll reveal the pictures. You might not care about your reputation but what about Lei He? What would happen if people found out he left school not because he has a disease but because he tried to kill himself and went crazy. I used my Bai family's power to block information about the incident but what can you do?

Wouldnt that be horrible he might just try to jump again haha. And this time it would have been completely your fault.

This is my last warning: don't approach Lei he again.

Face flushing red from anger I grit my teeth. "Luo Bai you bastard lets see how long you can keep laughing"







Sitting at a large desk sat a man his silver eyes sparkling as he read through documents. Feeling a strand of hair fall onto his face he ran his hands through his hair causing the shirt he was wearing to tighten around his arms showing off his muscular build.

"Is this all the information you could find of him?

"Yes Boss he's the son of the Yu family thus we couldn't dig up much on him"

Silver eyes darkening the man looked at the computer screen with what looked like a video playing, You could hear glass shattering and then a female voice full of anger yelled.

"Luo Bai are you out of your mind?!

Pausing the video the man looked up "The Yu family's son and yet Luo Bai still dared lay his hands on him? It looks like the Yu family won't let him go this time"

"Boss what do you want us to do?

"Let Luo Bai learn from his mistakes. If he comes for help, Send him away"

"Yes Boss"

Once alone in the room, the man replayed the video several times. In the video, a boy with black hair sat on the ground forehead bleeding his brown Phoenix eyes glistening with unshed tears.

The man's silver eyes flashed with surprise looking closer at the boy's expression the man replayed the video "He didn't dodge the shard on purpose?

Replaying the video the man noticed that when the girl came over and yelled at Luo Bai the boy looked down and seemed to be dizzy but once the man looked closer he caught the slight smile on the boys face. In a daze, the man stared at the paused video. Laughing suddenly the man shook his head

"Seems like the Yu family has a wolf hiding in sheep's clothing. That poor bastard Luo Bai is going to get eaten alive"