
[BL] Helping the cannon fodder find “peace”

Helping the cannon fodder find peace [Yu Jie: (∪。∪)。。。zzz] Helping the Cannon Fodder get revenge and beat people up [Yu Jie: ٩(●ᴗ●)۶ ] [System: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻]

ElusiveBlueRose · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Ch.5 Emotions are hard to understand

Arc 1. Helping the "White Lotus" find peace

Gripping my sheets I buried my face into the bed sniffling

[System: Master Don't cry…. I'm sorry]

[Yu Jie: I'm not crying….my eyes are just dry]

[System: It's ok I won't leave you again master...so don't cry ok]

Lying face down in the bed I couldn't help the tears that flowed down my face. Watching its master crying the system sighed thinking Well I already broke the rules and I don't plan to go back again….

A soft voice with a gentle tone rang near Yu Jie "Master…. Please don't be upset"

With a start, I sat up looking around the room. Sitting next to me on the bed sat a young boy with blue hair. The boys dark blue eyes shined with blue runes. He wore a simple white gown and slippers. With a soft expression on his face, the young boy chuckled.

Moving until my back was touching the wall I looked at him cautiously

"Y-You who are you?

"Master it's me"

Moving closer I held the boys face in my hands looking at him closely "Little Bun?

Nodding the boy grabbed my hands. Giving me a dazzling smile he stood up showing off his body.

"Look master…. I updated so now I can turn into a person. Now I don't have to turn into a cat!"

Frowning I scoffed "Impossible My Little Bun looks cute as a cat"

Looking wronged Little Bun wrinkled his eyebrows "No...Because you pull my fur out"

Raising his eyebrow Yu Jie looked at him up and down "And you think I can't pull your fur out if you're a person? You have hair you know"

Shocked Little bun covered his head "Horrible, Tyrant…. Master you fiend!"

Chuckling I reached for My Little Bun dragging him under the sheets. Startled, the system started to struggle but realizing I was cuddling him he froze.

Looking over at me Little bun adjusted himself and then silence engulfed the room. All you could hear were Yu Jie's soft breaths. Looking at Yu Jie the system stroked his hair. Looking up at the ceiling the system pulled up Yu Jie's information.

[~Ding~ Hosts mental state is in the red zone~ Asking system to keep alert~]

Sleep: Low: Has not slept in 3 days~Red

Emotions: High~ Red

Mental stability: Fragile~ Red

Soul strength: High~Green

Mission completion rate: 50%~Green

Affection meter: Lian He: 88%~ Complete

Luo Bai: -10% and declining ~Error

Kain Maxwell: 88% ~Complete

Lucas Maxwell: 87% and rising~Green

Rose maxwell: 88%~ Complete

Sunny Maxwell: 87 and rising%~Green

Lei He: 90% and rising~ Error

Han Jun: 99% and rising~ Error

Wrinkling his brows the system hacked into Han Jun's computer and the hospital monitors. Scrolling through Han Jun's computer the system found out that Han Jun appointed people to protect Yu Jie after he turned Luo Bai away when he came to ask for help, Telling Luo Bai to clean up his own mess.

Hacking into Han Jun's security cameras the system looked for any clues as to why his affection meter was so high. Stopping at a video from a couple weeks ago Han Jun sat at his desk when he suddenly got up. Pressing on the wall behind his desk Han Jun disappeared through a door that opened up.

Cursing in his mind the system groaned I can't see what's inside ugh

Sighing the system did the same thing with Lei He. Looking for a bit he stumbled across the sight of the nurse taking a very awake and alive Lei He outside for some fresh air. Narrowing his eyes the system spent hours scanning the two men while also hacking anything he could get his hands on.

Seeing it was almost 1:30 in the afternoon the system shook Yu Jie awake feeling extremely guilty. "Master wake up, You have things you need to do"

Mumbling Yu Jie waved the system away "Five more minutes"

Puffing up his cheeks the system pulled the sheets off of Yu Jie "Master, Wake up!"

Turning on his side Yu Jie covered his face with a pillow ready to go back to sleep. Helpless the system started to sulk

"And to think that I wanted to brag about finding out information on Lei He"

Moving slightly Yu Jie stayed still but then sighed. Turning to face the system Yu Jie looked at him yawning. "What did you find out about him, Little Bun?

Brightening up the system laughed "Well you see heh, Lei He isn't in a coma master!"

Jumping out of bed I started to get ready, putting on simple clothes I then grabbed an old hat the original host used to wear often. painted flowers adorned the whole hat. Looking at it in the mirror a memory of the original host floated by.

"Kai Let me see your hat"


"I want to paint flowers on it. Don't you think that would give your dull gray hat some life"

"I'm not interested"

Laying on kai's desk Lei He had a lazy air to him "Oh Come on Kai"

Sighing Kai took off his hat letting his long hair fall freely "Fine….Just no crazy colors ok"

Grabbing the hat Lei He laughed "Yes sir"

Touching the hat I smiled. Looking at me the system frowned "Master….you shouldn't get too attached...It'll be hard to leave"

Looking at the system I smiled "Of course I know that Little Bun…. It's just you know I never had...a friend like him before"

"Anyways let's go, Little Bun, To the hospital, we go"

Looking at Yu Jie leaving the system frowned. Yu Jie might think he had a happy smile on his face but there was pain and sadness in his eyes…

Arriving at the hospital I was greeted by the nurses and the receptionist sister.

"Oh my don't you have classes today young man?

Smiling I nod "Yes but I have afternoon classes this week"

Nodding the nurses waved bye as they passed to leave. "Ok don't be late"

Walking to Lei He's room I stopped outside. My hand shook as I reached for the doorknob.

[System: MASTER!]

Suddenly I was pulled away from the door violently. The person's grip on my hand was tight and I could already feel a bruise forming. Smashing me against the wall the person snorted as I groaned in pain, tears forming at the corner of my eyes.

Clenching his teeth Luo Bai chuckled "Kai Maxwell Didn't I tell you to stay away?

Gasping for air I glared at him. Seeing my expression he scoffed while raising his hand "What are you looking at"

[System: M-MAster! Are you ok]

Blocking his hit I once again slammed against the wall. Raising his hand again he balled his hand up. His fist grazed my chin. Taking the chance to kick at his leg Luo Bai groned.

In the scuffle, the hat I was wearing fell off. Wide-eyed Luo Bai Pointed at me "Y-You? How? How do you have that hat?

Wiping the blood from my lips I smirked "Nice of you to finally recognize me, Mister Bai"

Mouth agape Luo Bai looked confused but suddenly he laughed "Kai Maxwell Is that a fake name?

Shrugging I glared at him "Its none of your business"

Luo Bai seemed to have snapped as he rushed at me. Holding me to the wall by my shoulder Luo Bai grasped my neck with his other hand.

[System: Master answer me!]

[Yu Jie: Calm down Little Bun, Everything is fine]

A nurse walking down the hall saw this sight and screamed in horror alerting everyone nearby.

"Dear Lord Mister Bai?! Let go of the boy! What is wrong with you!"

Dropping her clipboard she rushed over, throwing herself at Luo Bai trying to pry his hands off of me. In his anger, Luo Bai didn't realize that more people had run down the halls and the people in the rooms were now outside of their rooms.

Seeing the nurse struggling most of the people that were here to visit patients rushed over trying to help her pull him away.

Coming out of his room Lei He was horrified at the sight, Rushing over in his wheelchair. Lei He was shaking in anger tears in his eyes. Digging his nails into Luo Bai's arm, Lei He yelled angrily.

"Luo Bai you bastard let Kai go"

Seeming to come to his senses from hearing Lei He's voice Luo Bai let me go, turning to face Lei He. "LeiLei You're awake?!"

Holding my neck I slid to the ground. Concerned the nurse used a soft tone attempting to soothe me. Ignoring Luo Bai tears streamed down Lei He's face. Trembling he reached for my hand.

"Kai I'm sorry I couldn't protect you this time either...It's always you protecting me even now"

Looking up at Lei He slightly I gave him a weak smile. Watching me Struggling to stand up, Lei He gripped my arm.

"Sit on my legs Kai"

Shaking my head I stumbled causing me to grip the handles of Lei He's wheelchair. Wrapping his hands around me Lei He looked over at his nurse. Getting his look the man waked over putting his hands on my back and then flipping me back, Suddenly I was being held in a princess carry.

Standing up the nurse gave Luo Bai a dirty look "Wei Han bring him to Lei He's room while I call over a doctor"

Nodding Han Wei looked over at Lei He. Looking at his angry expression he shook his head.

Lei He was currently glaring daggers at Luo Bai but Luo Bai seemed oblivious.

"LeiLei when did you wake up?

"Don't call me that, You don't have the right"

Frowning Luo Bai seemed annoyed. Looking towards Lei He's room Luo Bai looked back at Lei He angry "Why are you taking his side?

Scoffing Lei He clenched his fist "You said you wouldn't hurt him"

Smiling Luo Bai nodded "I did but that was on the condition he stayed away from you"

"Luo Bai let me make this very clear If you touch My Kai again I'll kill, You bastard"

Furious Luo Bai looked at Lei He. For a second his figure overlapped with Lian He's.

"My YuYu was hungry"

"Your YuYu?

"Yes My YuYu"

Grinding his teeth Luo Bai spoke coldly "You'll regret this Lei He"

"I won't"

Looking at the nurse I was in a daze as he Stood at the door eavesdropping. Wei Han had light brown hair and light blue eyes. His body was fit and he had a very sunny aura about him.

Feeling my stare Wei Han turned around "Is there something I can help you with?

Narrowing my eyes I nodded "Do you happen to know someone named Han Jun?

Eyes widening slightly Wei Han avoided my eyes "N-No I don't"


"Yes really"

"Then why do both of you have the same last name?

Sweating nervously Wei Han sighed "He's...my brother"

Rubbing my chin I nod "Hmmm I see"

Looking at me as he sulks Wei Han sighs "Don't tell anyone"

"Mm Ok"

Looking skeptical Wei Han put his hands on his hips "I'm serious"


Just as he was about to say something Lei He came into the room his eyebrows wrinkled. Looking at him I smiled.

"Why the long face Lei?

Looking up at me Lei He bit his lip "I'm sorry"

"What are you apologizing for?

Looking down at his hands he felt guilty "I...was awake when you came last time"

Getting off the bed I walked over to him "I knew"

Looking at me wide-eyed he stuttered "H-How? Why didn't you say anything?

"I knew there must have been a reason...also I'm an actor now"

"Y-You" laughing Lei He stood up and pulled me into his embrace

"Thank you YuYu"

Startled, I looked at Lei He. "H-How do you know my na-"

With a big smile on his face, Lei he chuckled "Lian Talks a lot about you"

While I was getting checked by a doctor friend of Wei Han's, Mother He and Lian He burst into the room both of them with tears in their eyes. Seeing her beloved son awake Mother He hugged him tightly as she sobbed.

To the side stood Lian He wiping her tears. Looking over at me she made a horrifying sound. Rushing over to me her hand trembled as she reached out to me.

"YuYu what happened to you?!

Looking over Mother He's expression quickly turned to horror "Yu my goodness what happened?!

Mother He sat next to her son as the doctor explained that my wounds looked worse than they were. Sitting next to me Lian held my hand in silence. Giving me an ointment to treat the bruises and the cuts the doctor left with Wei Han following closely after him.

Soon there were only us four in the room. Gripping my hand Lian looked at Lei He.

"Brother, why is Luo Bai so obsessed with our family? And why does he hate you so much?

Sighing Lei He looked at me "It's a long story"

Nodding Lian He had a serious expression on her face "Brother, Mother I want revenge"

Looking up both Mother He and Lei He looked shocked. Looking over at Lian I could see her nails digging into her palm. Reaching over to grab her hand I nodded.

Nodding Lei He laughed "Me too...I want revenge"

Seeing her children like this Mother He felt bittersweet emotions flood her but as soon as she caught a look of Yu Jie the bitter emotions evaporated into thin air.

"I don't know how much help I can be of...but I will help any way I can"

Looking at the He family I smiled "I have a plan"

Leaving the hospital with Lian she seemed to shine with a new energy as she smiled wide. Looking at me her smile dimmed just a bit.

"I don't think you should go to school today"

"No, if I don't go I'll ruin my perfect track record"

Laughing Lian hit me lightly in the arm. Groaning, I held my arm.

Panicking Lian held my arm "Does it hurt? Luo Bai that bastard"

Glancing at her I laughed "I'm joking, See I'm fine I can go to school"

Frowning Lian shook her head "Still you shouldn't go Yu Jie"

Sighing I held her hand "Lian I'm fine I wan-"

A deep and soothing voice sounded near my ear making me shiver "She's right you shouldn't go Yu Jie"

Looking behind us Lian squealed "Yu Its that handsome guy!"

Raising his eyebrow Han Jun looked at me smirking "Is that what you call me?

Rubbing my ear I glared at him "Lian this is Han Jun"

Looking between us Lian raised her eyebrow. Reaching out her hand she smiled "Nice to meet you, mister Han"

Shaking her hand he chuckled "I'd prefer it if you just call me Han Jun"

"Oh ok Han Jun"

Looking at Han Jun I rubbed my nose. I felt as if his smell still lingered around me.

[System: Master you like Han Jun don't you?]

[Yu Jie: ...Why do you suddenly ask?]

[System: Your emotions are fluctuating ( ̄へ ̄)]

[Yu Jie: But that doesn't m-]

[System: Master (●`ー´●)]

[Yu Jie: ∑( ̄□ ̄*||| Y-You interrupted me? Mid typing? Really]

[System: (。ì _ í。) Don't change the subject]

[Yu Jie: ...Can we talk about this later?]

[System: ...Ok]

Noticing me zoning out Han Jun said goodbye to Lian as she sneaked away.

"Take care of YuYu"

"Don't worry I will"

Coming back to my senses I looked around "Huh? Where did Lian go?

Chuckling Han Jun got close to my ear again "She left saying she was going to class"

Pouting I crossed my arms "I said I'm fine"

Lightly touching the cut on my lip Han Jun's eyes darkened "Keep me company today Yu Jie"

Looking at him I nodded "I…."

"I was hoping you would treat me to dinner like you said last time"

Looking down I played with my fingers There's not any reason to decline plus I did promise "Ok... let's go"

I regret

Looking at the giant mansion I shook my head "Han Jun this isn't a restaurant...Where are we?

Grabbing my hand he laughed "It's my home...I hope it's to your liking"

"No...Well It's big"

Laughing Han Jun dragged me inside. Showing me around I began to realize that his home really was to my liking. Down to the color of the walls to the clean and simple style.

"Do you like it?

In a daze, I nodded "I do"

Happy Han Jun led me to the kitchen, sitting me at the huge island in the kitchen Han Jun put on an apron. Startled, I stood up.

"Wait! Are you going to cook?

Looking at me with a slight confusion Han Jun nodded "Yes...You don't want me too?

Shaking my head I made my way over to him trying to untie his apron "That's not it, I said I would treat you to dinner. Does it make sense for you to cook? No, I'll cook"

Looking down at me Han Jun held his breath. In my rush, I hadn't noticed that instead of taking it off like a normal person would I reach both my arms around him to untie his apron. Our chests were pressed together and my head was laying on his arm as I tried to untie it. Han Jun had his back up against the counter and his hands were gripping the counter as he looked at me.

Trying to keep himself from stroking Yu Jie's hair and kissing him he gripped the counter harder.

He doesn't even realize what he's doing, does he? Raising his hand Han Jun covered his face.

Why is he so cute?

Trying again and again to untie his apron I got Irritated. Looking up at Han Jun I puffed out my cheeks. "Han Jun did you tie it a hundred times or something? Why is it not coming off?

[System: Master...You (。´-д-)]

[Yu Jie: Little Bun im serious why is this thing so hard to take off? Did he do something?]

[System: No...sigh...Master... I took a picture of how you were attempting to take his apron off...Please look at it]

Hearing a ~Ding~ I looked at the picture My Little Bun sent me and froze in the middle of once again trying to untie it. Face turning red I took a step back with my hands up.

Raising his eyebrow Han Jun held in a laugh Ah he finally noticed

"T-That I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight"

[System: Of course you weren't you're very gay for him after all]

[Yu Jie: Did you just...That was a bad joke, Little Bun]

[System: (^ワ^=)]

Reaching behind him Luo Bai untied his apron, walking over to me he put my head through the apron then reached around me and tied the apron. Blushing I didn't know where to put my hands or where to look.

"Let's cook together"

Nodding I looked at him "Ah but your apron"

Walking over to a closet he opened the door and pulled out an apron "I have a spare"


Walking past the kitchen a maid poked her head through the door and watched as the two men laughed and talked as they shuffled about the kitchen. The scene was oddly calming and refreshing. Smiling, she sneaked a picture as a reminder of the first time she had seen their young master look so happy.

Sitting across from Han Jun I ate and observed him as he talked. His slick black hair was now loose and slightly messy, his silver eyes gave off a warm glow as he smiled. Looking at me his smile suddenly turned into a frown. Startled, my hands stopped moving as I looked at him.

"What's wrong?

A flash of sadness appeared in his eyes as he cleared his throat "That...I'm sorry"

Hands trembling I slowly put down my silverware. Taking a drink of wine I swallowed hard.

"What...are you sorry about?

Looking at me he sighed "I knew Luo Bai was going to be there today yet I didn't warn you nor did I protect you" Looking away from me he continued.

"I didn't want to ruin whatever plans you had because I know you have them and I know you are plotting against Luo Bai ….But I didn't want to intrude too much in your business.

"I didn't want you to hate me or see me as a tyrant but because I was hesitating you got hurt again, Though I know it was part of your plan...I can't help but feel it's my fault that you have to go through all this pain.

If I was there beside you, You would never have to suffer alone again...No, you would never have to suffer at all"

"That's why I'm saying I am sorry"

Looking back over at me he opened his mouth but quickly closed it and stood up in a rush. Bending down next to me he wiped my eyes.

"Yu Jie what's wrong? Does it hurt anywhere? Tell me what hurts"

Vision blurry I cried into his chest until I couldn't breathe and was gasping for air. Luo Bai quickly carried me to a room and asked one of the maids to get a doctor. Gripping my chest my crying slowly calmed down.

Looking at Luo Bai sitting next to me on the bed asking the doctor questions. I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes. The man looked terrified. His silver eyes were filled with pain and urgency and his hair was messier than before.

[System: Master...you passed out for almost an hour (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)]

[Yu Jie: Little Bun...no wonder he looks so distressed]

[System: Master what happened?]

[Yu Jie: I don't know I was listening to Han Jun and then suddenly there was a pain in my chest]

[System: A pain in your chest? Let me check something really quick I'll be back soon]

Feeling Han Jun's hand in my hold I squeezed him lightly. Looking down at me Han Jun's eyes watered.

"Yu Jie how do you feel? Is it still painful?

Shaking my head I tried to get up only to be stopped by Han Jun "Yu Jie just stay in bed ok"

Seeing his pleading expression I stopped trying to get up and decided to lay back down. Relieved Han Jun stroked my hair, His expression soft.

"Wait here don't get up I need to talk to the doctor ok"

Nodding my head I looked at him blankly. Closing the door softly Han Jun left. Looking up at the ceiling I sighed.

[System: Master]

[Yu Jie: Little Bun I think I know why it started to hurt]

[System: Did you figure it out while I was away?]

[Yu Jie: I think it's because...Han Jun is just too handsome! ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)]

[System: Σ(`Д´ )!? Master this is why no one can have serious conversations with you if I had a quarter for every time you do this to me I'd be the richest system in existence. Do you realize th-]

[Yu Jie: I'm joking...The pain was because I'm in love with Han Jun but I...Have never received nor felt that emotion ever before so my soul didn't know how to react...Right?]

[System: (☍﹏⁰)) M-Master...I'm sorry I...didn't take into account how your soul would react to certain emotions]

[System: but you should be fine after this it seems it's only your first time feeling an emotion you haven't felt before that this type of pain will happen]

[System: Master I only want you to be happy...So go get your man ヽ(≧□≦)ノو]

[System: Don't hold back (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ ]

[Yu Jie: Can I really? I…]

[System: Don't worry about it. Leave everything to me. After all, that's what I'm here for]

[Yu Jie: Little Bun...Thank you. You're my treasure]

[System: Of course (//ω//) ]