
[BL] Helping the cannon fodder find “peace”

Helping the cannon fodder find peace [Yu Jie: (∪。∪)。。。zzz] Helping the Cannon Fodder get revenge and beat people up [Yu Jie: ٩(●ᴗ●)۶ ] [System: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻]

ElusiveBlueRose · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Ch.2 Meeting the family

Arc 1. Helping the "White Lotus" find peace

[System: Whaaaa Master she j-just-]

[Yu Jie: …]

Standing up from his chair Luo Bai pointed his finger at me face red "H-Him?

Smiling wide Lian He nodded "Yes Mister Bai, YuYu is my boyfriend"

"You never mentioned that you had someone you liked"

"You never asked"

Looking between them both I sighed "Lian He we should go"

"Go? Hah"

Furious Luo Bai reached for his cup, throwing it across the room. Lian He looked at Luo Bai terrified.

jumping up from my chair trying to dodge the cup heading straight towards my face. A shard from the cup grazed me as I fell.

Rushing over Lian He had tears in her eyes as she put the napkin over the cut on my forehead.

"Luo Bai are you out of your mind?!

Laughing Luo Bai walked over towards us "Lian He you can only be mine If you insist on being foolish I have other ways to make you submit to me"

Tears streaming down her face, Lian He blocked my body from Luo Bai's reach. Looking at my bleeding forehead Lian He whimpered as she helped me to my feet. In a trance Lian He whispered to me "YuYu I'm sorry I-"

Grabbing Lian He I placed her behind me glaring at Luo Bai blood dripping into my eye.

[System: M-Master are you ok? (☍﹏⁰))]

[Yu Jie: Little bun look away]

[System: W-Why?]

[Yu Jie: I'm going to kill this Bastard F*cking scum of the earth, It f*cking hurt this F*cker]

[System: Σ(っ °Д °;)っYOU CAN'T!! Master calm down if you kill him you'll be kicked out of this world!]

[Yu Jie: Tsk]

[System: M-Master you c-cant kill him, ok?]

[Yu Jie: I won't...But I'll make him wish he was dead]

Looking at Lian He hiding behind me Luo Bai grabbed me by the collar "What do you really think you can do anything, Who do you think you are huh?

"Mister Bai I would suggest letting me go before something bad happens to you"

Scoffing Luo Bai Pulled me closer to him, making me scrunch up my nose. Just as he was going to lift his hand to strike me in the face the person by the door finally came to their senses rushing over to grab Luo Bai shouting.

"Master Bai!"

Looking down at the Pettit woman with short black hair cut into a bob. The beauty mark right under her right eye gave her face a seductive look, her white button-up blouse had the first 4 buttons undone, her skirt was a little too short and her perfume was so sweet it was almost sickening as she clung onto his arm Luo Bai's eyes flickered with surprise

"Secretary Feng?

Looking at Luo Bai, Secretary Feng flashed a wry smile "Master Bai Please calm down"

Letting me go he shoved me causing me to stumble into Lian He. Gripping my shoulders to steady me Lian He glared at Luo Bai.

Looking at me like I was a bug Luo Bai dusted off his suit. Turning to look at secretary Feng he fixed his cufflinks.

"Secretary Feng, why are you here?

Leaning closer to Luo Bai she put her hand to her mouth whispering into Luo Bai's ear.

"While looking into this young man we got interrupted"

Looking me up and down Luo Bai spoke "You What's your name"

Rolling my eyes I crossed my arms "Find out yourself"

Pulling Lian He to the door I scoffed "Your rich aren't you, Pay me and I'll tell you. That is if you can afford me"

Stopping at the door to look at Luo Bai like he was trash I smirked.

"Why don't you ask your secretary who I am? Or are you just that stupid that you'd think I'll give you my name after you threatened me"

Furious Luo Bai tried to rush at me again only to be held back by secretary Feng

"Master Bai It seems like he's the Young Master of the Yu Family"

Stiffening Luo Bai looked at me. Smirking I pulled Lian He to leave. Rushing through the halls I clenched my teeth. Seeing me clenching my teeth Lian He pulled my hand causing me to stop walking.

"Y-YuYu does it h-hurt?

Reaching to wipe the blood from my eye Lian He's eyes began to water again.

Looking at Lian He, Her eyes were puffy and red, the tear stains were very noticeable as she wiped my face. Grabbing her hand I shook my head

"I'm fine let's go before he comes after us"

Dragging Lian He towards the door I sighed. I know that she tried her best but wiping my eyes was not a good idea. Now I can't see at all through my left eye.

Walking half-blind it's no surprise I ran into someone. Realizing I couldn't see Lian He stepped forward to apologize. Pulling her back I bowed slightly catching a look at the person's shoes. It must be a man and a wealthy man at that. Judging by his long legs and sturdy back he must be handsome. Pouting I criticized Luo Bai some more in my mind.

[Yu Jie: F*ck if it wasn't for Luo Bai that dog, I could've seen this guys face clearly 凸(`△´#)凸]

[System: Master you need medical attention besides I don't think any man would be interested in you right now (o`゚皿゚)]

[Yu Jie: Little bun how dare you, This Young master is very handsome (─‿‿─)͈ ]

[System: I agree but that's when you don't have blood dripping from your headヽ(`Д´)ノ]

Smiling slightly because of Little Bun's antics, I looked up at the tall man

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you"

Stunned, the man almost reached out his hand to touch my face but quickly held back. Instead, his deep voice echoed with concern.

"It's alright I shouldn't have stood in the middle of the hall but more importantly are you alright?

"Ah yes don't worry this wasn't your fault, I had it even before I bumped into you"

"No, that not w-"

Interrupting the man Lian He gripped onto my arm Voice trembling

"YuYu It's Mister Bai's driver!"

Looking around I spotted mister Bai's Driver followed by two big buff men scoffing I rolled my eyes

"Heh what a coward"

Looking at the man standing in front of the counter I smiled "Well I'm sorry but we have to be on our way now Goodbye"


Pulling on Lian Ha I ran out of the door and down the street seeing us run Mister Bai's driver pointed at us yelling

"It's those two right there"

About to run past the driver's collar was pulled making the driver stop in his tracks. Looking at the tall intimidating man holding onto his shirt the driver began to sweat.

His short black hair was slicked back showing off the small beauty mark in the shape of a crescent moon on his neck right below his right ear. His black suit was in pristine condition having no wrinkles showing his meticulous personality. The man's eyes sparkled as he smiled his sharp features softened but his silver eyes were cold.

"M-Mister Jun"

"Mister Bai's Driver"

"W-What can I do for you, Mister Jun?

"Ah Yes, well you see"





Sitting on the bench of a nearby park, we found a vending machine buying a water bottle, Lian He helped me clean off the blood. Looking at my face Lian He nodded then pulled out her phone calling her mom asking to be picked up.

Looking around the park I grinned.

Hanging up the call Lian He looked over at me.



"Are you ok?

"Never been better"

Looking at me Lian He looked worried "YuYu What are you so happy about? Did you hit your head too hard?

Sitting up I slid closer to her "Lian He"


"Wasn't the man I bumped into Handsome? He was, wasn't he?

Looking at me, Lian He looked stunned. Slumping into the bench she laughed.

"Thank goodness you're alright"

"Of course I'm stronger than I look"

Laughing harder Lian He wiped the tears from her eyes. "He was handsome"

"Heh I knew it"

After a couple of minutes, an old car pulled up, Seeing the car Lian He got up.

"That's my mom"

"Ah ok I'll see you tomorrow at school then"

Getting up I was about to walk away when Lian He grabbed my arm pulling me towards the car. Giving me a death glare she shoved me into the back seat.

"Are You crazy we need to take you to the doctor! Get in"


Rolling her eyes she slid in next to me. Looking at us from the mirror Lian He's mom looked amused as she shook her head.

Seeing Lion He's mother looking unconcerned I raised my eyebrow as I leaned closer to Lian He. Thinking I was dizzy, Lian He placed my head softly onto her shoulder. Surprised I stiffened slightly before relaxing and adjusting myself.

"Lian He, What did you tell your mom?

Looking down at me Lian He grimaced. Flashing me a wry smile she fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

"I told her you fell while we were playing in the park and hurt your head on a tree branch"

Looking at her wide-eyed I burst out laughing. Blushing Lian He started to shush me. Pouting she hit me lightly on the arm.

"Don't laugh"






Waiting in the room for my pain medicine I watched as Lian He's mother argued with Lian He.

"You should be more careful, You aren't a child anymore. Thank goodness he wasn't hurt worse"

"I know I already apologized... I was scared too"

Looking at her daughter Lian He's mother's heart warmed sighing she patted Lian He's head. Seeing me watching them Lian He's mother walked over to me ruffling my hair.

"You also should be more careful Now your handsome face is scared"

Chuckling I shook my head "It's ok I still have my clever mind after all"

Eyes softening Lian He's mother smiled "I'm sure I don't need to say this but please be good to my daughter. She doesn't have many friends and she gets lonely very easily"

"Mom That's embarrassing"

"Oh Shush child go get your friend some water, Look at him he looks parched"

Pouting Lian He walked out of the room in search of water. Seeing the door close, Lian He's mother pulled a chair and sat down grabbing my hands. She looked at me with her brown eyes full of sorrow. Shocked, my eyes widened as my heart squeezed in pain.

"Yu Jie is your name correct?

"Ah Y-Yes mam"

Giving me a soft smile Lian He's mother nodded tears pooling at the corner of her eyes.

"Yu Jie Feel free to call me Mother He or just Ms. He, Whichever makes you more comfortable

Looking at her she looked so much more somber than before her messy brown hair was pulled into a bun her clothes were clean but worn out. She looked young for her age but when her smile disappears a sad aura seems to surround her.

Recalling the world information Lian He's mother after Lian He's death came looking for Luo Bai calling him a murderer and a liar causing a scene at his house demanding he let her see her daughter's body, only to be kicked out by Yong Feng. Falling into depression just like Lian He she later committed suicide.

Feeling my eyes sting I blinked. Gripping my hands Mother He looked up once again.

"Lian He doesn't tell me about the things that happen in her life but I know what most likely happened today"

"A man has been coming to the house for a while now but never comes in. He always calls Lian He out but she always seems reluctant to meet him, I've asked her multiple times if she needed help and she always rejects me. I know my daughter and I know she does not like him. I'd even go as far as saying she's scared of him but she won't tell me why she keeps meeting him"

[System: (°0°)‼ She knew about Luo Bai???]

[Yu Jie: Seem like it]


"I'm not asking you to tell me what happened but I wanted to thank you and to apologize. You're also young yet I'm still going to ask you this so please forgive a selfish mothers request"

Gripping my hands slightly harder she sniffled. "Please protect my Lian He I beg of you"

Squeezing her hands back to reassure her, I smile. "I don't think it's selfish at all Mother He besides Lian He is my friend She's someone I treasure"

Smiling Mother he hugged me "Thank you Yu Jie. One day this family will repay you"

Patting her back I smile "Mother He there's no need for that"

Wiping her tears mother He nodded "Of course we need to repay you don't speak nonsense"

Lightly running her finger on the bandage she shook her head "For him to have harmed you in this way he must be a horrible person"

[System: M-Master! (((╹д╹;)))]

[Yu Jie: (-ω- ?)]

[System: Your soul force is fluctuating at a dangerous rate please calm your emotions]

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes.

[Yu Jie: I'm fine now]




Hearing voices approaching the room the system's notification rang just as the door to the room swung open.

[System: ~Ding~ Original host's family is currently in the building. They are approaching master]

Glaring at my Little bun I cursed [Yu Jie: Aren't you a little late (●`ー´●)]

Standing at the door are four people, two women, and two men. They all have an expression of worry except for the older woman that kicked open the door.

Her long black hair was half up in a bun and she held sunglasses in her hand. Her long flowy red trench coat was draped over her shoulders and reached just above her ankles, white blouse was tucked into black dress pants. As she walked her black high heels made a clicking noise against the granite floor. looking angry she Squinted her brown eyes as she looked around.

Hiding slightly behind her was a young girl around 19 years old. Her long wavy blond hair flowed freely her bangs falling just above her wide brown eyes. Her pastel yellow sundress swished around her as she got on her tippy toes, yellow heels squeaking.

Right behind the woman in red stood a tall man with his long blond hair slicked back, his green eyes showing worry as he looked at me. His dark blue suit showed his well-defined body. The watch on his right wrist as well as the two rings on his fingers showed his wealth.

Behind the blond man stood another blond-haired man with his short hair slicked back wearing a similar suit. His green eyes flickered as he caught my gaze. Pressing his lips together he walked past everyone and stood in front of me, his deep voice echoed with a hint of annoyance.

"Yu Jie what kind of trouble did you get into this time?

Walking into the room all of them surrounded me, Catching a glance of Lian He standing at the door with her mother I waved them away. Pouting Lian He shook her head.

Looking between us the woman in the red trench coat pointed at Lian He "Yu Who is that?

All eyes in the room shifted to Lian He making her fiddle with the hem of her shirt. Knowing that it's a habit caused by stress I frowned.

"Don't look at Lian she doesn't like it"

Shocked, everyone turned to look at me. Thinking that my family is mad at me Lian He rushed to my side blocking me from them.

"I-I'm really sorry… YuYu got hurt because of me. He didn't do anything bad"

Tears began to drip down her face as she tried to wipe them away "He got hurt protecting m-me"

Wide-eyed the Yu family looked at each other dumbfounded.

"Protect? Yu did?"


"How did he get hurt?

"D-Don't cry"

Seeing the chaos Mother He laughed "Would you like to come over to our house for dinner?

Looking at Mother He the woman in red hesitated

"Please Yu Jie helped my daughter I would like to thank you as his family also"

Looking at her husband the woman in red nodded "Then Please"

[Yu Jie: Little Bun send me the original hosts family's profiles]

[System: On it (๑╹ω╹๑ )]

[System: っ╹v╹ )っ ~~ The woman in red is Yu Jie's mother Rose Maxwell she married his stepdad, Kian Maxwell. His stepdad is a foreigner but he moved to China and met Yu Jie's mother. When she married Kian he already had your step-brother Lucas maxwell from a previous marriage. The young girl is Your half-sister Su Lin but her nickname is sunny]

[Yu Jie: Why didn't you tell me this information earlier? Do I have to ask for it now? (●`ー´●)]

[System: I…@#$%^%$#$% Error #06 The answer is out of your jurisdiction please update your system]

[Yu Jie: WTF Little Bun?]

[System: System #0726 is being updated.....Shutting down in 1%...2%]

[Yu Jie: Little Bun…]

[System: System #0726 is in sleep mode- From now on system will be able to answer {1. Shop questions} {2. Affection meter %}]

[Yu Jie: ಠ_ಠ]

[System: Please wait up to 3 business days before contacting us if the system does not update properly]

[Yu Jie: Wtf is 3 business days? How long will my Little Bun take to update?]

[System: I'm sorry Could you repeat that {1. Shop} {2. Affection meter %} {3. Other}]

[Yu Jie: ... Give My Little Bun back]

[System: Affection meter is at-]

[Yu Jie: Shut up(ノ`Д´)ノ-----┻┻ ]

[System: ...Could you repeat that {1. Shop} {2. Affection meter %} {3. Other}]

[Yu Jie: Little Bun...come back
