
[Being rewritten]

Gremmy lives on the streets and has never gotten anything good. Well, that is about to change. He stumbles upon a mysterious figure standing behind a table. The figure tells him that he can take one of the potions. Gremmy takes it and finds himself in the body of the Quincy Gremmy Thoumeaux. As he begins to understand what is happening he begins to make his own plans and refuses to be a pawn in the Quincy King's plans. _________________________________ The other account was also mine and I got a mess and decided to post it here. This is not a copy or something. It is mine.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Time skip

(3rd Person POV)

"Toji! Where are you Tojiiii?!", the voice of a child was heard through the woods. A small boy about 10 years of age was running through the woods towards a Treehouse. He was giving it his all as he seemed to be out of breath. It had been 10 years since Toji had settled in Drum Island and raised Roger's child together with Rogue. There was nothing romantic between the two ... at least it didn't seem that way.

Toji had far too much respect for his old friend to approach the woman and she was now a mother. But they were very good friends. Normally that wouldn't be possible but Toji was not a predator. He loved Ace though.

Over the years, Toji had spent a lot of time calming the boy down when he cried, gathering everything that the small family needed and making sure to watch over them. As Ace grew older, Toji started to spend time with him and show him around the area. Just like his father, Ace was a very energetic child. A free spirit that couldn't be tied down no matter what.

Toji showed him how to hunt, use a weapon and also fight. He played with the small Ace whenever the boy wanted. Toji enjoyed that lifestyle. Being a parent was something he seemingly enjoyed. It was easy if you had the power of imagination. He never used his power on Ace though. That was a big taboo.

Ace had grown very close to Toji. Even if he would probably never admit it, he saw Toji as his father. The truth about Roger was something that Ace found out through talks with the villagers. He was devastated when he heard what others thought about his dad. The Pirate King was called a demon and abomination and a criminal who should be killed like his offspring.

Ace was angry at Toji and his mother that day. But he was mostly sad that someone would say that about his father.



"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!", Ace screamed at Toji. Toji had just entered the house he had created for Rogue and saw Ace crying in her arms. When he entered Ace began to shout and accuse him of lying to him.

"I never lied to you, Ace. Tell me what this is about first."

"I heard them talk ... they say that dad ... is better off dead and his child ... his child ... *Sob*", Ace could no longer hold it in and began to sob. He hated to show weakness.

Toji knelt next to Ace and put his arm on his shoulder. He looked Ace in his eyes.

"Listen Ace. Strength gives rise to jealousy. The stronger you are the more jealous others will be. But don't for a moment believe that others' opinions matter in the slightest. Your father was a man who longed for freedom and did what his heart told him. There is no greater goal in life, except family."

"But he LEFT US!"

"You're right. He did. But not by choice. He was sick and his sickness forced him to give up his best creation ... you. Don't think that Roger didn't love you because he is not with you right now. Be proud Ace. Both your father and mother were ready to die for you so that you could live. That's a remarkable set of parents you have. Don't let some nobodies tell you otherwise."

"... ok..."

"Good. Now let's go. I think I saw a fat boar the other day. We can eat that for dinner."


(Flashback end)



(Ace POV)

I am running through the woods towards Toji's treehouse. I know the way by heart. I've been going there since I was born and he said that it was cool for me to come any time I wished. I always thought that it was unfair that I didn't have a father and that others were talking so bad about him and me as his child. I was unsure whether it was even good that I was born. It made me so angry.

I also got mad at Toji and a bit at Mom. But Toji never got angry with me. He usually smiled with that ... grandfatherly smile. Sometimes I wasn't sure how old Toji truly was. He looked young, but he acted like an elderly man at times. His love for tea ... blergh, I didn't like tea. I preferred Sake. But Toji never allowed me to drink any. He said that it was bad for my liver or something. I don't even know what that is.

Toji showed me how to hunt, how to cook and how to be a man. I was always angry that I didn't have a father but I guess ... I have Toji.


That is also why I am running so fast right now. I can feel that something is going to change. I feel it ... in my heart. Something will happen and I fear that Toji will leave and mom. I don't want him to go ... not again. He almost left once already. And I was so alone then. Thankfully he returned after a few weeks. Idiot.

I met Sabo a few years ago. He is similar to me. We both want to become Pirates when we get older. No thanks to Grandpa who wants me to become a Marine. NEVER! I'll become a Pirate and sail the seas, just like my father before me. Thinking of Grandpa makes me shudder ... that old man is so scary. He usually tells us to become Marines and when I say no he punches me with his fist of love.

I asked Toji why it hurts so much and he laughed and said that it was filled with love, and Grandpa's love was tough love. He called it an advanced technique that I'll learn in the future.


I finally reach the treehouse and climb up. It's the biggest tree in the forest. I make it to the top and storm in the room.

"TOJI!! Toji are you here?", I say and make my way to the bedroom. I storm in and see that the bedroom is empty. There is only his naginata and Katana in the room and nothing else. I think the worst for a moment and then remember that he wouldn't leave without his weapons. I am fascinated by the weapons. As I walk closer I can feel danger.

Toji taught me to listen to my gut as it is mostly right. But my curiosity gets the better of me and I still walk forward. I slowly tough the Naginata. In the next moment, I am in another space and before me is a GIANT BURNING BIRD!!!

The bird's eyes are bigger than I am and it looks at me for a moment. Then it flies in the air and begins to screech loudly. I fall on my butt as the shockwave of the screech reaches me. I can feel the heat and it almost burns me even at this distance. The Bird seems to narrow its eyes and then ... it attacks me.

However, just as it is about o reach me, something pulls me out of this space and I am back in Toji's bedroom breathing heavily. I look up and see Toji with his hand on my shoulder.

"Did you meet Kikoo? How was it?"





(Toji POV)

"I'm not leaving yet Ace. Why did you think that?"

"Well ... I don't know. I just had this feeling. The feeling that you would leave. I wanted to make sure that you wouldn't leave me."

"I'm not leaving yet. You're still a boy, so I'll have to take care of you."

"I'M NOT A BOY!!! I'm already big."

"Oh? Well if that's the case you also won't be scared when I tell you ..."

"Of course not!!! ... Tell me what?"

"... that your Grandpa is coming today."

*Lightning SFX*

"That looks like you had a stroke. Are you alright Ace?"

"When is he coming?"

"I believe he might already be with Dadan. Why don't you go and say hello?"

"NO WAY!", Ace says and then runs out of my room. I watch him run away. Not the direction of Dadan's house but ... his mother's. Haha, that boy is still far too young to compete with me. Garp is already at Rogue's house and will welcome him when he gets there.

"But that boy has some serious sixth sense. I was indeed planning on leaving today. I am surprised he managed to feel that. Haaah, I guess I can stay a while longer."



(3rd Person POV)

In the following months, things seemed to change for Ace. He was introduced to Luffy. A happy-go-lucky boy who had eaten the Gomu Gomu no mi. At first, Ace didn't want anything to do with him and kept running away from him. But Luffy never gave up. He followed him every day, only to lose him every time.

One day he managed to find a big tree with a house on top. He was sure that there had to be food up there for some reason. So he climbed up there ... at least he tried hard. He kept falling down but never gave up. As the night approached he heard footsteps behind him and looked at the man that was now standing behind him.


"Hello, little man. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to climb the tree."

"And why is that?"

"I think there is food up there ... Shishishishishi"

"Haha is that so? Well then let us think how you could get up there.", the man said and then sat on the ground. Luffy did the same and they both had thoughtful expressions on their faces. Both of them were thinking really hard right now.

"Do you know something?", the man asked.

"Nope shishishishishi"

"Tahahahaha well what can you do?"

"I am made of rubber! So I can't get hurt, unless it's Grandpa then it hurts."

"Aha. Well, then should I perhaps throw you up there?"

"No, the person who lives there could hear us when we want to steal his meat."

"I see. That makes sense I guess. Then how about we use your rubber arms and you shoot them up there to then pull you upwards?"

"Hmmmmmmmm Yes!"

The two then tried to make a human slingshot out of Luffy. After a few attempts, they managed to shoot Luffy up there ... even though Luffy didn't want to be shot. Luffy shot right through the floor of the treehouse and landed in the house. He quickly got up and looked around the treehouse.

It was a big treehouse and he had never seen anything like it. He followed the smell of meat and reached the balcony where he saw Ace and another boy roasting meat.

"ACE. I found you! Shishishishishi"

"Luffy? How did you get here?"

"Ace who is this?", the blond boy asked.

"Sabo this is Luffy. I was trying to lose him, but I don't know how he found me. You know if Toji finds you he will be very angry."

"Should we kill him now that he knows our secret base?", Sabo asked.

"Mate mate Sabo. Is that what I taught you? That's not a way to treat a new brother is it?", a new voice said.

The three looked and saw Toji standing there.

"Toji" "Bro!"

"Eh?", Luffy was confused that the man from before owned this house.

"Well, Luffy it seems like you managed to get up here. congratulations. Come sit down and have a bit of food as well. I'm sure Ace will gladly share ... Isn't that right Ace?", Toji said with a dangerous glint in his eyes.


"Yeeeeaaaahhhh I knew you were the best Ace. Shishishishishi."

The three then began their dinner. But that wasn't nearly enough for the three of them, now that the glutton Luffy had joined them. That's why Toji prepared another giant boar and roasted it with tasty herbs.


"Toji, are you here?", a feminine voice said.

"We're here Rogue.", Toji said.

Rogue appeared on the balcony and saw the four of them eating. She smiled at the sight.

"Oh, here you are Ace. I was looking for you. Hello, Sabo and Luffy too."

"Come, Rogue, there is some meat left and you can also have some of the vegetables.", Toji said and handed Rogue a full plate with vegetables and meat. Just the way she liked it. And then the five of them began to enjoy each other's company and the sunset as well as the good food.

It was a good time for the three boys. But all good things have to come to an end eventually. It was time for Toji to say goodbye for a while and see how things went back home.