
[Being rewritten]

Gremmy lives on the streets and has never gotten anything good. Well, that is about to change. He stumbles upon a mysterious figure standing behind a table. The figure tells him that he can take one of the potions. Gremmy takes it and finds himself in the body of the Quincy Gremmy Thoumeaux. As he begins to understand what is happening he begins to make his own plans and refuses to be a pawn in the Quincy King's plans. _________________________________ The other account was also mine and I got a mess and decided to post it here. This is not a copy or something. It is mine.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


(3rd Person POV)

"So you'll take care of his kids then?", Newgate asked me as we were drinking some nice sake.

"No, not take care. I'll make sure they're safe. Rogue deserves to live happy without fear you know."

"Gurarararara Toji, always seeking trouble with the Marines."

"Tahahahaha you know me Shiruhige."

"So then what are you going to do after that? Are you going to build your own crew?"

"No. I might head back home for a while. See how things are going back there. It's been a few years since I was back there. And I can't say that I miss it that much. I needed the break you know what I'm saying?"

"Gurararara I can imagine that they need the break and not you."

"How dare you Whitemoustache! I'll show you!"

"Oh? What did you call me? Do I need to teach you how to respect your elders?"

"I'm OLDER than you!!"


Both of them clashed with their naginatas. Roger had been executed two days ago and Toji had gone to visit Whitebeard before he saved Rogue. He would leave this world for the time being and maybe come back in the future. So before he went, he wanted to say goodbye to his friend.

Whitebeard and Toji understood each other, just like Roger and Whitebeard and Roger and Toji did. They were very good friends. But even so, Roger had still asked Garp to take care of his child and wife instead of Toji. The reason for that was, that he could feel the thirst for freedom in Toji. He understood that if he asked him, Toji wouldn't hesitate to save them and spend years raising them, but that wasn't what he wanted.

He respected Toji too much to confine him to that life. Little did Roger know that Toji wouldn't have had any problem with that. He thought it would be fun to raise a small brat, just like he had done Shanks and Buggy for these couple of years. Time was nothing to Toji, as he had enough of it.

So Toji decided to take care of Rogue and little Ace when he was born. He could protect them better than Garp anyway. And he was much more fun to be around ...


Toji was currently travelling on a small boat to South Blue. Specifically Baterilla. He knew that Rogue would be there and was pregnant at the moment. Why was he sailing there instead of just ... teleporting or flying? Well, she was normally pregnant and getting there sooner, won't help anyone. He still had time. The Marines hadn't found her yet so he was taking his sweet time.

The only problem was that he might be recognised. But he had a simple solution for that. He just imagined no one recognising him ... wow how surprising. Toji enjoyed the silence and the warm breeze of the sea. He made sure that the sun was out as he sailed to his destination. He couldn't sleep as well if there were tsunami-like waves.

But the weather in the Blues wasn't as moody as it was on the Grand Line.


After sailing for a few weeks, Toji finally made it to Baterilla. It was a tropical island and Toji enjoyed it here. He hadn't seen any Marine ships around here yet, so he was still early. Garp was probably coming in a few months but that wasn't any of Toji's concern. He was here now and that was enough. So he walked through the village and listened to the thoughts of the villagers. He heard all of their fears and dreams.

'I still can't believe it, the Pirate King is finally dead ... how lucky we are that he's dead. A demon is what they call him. I can only imagine what he would have done to your island...'

'Did I use six bullets or only five? ...'

'Well do I feel lucky? ... I don't think so...'

'The hospital isn't as good as it was once. The prices ...'

'Oh look at that as-'

"No not listening to that one.", Toji said and continued to walk and listen.

'... Roger ... I'll hold on to our child ... for as long as possible.'

"Yep that's the one.", Toji said and changed his direction. He was making his way up a hill when he saw a slender woman with long, wavy pink-blonde hair. She wore a pink hibiscus flower in her hair on the left side of her head and had freckles on her face that would be passed on to her son in the future. She also wore a long, short-sleeved, light blue dress that reached down to her feet and sandals.

"Pardon me miss?", Toji said and the woman turned around very fast. Toji could see the fear in her eyes. She didn't know him and ... that wasn't surprising since he imagined no one recognising him. He stopped doing that and then ... he saw recognition slowly forming on Rogue's face.

"Are you ... Toji?", she asked.

"Oh? Do you know me?", Toji asked and Rogue began to smile very brightly. Toji understood that Roger would fall for a smile like that. She was very pure of heart.

"Roger told me that there might come a day when someone that could do unimaginable things comes to see me. He said that no shape or form was safe when he was around. He called you a wildcard."

"Wildcard eh? Not bad."

"He also said you were one of his best friends. And that I could trust you."

"Oho, now you're making me blush."

"So ... what are you here for?"

"Well I'm here for you two.", Toji said.

"I see ... where are we going? The Navy is looking for us. I was planning to-"

"Yes, I can imagine what you were planning but how about I take you somewhere that is better than here and where you're safe? I'll give you my word that nothing will happen to you two."

Rogue looked at Toji for a moment. She seemed to weigh the choices she had. But then she decided to trust Toji and to trust Roger, who told her that she could trust Toji.


Toji led Rogue to his boat, which had transformed from a small little piece of driftwood to a bigger boat with a cabin for Rogue to sleep in and hide. Did he have to sail the old-fashioned way? No. He doesn't have to do anything, but he chooses to.

"You can stay below deck and rest, I'll bring you something to eat as soon as I catch some nice Sea Kings and make us some dinner.", Toji told her. She nodded and headed below deck.

Then Toji breathed slightly into the sails and made them pick up speed. Their goal? To East Blue. The weakest Blue was the last place the Marines would look for Rogue and her child. Also, how would she ever get there? The Marines would never suspect it and he had created the best plan ...


"Toji Fushiguro! This is Vice-Admiral Tsuru speaking. You are ordered to surrender and hand over the fugitive you have on board. This is your last warning."

Ok, maybe not the best idea he had. But what did he care about some puny Marines? He simply imagined that they had forgotten why they had come here and what they were looking for. As soon as he did that, Toji imagined them remembering him as an undercover spy for the World Government that was going to the Grand Line to deliver a Pony to the 5 Elders ... why a pony you ask? Well, I don't know.

After that little f*ck up, the rest of the journey was calm and nice. Rogue was safe and Toji was relaxing, catching Sea Kings, cooking and exchanging stories with Rogue. She told Toji how she met Roger and about their short time together. It was truly fated to happen. Toji told her about some of their adventures and how he had joined the Roger pirates.


After a few weeks of sailing, they finally made it to Dawn Island. Toji didn't see a reason not to bring her here when Garp also brought his Grandson here. It had to be a safe spot for little Ace. And the three brothers could use a friend. Toji didn't care truly. He could protect Rogue and Ace anywhere but he might not always be there for them and maybe he will go back to Bleach just to see how it's going.

Bleach was cool and all but after 1000 years of just training in his inner world and getting bored, this was finally something new. But he couldn't just miss the fight with the Quincy. He would go back for that at least.

So Toji created a small home for Rogue on Mt. Colombo and introduced her to the Dadan family. These bandits immediately cowered when Toji used the name Garp and said that he would surely come sooner or later to check on his grandson. Toji also lived there. Not in the same house as Rogue, but just next to it. He made himself a nice treehouse. He would gift it to Ace when he was older.

Just as Toji calculated, Garp came a few weeks later to see his supposed 'grandson' that Dadan told him about over the Denden Mushi. When he saw Toji, he was about to attack only for Toji to hold him down without effort and tell him everything. He told him about Rogue and introduced the two. Garp wasn't happy in the beginning but soon got over it.


So that was how Toji spent a few years being a surrogate father for Ace. But we will cover this later.



In the world of Bleach, history has somewhat repeated itself. Ichigo was so much stronger than he was in the story at that point and it looked like Aizen was about to lose to the group consisting of Urahara, Yoruichi, Isshin and Ichigo when the Hogyoku saved him in the last second. Had it not been for Aizen's planning and stalling of Toji and Ichigo, he would not have made it. So in a way, the story balanced itself out.

The Hogyoku did its thing and did what Aizen truly wished. He made him stronger. So strong to contend with all three older Shinigami. But it was still not enough to fight against Ichigo. He was very powerful and the 'death' of Toji made him more motivated than ever. He fought with his full power at that moment and nearly killed Aizen a few times. But he couldn't finish him off at that point in time. In fact, it was Ichigo who thought about taking the Hogyoku away from Aizen, instead of Gin.

But using that moment, Aizen seemingly understood the importance of fearing death and evolved again into his Butterfly form. And that was then too much for Ichigo to handle. Even with his ever-changing Hollow mask, it wasn't enough to defeat Aizen. Aizen defeated Ichigo and left him there to die ...


Gin and Rangiku were the other two odd matchups in the war. Rangku hadn't fought any Arrancar since she blew up Luppy a while back. So fighting Gin was definitely a much bigger challenge. Gin was a powerful Shinigami in his own right. His Bankai was deadly and dangerous if you got hit by it and the poison entered your body. But Rangiku was not a slouch.

She had been trained by Toji, the most powerful Shinigami alive ... or dead. Rangiku contrary to Gin's belief managed to keep up with his speed and his strength. Her Reiatsu was no less than Gins' and even a bit higher. Gin was surprised at this and realised that he had to use more strength to defeat his old sweetheart.

"You got strong Rangiku. I am impressed. But why are you fighting now? Toji is gone and I didn't kill him. If you want to fight someone, then you should fight Aizen and we both know that you're not strong enough for that.", Gin said.

"What a strange man you are Gin. Toji was right ... you are no longer the Gin that saved me that day. You are not the Gin whom I admired and wanted to run after. I have also become strong and know that you would normally never do something like this. Why did you leave me Gin? Why did you leave only to betray me and Soul Society?"

"Oh ... leave you? Aren't you a bit selfish? I'm a snake Rangiku ... can't you see that? I'm slimy and watch who I can devour. That's just who I am."

"... That's not who you used to be. I knew you before and you would have never done something like that. I am disappointed. Can you not tell me a good reason why you did all of this?"

"I just told you... can't you hear me? I am a snake. I backstab who I can and take what I can. It's just in my nature."

"... I see. Well, then I guess my Gin is gone now. Let us end this."


The fight between Rangiku and Gin took a surprising turn. Rangiku managed to kill Gin because he underestimated her and never truly wanted to hurt her. But that was his problem and his doom. Rangiku turned Gin into ash and then added it to her Haineko ...