
Me and Ava

The next day, I woke up and went to my MMA training in the morning. Today is wrestling day. I acted like it was my first day and that I didn't know anything when we were practicing a new technique. They had never seen me before because I mostly go in the evening. When the sparring or rounds started, I destroyed them and made them look like amateurs. I fought alone with two guys, one at a time. After the practice, people thought I was the teacher or asked about my name, where I'm from, my father's background, etc. All those things proved that "when you are good at something, people want to know you; if you are not, nobody gives a damn about you."

After all that, I went to my flat and took a nap. After my morning routine, I went to the fest.

I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. I had one goal in mind: find Ava and talk to her. She was Daisy's best friend, and I knew she could provide valuable insight into the group's fractured friendship.

I headed to the fest, hoping to run into Ava. As I walked around, I overheard a group of friends chatting about general things like their favorite social media influencers, after-college parties, movies, and college placements. Nobody was talking about changing the world.

Then I saw her. Ava was different from other girls. She had short hair, glasses, and an introverted nature. She was Daisy's best friend, and getting information out of her wouldn't be easy. But I had a plan.

I decided to date her. I know it wasn't right, but I'm not human. I went to the bathroom to check my look and tried to become as attractive as possible. Then I slowly approached her. There was a glow in her eye when she saw me again. I talked to her in a well-mannered way and shook her hand. Then our conversation began.

Me: "How have you been?"

She: "I was good. How are you?"

I could see her cheeks getting red because she was an introvert and not comfortable talking to people. I never really talked to her that much before, but now things were different.

Me: "It's so good to see you here."

She: "You too," she replied with a small smile.

Then I thought to myself, she is cute; this will be interesting. "