

Then i went to the bathroom and called her

My real love or something like that cause she deserves to know what I'm going to do

"Hi bebe," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Hey love," she replied, her voice soft and gentle.

"I need to tell you something," I said, taking a deep breath.

"Of course, anything," she said, her tone reassuring.

"I'm going to enter into a relationship with Ava," I said, my heart pounding in my chest. "But I promise it won't be physical. I just need to get close to her to get answers about Daisy."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before she spoke again. "It's okay, bebe. Do what you need to do. Just don't cross the line, because if you do, I will kill you."

I knew she wasn't joking around. She had killed before, and I would just be another number on her kill list.

Later that night, we went to a concert together. I tried to get close to Ava without making her feel uncomfortable. Our hands even touched at one point, and I could see the redness in her face. "Sorry," I said quickly.

"It's okay," she replied with a smile.

After the concert, we all went out for ice cream. Ava ordered vanilla ice cream, and I didn't order anything because I was on a diet. They offered me some, but I declined. Ava insisted that I have some too, and I accepted, hoping it would make her feel special.

The night ended with me asking for her Instagram ID.

As I followed her Instagram account, I couldn't help but like some of her old pictures. I then sent her a "hi" emoji in her DM, and after a few days, we started texting each other daily from good night to good morning. I began sending her memes and love reels, and one day I told her that we should see each other now and then. I meant every single day because this would increase her feelings in an old-fashioned manner and indirectly take her on a date with the name of going out. I usually said "we are on a date again" even though we were just eating in university. The place where we were eating was on the second floor of the place where we went to eat ice cream for the very first time to bring some nostalgia vibe. At this point, I was sure that I had made a place in her heart, and I thought this was the right time to ask her ...