

As I was trying to piece together the mystery behind my friend group's split, I remembered Seth, who had chosen finance marketing as his specialization. I searched through my phone to find his number and decided to ask him myself. I knew I had to do this on my own, as asking Zoe would create suspicion towards me.

Then i finally got a text from the babe which has information regarding Seth. Seth belonged to a rich family and was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He practically had everything from girls, money to family freedom, but the thing was his family lived in another country and barely saw him. I didn't think he got any love from his family, or maybe I was wrong. But he was a good guy who always helped someone in need. I remember one time he bought a new iPhone for his girlfriend on her birthday. He had no interest in placement; he was here just to have fun."

The next day, I was roaming around the university during lunchtime, hoping to run into Seth. After some time, I found him, but he was not alone. He was with a pretty girl, and I wasn't fully surprised. Seth was a playboy, good-looking, and rich. But this was innocent. I had to talk to him because if he saw me every day looking at him from far away, things might get difficult, as he had the boys too due to his money. He was anything but an average boy. I had to go and talk to him. I didn't think he would be that happy to see me, but I had to do it.

"Hi, Seth," I said, approaching him.

"Hello, brother," he replied, smiling.

"Sorry, babe, I have to take leave," he said, turning to the girl.

That was weird. Maybe he wanted to leave her. I knew it wasn't because of me, but still, I could speak with him.

We talked and ate something outside, even skipping classes. To be honest, I had to, even though I didn't want to. I couldn't just ask him about her or him, but I had to do something.

"Why are you not with those guys?" I asked Seth.

"You know what happened, right?" he replied.

"Yes," I said.

"Daisy was acting weird, and Jesse too. They used to be best friends, like they really used to care about each other. Who knows, maybe they were in love," he said, giving me a smile.

After we talked about some other things, we both said goodbye to each other, and then we both went home.

After my MMA training, I finally found myself alone and decided to talk to her.

Me: "Hi, love."

She: "Hi, bebe."

Me: "I talked to Zoe and Seth."

She: "What did you find?"

Me: "Here is the summary: Zoe believes there was tension within the group. They used to fight each other from time to time and eventually split into different sections. This tension could only lead to things getting worse. Seth mentioned the same thing about the tension within the group. He also pointed out that Daisy was acting weird, and Jesse too. They used to be best friends and really cared about each other. Who knows, maybe they were in love."

She: "Maybe both of them were in love. Relationships within a group can sometimes lead to the group splitting up."

Me: "Maybe you're right, honey. I'll call you back."

She: "Bye, love."

Phone cut.

I was the last person remaining from the group, and tomorrow is a college fest. Maybe I should attend it