
"The final journey in the world of Evola"

Story is about 19 years old kid named Zeltar. He was just a teenager that lived of bare minimum needs. Due to the fact that his parents were having huge lack of money his days were pretty grey, until the day that soldiers were knocking on his door. He received a news that he got recruited into elite military school and has to go with them right this instance. In school he reunites with his older brother Alan, that has left home five years ago. After completing battle class test, Alan realized that Zeltar has two hearts one of which has pure berserker energy in it, one of most violent and uncontrollable battle classes. To prevent Zeltar from getting into hands of scientists, Alan decided to join his team and train along side with him. And now all that is left to Zeltar is opportunity of changing his life, will he use it to change his life for good or will he give in to the desire of bloodshed nature that his brother tries to keep from eyes of society?

Darver_Reaver · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Part 6 "Problem to discuss"

While rushing through the corridors of the laboratory and trying to avoid anyone's attention, Alan gets to the spot where he and Amanda decided to meet up for an important conversation. Sweat goes down his forehead as he thinks about the worst things that Amanda could discover about his younger brother's genetic.

"Amanda, it's Alan!"

A crack in the wall appears once again and Alan steps inside of it. It seems that Amanda has her room that she uses for the rest and works with documents. The compartment is full of different varieties of romance novels and scientific researches about the magic races and their description.

Amanda points towards the couch so that Alan would sit down and listen for the announcement of results. As he takes a sit his expression is calm, it almost seems like he is holding stress back as hard as he can.

"Here, these are the results of Zeltar's battle class identification."

She hands him papers with the test conclusion. Alan's eyes are running through the whole text just to find the issue and as he does he becomes speechless.


Students name: Zeltar Dremor.

Class: SF(582)

Combined energy amount: 510

Informing type: B category

Class identification results: (X negative)

(Q positive)

Common class: Juggernaut(X) , ranger(X) , support(X), vanguard(X), duelist(X), assasin(X), weapon master(O).

Forbidden class: Berserker(Q), striker(X), keeper(X), drainer(X), king slayer(X), nightwalker(X), manipulant(X).

Important note!

Frequents discots have found the presence of a second blood-pumping organ. The second heart's heartbeat is 1,5 times faster than the original organ. Please notify this information in future contact with this individual.


"Seems like you found it."

Alan looks at her and asks just one question he can think of.

"Can you explain to me, how is that even possible?"

"I am afraid that Zeltar has something that we call, an anatomical anomaly. But Zeltar's case is unusual. I never in my life heard of fighters with two hearts and two different classes."

Alan gets pretty annoyed by Amanda's enthusiasm related to this situation.

In the future world of Evola, there are many different battle classes, and as well as many forbidden ones. Representatives of such classes usually tend to be isolated from others so that they would not cause harm to other teams members or society. The only exception is when hosts of these classes can be around people is when they graduate and become a teacher and are willing to cooperate for the better good. Until then all of the missions, training, resting, and education are done on their own under the pressure of unknown influences. People that have forbidden energy in them are tagged with SF(code). In society's eyes, they are compared to the mutants that should be contained or eliminated.

"I understand that your scientific mindset periodically turns off such things as a sense of morality and read of the room, but just for you, I will explain this straightforward. Zeltar can become a fucking lab rat!

"Wow, look at you! Started to care about your little brother, but still don't even bother to tell him the reason why you were gone for so long."

He gets taken by surprise by Amanda's knowledge about his dialogue with Zeltar earlier. But he gets further into the realization of, why does she know that.

"Ah, I see. Owls ears, one of the safest and most useful body, modifications."

"Hmm, I am surprised that you know it but yes, in my opinion, it's only fair that you get to use energy powers, and I get to expand my body abilities with science. Still, you did answer me, why are you hiding the truth from Zeltar?"

"Because it's too early for that. This whole magic-military bullshit is already in his head and now, you want me to strike with a spear right into his heart?"

"Then what are you planning to do about it?"

"I'll tell him as soon as will get used to how things work here. However, it is not a top priority issue."

Amanda sighs and gets back to the main topics of their meeting.

"If you what to hear my suggestion then I would try to get him expelled from the school and that's it. He will go back to his normal life and live a happy ending."

After hearing Amanda's offer for a solution, Alan thinks for a few seconds and finally replies.


"What do you mean by, no?! Isn't that what you wished for. If he fails an exam or qualification test, we might get him dry out of the water."

He hesitates to reject Amanda's offer for a second time, but the idea of letting Zeltar get back to how things were, lets Alan come up with the final decision.

"Amanda, I truly believe that you wish only best for him but-"

"But what?"

"I won't let him waste his life with these arrogant pieces of fucking shit!"

His tone sends shivers down Amanda's back. It is like he is truly on edge right now. With his fists clenched he stands up from the couch and walks up to frightened women. After he gets as close as he pleased, in a calm voice, he speaks up to her.

"Hear me out, this is truly a complicated dilemma. But all I want you to do is keep quiet about what you found, okay?"

"Alan, it makes no sense."

"I believe that this will be the last chance for Zeltar to decide on how he desires to live. Going back there is the same as putting him in jail that he is okay, with."

The Doctors eyes are still filled with fear of Alan's plan. She pretends that the last part of his speech went away from her ears, as she takes a result, papers. She observes it again before asking Alan, what exactly he is planning to do.

"What is your game plan?"

"I will help Zeltar to pass exams and I need your help with hiding the conclusion of the research."

"You probably lost your mind. Do you know what Raum will do if he finds out about your minor agenda?"

He crosses his arms as if knowing where this conversation is going.

"I already have my experience with this type of consequences. But I am willing to take a risk, if things go nasty I will take full responsibility for all of mine and your actions in that plan. Just register him as a weapon master class student. His berserk side has to be hidden or else he will end up as a lone wolf."

Slight smile forms on her face as she remembered almost the same situation related to Alan.

"You don't want him to go through the things that you did, don't you?"

"No one has to, especially Zeltar. That's why I will take full responsibility for this. You have nothing to worry about."

"But even if you will manage to keep this secret, what about his training? Agh, what am I even saying!? What about the exam?! All of his class stats and energy usage are going to be shown on judges' scenes."

As puzzled as he looks Alan manages to come up with a solution.

"I will use my energy to mess up they're a sight. The only thing that Zeltar has to do is defeat his opponent while not going berserk."

After hearing Alan's plan Amanda tends to take it as a bad joke.

"You are kidding, right? As strong manipulant as you are you won't be able to change the sight of two thousand viewers. Not to mention that some of them will be far away from the exam stadium."

"Long-distance viewers are the easiest part of this challenge. I will just find someone who will turn off their screens for me. As for those who are in the stadium...well I will have to expand my energy storage. Highly intensive training starting from this day should be effective."

"Do you think that there is any room for your improvement?"

With silence and a wide smile on his face, he answers.

"You know there is".

"Agh fine! I know that look of yours."

Amanda starts to go through the Zeltars results one more time until her eyes catch unusual conclusions.

"Judging by this article his weapon master energy in the first heart is 280 and berserker energy in seconds is on 130. Wouldn't that make him one of the weakest berserkers we saw so far?"

"Do not underestimate berserk, Amanda. Even manupulant can't affect mind madmen that have nothing in his head except for the thought of your guts on his neck. If you are willing to play this safe then I just want to ask for a time that will be enough for me to get Zeltar out of here. I can't make this decision for the two of us."

She gives herself time to think about the possibilities of outcomes. The fact that there will be no way back after helping Alan to hide Zeltar's secret she submits herself and her family to unpredictable danger. However, It's not only about her family, as crazy as it may sound, Alan usually looks after her to prevent overwork incidents. It's hard to let someone so annoying and at the same time caring and reckless, walk the road that has nothing but upcoming self-sacrifice on it. A variety of outcomes are spinning through her mind. Mouth gets dryer than a desert as tongue feels like fish on the sand, her lips are trembling but for a second, the mind rejects all of the dough as she uses this moment to submit in Alan's plan. It's the answer she might regret later but she feels like it's the right thing to do now.

"Fine! I will help."


"Agh! I said that you can rely on me. Now get out before I changed my mind!"

She pushes Alan out of the room toward the crack that pops up as she presses the button in her lab coat.

"Wow, hold up! We have papers to discuss and-"

"I will do the paperwork, just-get-out!"

As Alan gets kicked out of Amanda's pocket room, everything goes quiet. She covers her face in the horror of what she decided to do. The path she chose to take might cause her nightmares for a long period but it's only up to her to decide if these two people were worth dedicating her life to.